Self THerapy
Recent papers in Self THerapy
This Paper contains Module 4 of AWAKENING THE GODDESS WITHIN, a 28-Day Self-Love Self-Challenge in the Facebook group #Philautiology: The Art and Science of Self-Love as Self-Care
Culture of the Selfie is an in-depth art-historical overview of self-portraiture, using a set of theories from visual studies, narratology, media studies, psychotherapy, and political principles. Collecting information from various... more
A personal, intellectual, and philosophical report of how Joseph Agassi’s critical rationalism helped me overcome the drawbacks of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
Self-therapy is a method of psychological therapy based on the assumptions of affective balance therapy and guided imagination. Besides using it in consulting room, it can be done also by each one alone, if some conditions are pursued... more
The purpose of this theoretical study is to indicate that when gametherapy or game play therapy is applied, it can be of benefit to game players in giving them insight into their problems, resulting in a change of behavior or attitude.... more
Wellness, as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge as well as a goal for teachers/faculty and staff, is gaining strength in all levels of education. Obesity and weight/nutrition problems for students have been a compelling factor.... more