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      World LiteraturesChinese StudiesChinese literatureSinophone Malaysian Literature
“消失的房间 (An Evanescent Room) ” 联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao), October 20, 2016, ZB Now section.
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      Migrant and Diasporic LiteratureChinese literatureSinophone LiteratureSingapore Chinese Literature
In 1950 a Singapore Chinese publisher Phua Chye Long (潘醒农) compiled a set of Teochew oral account relating to the settlement of a group of Teochew gambier planters in Singapore, before the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles in 1819. Through... more
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      SingaporeOverseas ChineseSingapore HistoryEast India Company
作者:李玮(南京师范大学文学院教授),刊于《百家评论》31期,2017年6月。 Mirrors of Qing- On Chineseness in poems of Singapore Poet CHOW Teck Seng, by LI Wei... more
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      Chinese StudiesPoetryChinese Language and CultureChinese poetry
“马尔马拉对于政变的回复 (Marmara’s Response to the Coup) ” 联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao), November 15, 2016, ZB Now section.
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      Migrant and Diasporic LiteratureChinese literatureSinophone LiteratureSingapore Chinese Literature
当我们想象一个地方——如新加坡的华文文学,容易服膺于某时代的大叙述或主流观点,也容易忽略其他视角,即其他的“想象共同体”。... more
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      SinologySinophone LiteratureSingapore StudiesSingapore Literature
Inspired by Jewish Austrian writer Stefan Zweig's last book before his suicide The World of Yesterday, this short story seeks to explore the dark consciousness of suicide and death by creating an imaginary dialogue between Zweig and the... more
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      Contemporary Chinese LiteratureSinophone LiteratureStefan ZweigSingapore Literature
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    • Singapore Chinese Literature
《石头记》•周作人与沈从文•新加坡当代诗歌--华语文 “抒情”美典论述之立与破[周德成] (时 间:2015年9月28日(星期一)下午12时至14时, 新加坡国立大学) 选择《石头记》/《红楼梦》、周沈二家、新加坡当代诗歌这三组个案,旨在说明文学阅读,进而形成知识体系,是在读者和批评家等层层叠加的想象网络中。... more
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      SinologySingaporeModern and classical Chinese literatureChinese Modern Literature
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      Literary HistoryRealismSingapore Chinese Literature
Employing the imagery of the fly as a point of departure, this essay seeks to unravel the underlying existential issues depicted and delineated by the two central figures in Yeng Pway Ngon's fiction Art Studio. Firstly, I posit to see the... more
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      Sinophone LiteratureSingapore LiteratureNanyang ArtistsSingapore Chinese Literature
“武吉布朗坟场坟墓挖掘最终通告 (The Excavation of Bukit Brown Cemetery)” 联合早报 (Lianhe Zaobao), April 16, 2013, ZB Now section.
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      Migrant and Diasporic LiteratureChinese literatureSinophone LiteratureSingapore Chinese Literature
擅長在小說中納入歷史話語的新加坡華文作家謝裕民(1959-) 在二十一世紀初生產了數部值得關注的小說。出生於戰後的他寫下許多膾炙人口的作品,引起許多讀者高度關注。其中,《重構南洋圖像》 (2005)、《甲申說明書:崇禎皇帝和他身邊的人》(2012)、《放逐與追逐》(2015),與《建國》(2018)四部小說在寫作主題上都 以歷史思維出發。然而,四部書卻呈現出風格迥異的歷史多元性書寫,... more
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      Experimental WritingHistorical NarrativeSingapore Chinese LiteratureGeographical mapping
With the rise of the Sinophone academia, there is no doubt that Bernards’s book further adds a new vista to the field, especially with his reinterpretation of “Nanyang” or “South Seas” narrative (or literary trope that the author prefers... more
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      Overseas ChineseSingapore LiteratureNanyangSinophone Studies
地方不仅是人居住生活的空间,也是情感与记忆牵系的所在。在新加坡华文文学的文学场域中,丁云(1952—)的创作中多有对环境氛围高度不稳定的叙述,反映了生存尽处焦虑忧心的状态。丁云一系列的小说作品皆对乡村与都市进行反思,尤以新加坡与吉隆坡最为显著。本文拟对他的三部小说《围乡》《赤道惊蛰》与《最后的义顺村》做出文本分析,观察小说中对都市的叙述张力,论点从"距离""逃离"与"逝去"开展,以这三个论点分别带出对都市嬗变的观察、逆向逃离与回忆搜索三种姿态,用以阅读小说中的不同都市叙事。文... more
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      Literature and Urban SpaceUrban NarrativesSingapore Chinese Literature
20 世紀初的新馬報章是一個錯綜複雜的政治平台,各個從中國南來的 政治派系皆想藉著報章媒介組織並宣傳自己所支持的立場。其中,在民國 建立以後不久,《新國民日報》(與《國民日報》)的創立給新加坡社會、 文壇帶來了新的刺激。本文將以《新國民日報》為研究主體,觀察作為當 時國民黨政府支持的報章,它的重要性為何?論述藉由解析《新國民日報》 在新加坡的開端與發展,從中審視該報中民國元素的傳播與影響。首先, 針對《新國民日報》的進程進行梳理。從其前身《國民日報》與其他報章... more
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      NewspaperSingapore Chinese LiteratureLiterary supplementsmalayan chinese literature
就新加坡女性地位的发展而言,一九八〇年代是特殊时期,女性受教育的比例与男性逐渐接近。普遍认为以男性垄断的领域,诸如政治、经济、科技等,女性也频繁在各领域崭露头角出现。尤其是知识的提升让女性对主体意识有所醒觉,也了解到掌握自我权利的重要性,男女社会地位平等成为不争的事实。本文首先梳理一九八〇年代新加坡女性地位的发展概况,从外缘进入女性文学内部的讨论,进而理解女性作家在此时期对女性议题的反映与思考,接着具体分析孙爱玲(1949–)的小说,从女性的身份、移动等观念出发,探讨她们笔下... more
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      ModernityNovelWomans LiteratureSingapore Chinese Literature
This personal essay was published in Singapore Chinese newspaper Lianhe Zaobao.
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      Creative WritingSinophone LiteratureSingapore Chinese Literature
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      Literary HistorySingapore Chinese Literature
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      PoemsSingapore Chinese Literature
柳北岸(蔡文玄,1906-1995)在新華文壇中是一位多才多藝的文人。他在古詩、新詩、繪畫、書法,甚至在教育與電影編劇都有突出的表現。本文會以柳 北岸其人生經歷與創作主題,以跨界、世界主義及多元文化等關鍵詞著手,論述上以離散、行旅、跨域等理論框架進行解析,意圖找尋柳北岸在作品中的生命經驗與文學理念,並探討其作多重閱讀的可能。文中整體從三個面向來開展討論: 首先,以柳北岸的具體作品閱讀其人生的經歷,從家園、傳統、情誼等面向解讀... more
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      MulticulturalismPoetryCosmopolitanismTravel Literature
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      HistoryLiterary CriticismSingapore Chinese Literature