Sociopolitical organization
Recent papers in Sociopolitical organization
The book is written by anthropologists, historians, and archaeologists specializing in nomadic studies. All the chapters presented here discuss various aspects of one significant problem: how could small nomadic peoples at the outskirts... more
Until quite recently, cultural evolution has commonly been regarded as the permanent teleological move to a greater level of hierarchy, crowned by state formation. However, recent research, particularly those based upon the principle of... more
Автор исходит из постулата, что принцип организации общества — преимущественно родственный или территориальный — как критерий различения государственных и негосударственных социумов весьма значим, но изучив современное состояние проблемы,... more
В монографии на максимально широкой и многообразной источниковой базе, с привлечением большого массива отечественной и зарубежной (в том числе африканской) научной литературы реконструирован ход политической истории Бенина и прослежен... more
The principle of communality is denoted as the ability of the originally and essentially communal worldview, consciousness, behavioral pattern, socio-political norms and relations to spread on all the levels of societal complexity... more
В центре данной работы стоят взаимоотношения власти и народа в их институциональном оформлении, а именно проблематика соотношения власти правителя, действующей общественной нормы и ее носителей. На широком конкретно-историческом... more
Until recently, cultural evolution has been regarded as the teleological move to a greater level of hierarchy. Research based upon the principle of heterarchy – “... the relation of elements to one another when they are unranked or when... more
Del mundo rural en Chile, y del modo de producción en la zona campesina contemporánea, se conoce, sin embargo, no suele estudiarse con la profundidad que lo amerita, desde las metrópolis y grandes focos urbanos del país, se tiende a... more
With transition to the state kinship ceases the role of the central organizing principle of society. However, the very social nature of kinship provides the opportunities for manipulating it as ideology in societies of all types. It was... more
Within the framework of the overwhelming majority of modern theories, the state is considered as a specialized and centralized institution for governing a society, to what its right to exercise coercive authority – legitimized violence is... more
This paper offers a reflection on one of the few institutional experiences where rural communities enjoyed for centuries unusual powers and fiscal competences in the context of Castilian municipalities, without refusing to consider its... more
The paper provides an anthropological analysis of the socio-political system of the Kingdom of Benin during the longest and most important period of her history: from coming to power of the ruling up to now Second (Oba) dynasty presumably... more
"The advent to power of the Second (Oba) dynasty in the early 13th century signified considerable increase of centripetal tendencies in the Benin society. However, the centuries of its rule did not result in the socio-political... more
В монографии выявляется и описывается социоантропологическая модель функционирования древнебенинского общества, раскрывается механизм соотнесения, взаиморегуляции и взаимопроникновения миров социальной и мифологической реальности.... more
"Until recently, cultural evolution has commonly been regarded as a permanent teleological move to a greater level of hierarchy, crowned with state formation. However, recent research based upon the principle of heterarchy – ‘... the... more
Trabajo de fin de Grado.
Una aproximación a la relación entre la presencia de mercenarios y la situación socio-política en Sicilia durante el gobierno de los Dionisios.
Una aproximación a la relación entre la presencia de mercenarios y la situación socio-política en Sicilia durante el gobierno de los Dionisios.
The general outlines of Benin City have not changed during past centuries until the beginning of the 1970s. The town is divided into two parts, i.e. to the north Orenokhua and to the south Ogbe. Orenokhua once housed the quarters of the... more
The general outlines of Benin City have not changed during past centuries until the beginning of the 1970s. The town is divided into two parts, i.e. to the north Orenokhua and to the south Ogbe. Orenokhua once housed the quarters of the... more
The study of complex societies between prehistoric archaeologists is in the basins of attraction, these years. Approach to this issue with different attitudes has been led to variety of methods, classifications and terms stated in tens... more
The state is usually considered to be a centralized and specialized coercive institution for governing a society. Contrariwise, our approach stems from the presumption that the state should be studied as a type of society for which this... more
Until quite recently, social evolution has been regarded as the uncontested teleological move to a greater level of complexity understood as an increase in socio-political hierarchy. However, in reality certain alternatives of... more
Ausgehend von der Erforschung der Bodenzeichnungen der Nasca-Kultur in Palpa, hat sich im Laufe der Jahre ein interdisziplinäres Großprojekt entwickelt. Mit Hilfe moderner Forschungsmethoden und koordinierter Teamarbeit konnte die... more
The article treats the typology of the early state (“inchoate” – “typical” – “transitional”) from the viewpoint of the state beginnings. The author argues that in general typologies the state should be approached as a form of society, not... more
Storage is an important part of the background in many archaeological studies of the origins of early complex societies. Yet, a problem with many of these studies of formation and change in complex societies is that the social... more
Although there is the tendency to identify Rapa Nui as the cause célèbre of a collapsed society, I rather disagree with this notion, and instead have presented the island as an exemplary case of diachronic cultural change, human... more