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      AbstractionRussian & Soviet ArtRussian avant-garde artRussian Civil War
THE FIGHTING AGAINST FORMALISM IN SOVIET FINE ARTS AND THE SOVIET PERIODICALS OF THE SECOND HALF OF 1940s The analysis of publications in the soviet periodicals of the second half of the 1940-s demonstrates that the fight against... more
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      Art CriticismRussian avant-garde artStalin and StalinismStalinism
Котломанов А.О. Венера Советская: рожденная революцией // Новый мир искусства. 2007. № 6. С. 108-109.
Kotlomanov A.O. Venus Sovietica: Born by Revolution. The New World of Art [Novyi Mir Iskusstva], 2007, N 6, pp. 108-109 (In Russian)
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      Soviet HistoryRussian & Soviet ArtSoviet Visual CultureCulture in the Soviet Union
The propaganda posters created from 1917 to 1991 in the Soviet Union are stylistically, and artistically incredible works of graphic design which informed the art movements of the time. In the propaganda posters, despite technological,... more
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      Art HistorySoviet HistoryCulture in the Soviet UnionSoviet art
Catalogo della mostra dedicata a Viktor Ladviščenko (Виктор Михайлович Ладвищенко), pittore monumentalista sovietico. Il testo espone in ordine cronologico e ragionato tutte le opere, fin'ora rintracciate, del maestro di Leningrado,... more
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      Russian ArtSoviet art18th and 19th century French and Russian artSoviet nonconformist art
FUNCTION, CONTENT AND FORM OF THE DECORATIVE ARTS OF THE SOVIET ERA Abstract: The history of development and factors that formed the phenomenon of decorative art of the Soviet period are considered. The conditions of ideological and... more
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      Art Theory and PoliticsSoviet art
Ознакомительная версия. Автор статей и составитель альбома Д. Ю. Кривошей, автор аннотаций к предметам каталога М. И. Вилькин. — М.: ООО «Буки Веди», 2021. – 160 с.: ил. Альбом посвящен искусству златоустовской гравюры на стали периода... more
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      Art HistorySoviet HistoryApplied ArtsSoviet Union (History)
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      Soviet HistoryKhrushchev's reformsLiminalityConceptual Art
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      Contemporary ArtSocialist RealismSoviet art
Constructivism was a modernist avant-garde art movement, originating in Russia around the 1920s. With the historical political context of the 1917 October Revolution, there was an emerging need for ‘new’ art that engaged with the... more
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      Art HistoryConstructivismRussian & Soviet ArtRussian Art
This edition traces the events of the Soviet art practice second half of the XXth century. The focus of the analysis is on the destiny of the monumentalist artists who graduated from leading art school of the country in 1960—1970s and... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtHistory of Art
In this paper, I explore photography as a new and unconventional art emerging in the Soviet Union after World War II. I discuss the paradox that this art appears apolitical, seemingly socially passive, and escapist, but at the same time... more
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      Art HistoryVisual CultureCold War and CultureCultural Cold War
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      Soviet HistoryRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)Cinema
У статті йдеться про чинники формування явища тематичного килимарства в українському мистецтві 1930 – 1960-х рр. Висвітлено специфіку розвитку цієї мистецької практики в умовах радянської тоталітарної системи та з’ясовано визначальний... more
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      Soviet artArts/culture and Politics/ideologyUkrainian artSocialism Realism
Использование сюжетов живописи Возрождения
в советском соцреализме и работы Александра Самохвалова
первой половины 1930-х годов
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      Russian & Soviet ArtSoviet Visual CultureCulture in the Soviet UnionIconology
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Современное русское искусство в общественном пространстве. Часть 1. Монументальная скульптура. Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 4. С. 55—65. Kotlomanov A.O.... more
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      Russian StudiesContemporary ArtPublic ArtPost-Soviet Regimes
Soviet-art is more often considered an instrument of politics than a full-fledged art-movement. Because of its subjection to communist ideology, the visual heritage of the USSR is still subject of current heated political debate. In this... more
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      Post-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet PoliticsHistory of the USSRPost-Soviet Studies
Автореферат диссертации о группе "13" (1929-1931) Диссертация защищена в Государственном институте Искусствознания, 2009
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      DrawingModernismGraphicsSoviet art
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      Jews in PolandHolocaust ArtSoviet artModern Jewish Art and Visual Culture
This is my MA thesis, in which I describe a district that was built to create a new type of citizens, people who were able to work in a control room, a particular type of architecture that required visual training. Rusanivka was one of... more
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      Soviet HistoryPost-Soviet StudiesCulture in the Soviet UnionSoviet Design and Architecture
Котломанов А.О. Тимур Новиков и «нулевые». Петербургское современное искусство в поисках идентичности // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2012. Вып. 2. С. 173—183. Kotlomanov A.O. Timur Novikov and the Zero years.... more
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      Contemporary ArtContemporary ArtsRussian & Soviet Art19th- 20th- century Russian Art
У статті розглянуто особливості мистецької діяльності в контексті радянської системи виробничих відносин-планової економіки. Представлено інституційну систему художньої галузі радянського зразка, її функції, коло пріоритетів та роль, яку... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistorySoviet artArts, Politics and Culture
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      Holocaust ArtSoviet artModern Jewish Art and Visual Culture
In current Russian art theory, it’s relevant the discussion about the priorities in the study of late Soviet art, the chronological framework of which coincides in time with the genesis of postmodernism in the United States and Western... more
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      Russian & Soviet ArtSocialist RealismSoviet artBook Illustration
This exhibition catalogue features black-and-white photographs taken by the artist Durdy Bayramov (1938-2014) in the rural villages of his native Turkmenistan. In making these images available for the first time, this book introduces a... more
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      Central Asian StudiesHistory of photographyCentral AsiaTurkmenistan
The Russian Revolution of 1917 has been considered the essential cause of the awakening of the artistic avant-garde of that country for a long time. One hundred years after the revolutionary events on the political and social scenes, we... more
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      Cultural HistoryRussian StudiesArt HistoryThe Avant-Garde and Politics
На сегодняшний день творчество Татьяны Николаевны Глебовой начало наконец обретать заслуженную известность, что происходит во многом благодаря интересу зарубежной общественности к творчеству художников советского, в особенности,... more
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      IllustrationsArt HistoryArt TheoryIllustration
Anche in: Storia della civiltà europea. Vol. 16 - il Novecento. Arti visive, RCS Quotidiani - Special edition for Il Corriere della Sera, Milano 2008, ISBN: 9771828050157, pp. 42-47. Dal mondo antico allʼinizio del terzo millennio:... more
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtModern ArtHistory of Art
By and large visual semiotics still misses a comprehensive method for the analysis of sculpture. The paper demonstrates that sculptures have a peculiar plastic sign-the mass. Intrinsic to three-dimensional objects, the mass determines the... more
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      SemioticsSoviet artMonumentsArt in Soviet Latvia
Since the 1930s, while rethinking Stalin's formula of “culture national by its form and proletarian by its content,” historians have described the birth of art in the Soviet republics as an emergence and formation of so-called “national... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesCentral Asian StudiesRussian & Soviet ArtCulture in the Soviet Union
In connection with the controversy around the Tretyakov Gallery exhibition "NotForever. 1968—1985" it's analyzed the range of texts on the problems of the methodology of art history analysis. Among the issues raised in these publications... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)Social History of ArtMethodology (Art History)Russian & Soviet Art
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      Russian & Soviet ArtRussian ArtSoviet artRussian and Soviet art and culture
"Московский журнал" №2, 2012 (254)
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      Soviet HistoryPaintingRussian avant-garde artCulture in the Soviet Union
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesMusicMusic History
The paper discusses the role of the information exchange networks in the development of photography within the Soviet Union since the mid-1960s and in the 1970s. In the USSR after World War II, photography had a limited set of... more
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      Art HistorySocial NetworksSoviet HistoryCold War and Culture
The article presents a biographical reconstruction of the life of the painter I. I. Brodsky (1884-1939) through the lens of his painting “Vladimir Lenin in Smolny” (1930). Brodsky (and his work are shown against the background of the... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian & Soviet ArtSoviet art
Начиная с 1930-х годов, переосмысливая сталинскую формулу «национальная культура по форме и пролетарская по содержанию», историки описывают рождение искусства в советских республиках как процесс возникновения и становления так называемых... more
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      UzbekistanPoscolonial studiesSoviet artEthnicity and National Identity
Статья посвящена истории организации и деятельности так называемых Свободных художественных мастерских в Тамбове в 1919 году. Используя уникальные архивные материалы, автор раскрывает концептуальные основы идей «свободного художественного... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryArts EducationRussian & Soviet Art
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      Russian & Soviet ArtCultural DiplomacySoviet artSoviet nonconformist art
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Феномен контр-монумента и кризис мемориальной традиции в современной монументальной скульптуре // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 1. С. 53—70. Kotlomanov... more
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      Contemporary ArtPost-Soviet RegimesHistory of SculptureContemporary Arts
Congress paper published in "Medailles", № 66, 2016
The article deals with the history of russian religious medals. The series by contemporary sculptor Andrey Mishin are the first religious medallic series in Russia.
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      ReligionContemporary ArtRussian HistoryRussian & Soviet Art
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Современное русское искусство в общественном пространстве. Часть 2. Новые формы // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2016. Вып. 1. С. 68—80. Kotlomanov A.O. Public art:... more
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      Soviet HistoryContemporary ArtPublic ArtPost-Soviet Regimes
The analysis of work and adaptation strategies of Nikolay Gushchin, a post-WW II repatriant painter, becoming a center of Saratov nonconfomist painters circle and a kind of guru for Saratov underground.
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      Soviet artRussian emigrationSoviet nonconformist artArts in Saratov
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      Critical TheoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesCritical PedagogyCritical Race Theory
A Man as a Project. Interpretation of cultural codes (Program of XIII Pyrrhean readings)
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      Visual AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyHuman-Computer Interaction for GamesIdentity politics
Abstract: The current paper is interested in how female identity is artificially constructed through Soviet propaganda, particularly through a new visual language and symbolism, exemplified through the most famous Soviet sculpture,... more
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      PropagandaFemale IdentitySoviet artSoviet Culture
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      Russian & Soviet ArtCulture in the Soviet UnionSoviet artRussian and Soviet art and culture
RESUMO: Após o recente centenário da Revolução Russa, é necessário examinar tal acontecimento histórico a fim de refletirmos a atualidade da luta das mulheres, em uma perspectiva social e cultural. Soldadas invisíveis dos processos... more
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      Soviet artHistorical RevisionismSocial History of Russian and Soviet ArtWomen before and after Russian revolution
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      MarxismContemporary ArtCommunismRussian & Soviet Art
Статтю присвячено питанню ревалоризації монументально-декоративного мистецтва радянського періоду на території України, а саме — мозаїк 1960‒1990-х років. У питаннях, пов’язаних із проблемами збереження, реставрації цього типу... more
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      Cultural HeritageSoviet artMosaicsSoviet heritage