Recent papers in Iconology
Sin dalla fine del secolo IV, la parte orientale dell’impero romano, in seguito divenuto impero bizantino, era stato afflitto da molteplici eresie, che rischiavano seriamente di minare e di compromettere la sua stessa unità. Le più... more
A B S T R A C T In this essay, Edgar Wind's and Erwin Panofsky's practices of art historical iconology are interpreted through their respective adaptations of the epistemological premises of American Pragmatism and German neo-Kantianism.... more
The present article deals with the Prince of Sansevero, Raimondo di Sangro, and legends, often linked to real happenings, which over time were superimposed on this personage and his reknowned family chapel. To a great extent his... more
RESUMO: A iconologia do anjo, analisada à luz das reflexões de Walter Benjamin e de Jean-François Lyotard, leva-nos a investigar os efeitos de presença e a presentificação da ausência que essa figura gera nos diversos meios da criação... more
The article is devoted to the unique interior of the 1730s in St. Petersburg — the Senate Chamber in the building of the Twelve Collegia (now the Petrovsky Hall of St. Petersburg State University). On the base of archival materials the... more
A Alceste, como o primeiro texto de que dispomos de Eurípides, interessa quer por sua construção dramática quer pela concepção teatral que apresenta. O presente estudo foca com mais detalhe o prólogo (1-76) sob o ponto de vista do... more
The depicted signs found on the Caucasus Dolmens are quite minimal but do give us some hints about the intent behind their construction. Other ancient constructs are used to provide some background on similar themes from other ancient... more
Problem Statement: Layla and Majnun is a classic story of love most notably expressed by the great poets. In addition, various scenes of this love story have been painted by Iranian painters. According to researches, the first painting of... more
Sarayan is one of the cities of South Khorasan which due to being located on the communication route of the Great Khorasan Road and due to its development in various historical periods, it has included many religious and non-religious... more
During the past decades, the assassination attempt has been treated from different disciplines. Nevertheless, the mediatization of the assassination attempt or its treatment in images and audiovisual media has been widely neglected.... more
La Lámpara Maravillosa de Valle-Inclán permite descodificar una de las obras más representativas de Urbano Lugrís.
Složitá osobnost Bohumila Kubišty tvořila podstatnou komponentu českého moderního umění počátku 20. století. Navzdory členství v Osmě a úzké vazbě ke Skupině výtvarných umělců zůstával však Kubišta lidsky a umělecky solitérní postavou. U... more
La croce di Santa Maria Maggiore, di pietra aurisina, restaurata e ricomposta nei suoi frammenti da Giovanni Giannelli, direttore tecnico del Laboratorio di Restauro Ottorino Nonfarmale S.r.l., e collocata su una colonna di pietra gialla... more
2017 marks the centenary of an artwork judged to be the single most influential of the twentieth century: Marcel Duchamp’s famous “readymade” entitled Fountain. The final verdict on Fountain has been widely accepted, despite the fact that... more
Researches about iconogrophy and architecture of the Christian buildings in the Near East Area (Syria, Jordan, Libanon, Israel)
La riflessione sulla musica come fattore di forte coesione culturale e religiosa e di rete di scambi delle popolazioni greche d’Occidente attende ancora uno studio sistematico e complessivo che aiuterebbe a comprendere non solo la... more
The conversion of Russia is a story proudly retold by Eastern Orthodox Christians with apologetic fervor, as a testimony to the superiority of their faith over the heterodox denominations. While non-orthodox critics and even some scholars... more
The paper aims at focusing on the iconography of Maria Amalia of Saxony as a young, daughter of the elector and king of Poland Augustus III, and Charles of Bourbon’s future wife. By observing paintings and portraits of her successively,... more
L'ICONOGRAFIA DELL'ASSEDIO DI OTRANTO E IL FRONTESPIZIO DEL TANCREDI Due episodi di fortuna iconografica delle edizioni illustrate Valgrisi e de' Franceschi del Furioso Il soggetto dell'assedio, momento di grande tensione che precede... more
A gyermekhalál és az elárvulás ikonográfiája a Millennium korának műcsarnoki festészetében
"In his De visione Dei, Nicholas of Cusa addresses two aspects of divine vision: my desire to see God and God’s capacity to see me. The latter aspect is distinguished by absolute power: God’s gaze is all-seeing. To explain this peculiar... more
Around the 1485 was born in Villaescusa de Haro Sebastián Ramírez de Fuenleal (c. 1485-1547), in a family which has dedicated all its best men in the progress of the Kingdom of Castilla. Sebastián Ramírez will life to see the... more
Pourquoi Cesare Ripa a-t-il choisi et sans cesse perfectionné la forme du dictionnaire pour sa célèbre Iconologia (Rome, 1593) ? Et pourquoi la déclaration d'intention que constitue la longue Préface (Proemio) de l'ouvrage est-elle... more
Studie byla publikována roku 1931 v časopise Byzantinoslavica / The study was published in 1931 in Byzantinoslavica.
У альбоме прадстаўлены 69 абразоў з калекцыі іканапісу Нацыянальнага гістарычнага музея Рэспублікі Беларусь, большасць з якіх дагэтуль не публікавалася і не экспанавалася.
This chapter examines the different aspects that are involved in the notions of “aniconism” and “aniconicity”. Whereas the former signifies a visual program that distances itself from visual, especially anthropomorphic representations of... more
Fin dai tempi più remoti l’uomo ha tentato di effigiare idee immateriali in forme sensibili, ha cercato di raffigurare in forme tangibili concetti astratti; in àmbito giuridico, particolare attenzione merita, a mio avviso, il problema... more
A hazai pedagógiai szaksajtóban a képzőművészeti alkotások gyermekkortörténeti szempontú elemzésének Magyarországon ma még nincsenek kiterjedt hagyományai, eltekintve többek között Pukánszky Béla, Péter Katalin és Endrődy-Nagy Orsolya... more
Dieses Buch wendet sich nicht nur, aber auch an Lesende, die im Bereich der Gestaltung tätig sind. Gegenwärtigen Erscheinungen in Kunst, Design, Medien und Architektur liegen oftmals Konzepte zugrunde, die aus der traditionellen... more
In order to complement the text by Aby Warburg on Manet (published in this issue of Engramma, German edition and Italian version by Maurizio Ghelardi), we present a series of fragments pinned in 11 unnumbered sheets, dating back to the... more
Peter Brown has described the position of holy bodies in the Early Christian period as a «place between Earth and Heaven.» The principal aim of this book is to deal with precisely this intersection between two worlds expressed by the... more
Max Imdahl is situated on the border between the theory and practice of visual arts. His life is an experience of combining academic art history with cutting-edge art criticism. His ‘ikonik’ was intended as a continuation and completion... more
Reseña crítica del texto " Image, Medium, Body: A New Approach to Iconology " de Hans Belting. El presente ensayo se enfoca tanto en los aspectos fundamentales del texto de Belting (imagen, medio y cuerpo) como la idea que Belting propone... more
Through the economic recession that hit many cities in the last two decades, people have experienced a real crisis at all levels; low wages, currency devaluation, general deterioration in the standard of living. Although some of these... more