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The recent decade has witnessed a new wave of development in the place-based accessibility theory, revolving around the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method. The 2SFCA method, initially serving to evaluate the spatial inequity... more
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      AccessibilityPublic HealthSensitivity AnalysisFacility Location
With the continuous development of science and technology, the intelligent development of community system becomes a trend. Meanwhile, smart mobile devices and cloud computing technology are increasingly used in intelligent information... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsUbiquitous ComputingIntelligent ControlPervasive Computing
El Cristo Mojado es una réplica del Señor de Esquipulas llevada a Los Ángeles de manera ilegal por parte de los migrantes devotos de origen centroamericano en el año 2003, motivo por el cual es venerado por miles de personas que se... more
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      Economic GeographyReligious GeographySpatial Interaction ModelsSpatial Interaction
Three dimensional graphical user interfaces is a subject long studied, but due to its technical dependency on large amounts of processing power, it has not been possible to implement until recently. This is due to the recent advances of a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceAlgorithmsComputer Graphics
n this article, a Gaussian-based two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) model is applied to evaluate the geographical accessibility to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)-authorized retailers. First, the proposed method... more
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      AccessibilityFood PolicySpatial Interaction ModelsGravity Model
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      Internal migrationSpatial Interaction Models
Nonlinear estimation of the gravity model with Poisson/negative binomial methods has become popular to model international trade flows, because it permits a better accounting for zero flows and extreme values in the distribution tail.... more
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      International TradeSpatial econometricsSpatial Interaction ModelsGravity Model
The choice of centralizing tourism policies at the national level or, on the contrary, of decentralizing them at the local level is widely discussed in the literature, which highlights the related pros and cons. In fact, the simultaneous... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementNormative Decision MakingTourism Planning and Policy
China has built a territory-based formal e-waste recycling system as a response to the global e-waste challenge. This system created a division of labor between the informal sector and formal recycling plants by providing a subsidy to the... more
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      Reverse LogisticsE-wasteSpatial Interaction ModelsInformal Sector
This paper introduces the security and trust concepts in wireless sensor networks and explains the difference between them, stating that even though both terms are used interchangeably when defining a secure system, they are not the same.... more
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      CommunicationMobile LearningWireless CommunicationsTrust
Government and the Regions DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency ECA This Final Report on Phase I is designed to be read as a free-standing document, and includes information from the Interim Report where appropriate. Chapter 2... more
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      Internal migrationSpatial Interaction Models
Open access : https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fdigh.2016.00010/full Filet, Clara. 2017. « An Attempt to Estimate the Impact of the Spread of Economic Flows on Latenian Urbanization ». Frontiers in Digital Humaninites... more
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      ArchaeologyModeling and SimulationLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Spatial Interaction Models
Nonlinear estimation of the gravity model with Poisson-type regression methods has become popular for modelling international trade flows, because it permits a better accounting for zero flows and extreme values in the distribution tail.... more
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      International TradeSpatial econometricsSpatial Interaction ModelsGravity Model
El análisis de las externalidades en el sector inmobiliario ha atraído desde hace varios años la atención de los investigadores suscitando una gran cantidad de estudios al respecto. En este artículo se utilizan modelos econométricos... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMathematical EconomicsEconomic Growth
The main purpose of lctools is to assist researchers and educators to use user friendly tools for calculating key spatial statistics. These include: Local Pearson and Geographically Weighted Pearson Coefficients, Spatial Inequality... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSpatial Interaction ModelsSpatial autocorrelationCorrelation
This study investigates the multiple and complex relationship between transport and tourism by various methods. Features of the relationship between the transport distance and tourism intensity will be identified and the connections... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyRegional GeographyEconomic Geography
The choice of centralizing tourism policies at the national level or, on the contrary, of decentralizing them at the local level is widely discussed in the literature, which highlights the related pros and cons. In fact, the simultaneous... more
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      EconomicsTourism StudiesTourism ManagementNormative Decision Making
Carleton University Master of Computer Science Degree Thesis Topic: An Evaluation of Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional User Interfaces for Colour Selection Field of Study: Three dimensional user interfaces for use with spatial... more
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      Tangible User InterfacesSpatial Interaction ModelsUser interfaces3d Modeling
We present a spatial interaction entropy maximizing and structural dynamics model of settlements from the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) and Iron Ages (IA) in the Khabur Triangle (KT) region within Syria. The model addresses factors that make... more
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      Historical GeographyUrban GeographyArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Spatial econometricsSpatial Econometrics (Economics)Spatial Interaction ModelsGravity Equation
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      Internal migrationSpatial Interaction Models
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      Spatial econometricsSpatial Interaction Models
We present a spatial interaction entropy maximizing and structural dynamics model of settlements from the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) and Iron Ages (IA) in the Khabur Triangle (KT) region within Syria. The model addresses factors that make... more
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      HistoryHistorical GeographyUrban GeographyArchaeology
Abstract: The development of local forms of spatial analysis has been the subject of intense research over last decade. In this paper we propose a local calibration procedure for handling varying parameter estimates of an... more
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      Spatial AnalysisParameter estimationSpatial Interaction ModelsMaximum Likelihood
We present a spatial interaction entropy maximizing and structural dynamics model of settlements from the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) and Iron Ages (IA) in the Khabur Triangle (KT) region within Syria. The model addresses factors that make... more
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      Historical GeographyUrban GeographyArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Trade flows are characterised by interdependent economic networks such as the global supply chain, international bilateral agreements, trans-national credit, and foreign direct investments, as well as non-economic components (i.e.... more
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      Complexity TheoryInternational TradeSpatial Interaction Models
In this paper a contribution is presented with respect to accessibility indicators modelling for commuters moving through the municipalities of Sardinia, in Italy. In this case, spatial complex network analysis is integrated into the... more
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      AccessibilityComplex NetworksSpatial Interaction ModelsCommuting
I ponderada en el contexto de precios hedónicos 96 Resumen El análisis de las externalidades en el sector inmobiliario ha atraído desde hace varios años la atención de los investigadores suscitando una gran cantidad de estudios al El... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMathematical EconomicsEconomic Growth
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      Spatial econometricsSpatial Econometrics (Economics)Spatial Interaction ModelsGravity Model
Date: 5th - 9th September 2016 Application Deadline: May 31. 2016 Contact: mod@gshdl.uni-kiel.de Aim: This Summer School focuses on interaction as a key concept in social life, and on methods for reconstructing and modelling spheres of... more
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      Human GeographyArchaeologySpatial AnalysisLandscape Archaeology
The main aim of this article is to combine recent developments in spatial interaction modeling to better model and explain spatial decisions. The empirical study refers to migration decisions made by internal migrants from Athens, Greece.... more
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      Spatial AnalysisInternal migrationSpatial Interaction ModelsGWR