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3/13/2021: This paper gives the basics of dark energy and its dark matter side-effects. I designed it to be understandable by a student who has had one year of college-level physics. It will put them ahead of present-day physicists who... more
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      Dark MatterNeutrino PhysicsDark EnergySpecial Relativity
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon III. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007. (300 p. ; ISBN... more
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Minkowski famously introduced the concept of a space-time continuum in 1908, merging the three dimensions of space with an imaginary time dimension $ i c t $, with the unit imaginary producing the correct spacetime distance $ x^2 - c^2... more
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R. d'Inverno - Introducing Einstein's relativity (1992, Clarendon Press Oxford University Press)
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical Physics
Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very... more
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      P Adic AnalysisQuantum PhysicsChemistrySpace Sciences
Unfortunate curve theory explains how universe is expanding and why hubble constant changing in time . This paper is about dark energy and mystery of expanding universe
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      PhysicsCosmology (Physics)General RelativityBlack Holes
We present the cosmic organism theory in which all visible and invisible matter has different cosmic genetic expressions. The cosmic gene includes codes for the object structure and the space structure. The cosmic digital code for the... more
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      GeneticsSpecial RelativityOrganization TheorySpace Time
Length Contraction is interpreted by human visual memory instead of Einstein's special relativity. The mechanism of an interactive observation by optical sensor or human eyes is studied. The concept "Same Time" in observation process is... more
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      Visual StudiesPhotonicsLight & Space (Art)Special Relativity
So far, no convincing experimental evidence for the Lorentz-covariant electromagnetic force law has been reported. This paper utilizes an available experiment, which is often claimed as one of the most precise experiments in modern... more
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      Special RelativitySpecial relativity and ElectromagnetismSpecial Theory Of Relativity
Astrophysical jets are flows of matter that moves at relativistic speed. They are opportunity to see length contraction in action. An astrophysical jet is analyzed to explain the length contraction effect on it.
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      PhysicsParticle PhysicsSpecial RelativityAstrophysics
Abstract The time dilation of Lorentz-Einstein can be readily derived from the classical light clock experiment where the clock is positioned perpendicularly to the direction of its motion. The extent of dilation is given by the Lorentz... more
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    • Special Relativity
Işık kinematiği ve özel görelilik daha fazla boyut, etken, koşul ve özellikle postula revizyonu eşliğinde yeniden ele alınabilir. Özel görelilik teorisi, hareketli cisme ya da onun üstündeki hayali ışık kaynağına referans rolü verir. Bu... more
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    • Special Relativity
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      Physics EducationSpecial RelativityUser eXperienceEveryday Life
We present a novel derivation of both the Minkowski metric and Lorentz transformations from the consistent quantification of a causally ordered set of events with respect to an embedded observer. Unlike past derivations, which have relied... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhilosophy of Science
Space and Time are continuous absolute quantities. They don't change with anything at all. However, the dimension and duration of an object or event can change with the local gravitational field and aging of the universe. This is because... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsGravitationRelativityGeneral Relativity
The problem of motion and the speed of light is a centuries old puzzle. It is claimed that Einstein's relativity theory has resolved it in 1905. But experimental evidences have accumulated that contradict the different aspects of... more
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      Special RelativityMichelson–Morley experiment
This book offers a detailed and stimulating account of the Lagrangian, or variational, approach to general relativity and beyond. The approach more usually adopted when describing general relativity is to introduce the required concepts... more
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      GravitationGeneral RelativitySpecial RelativityVariational Approach
The kinematics of particles refer to events and tangent vectors, while that of waves refer to dual gradient planes. Special relativity [1-3] applies to both objects alike. Here we show that spacetime exchange symmetry [7] implicit in the... more
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      Special RelativityKinetic EnergyMass Conservation
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      Field TheoryHistory of ScienceQuantum MechanicsSpecial Relativity
Over the last decade, there has been a respectable level of scientific interest regarding the concept of a warp drive. This is a hypothetical propulsion device that could theoretically circumvent the traditional limitations of special... more
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      String TheorySpecial RelativityWarp DriveSpace Travel
análisis para todos (y para los que quieren ahondar, también)
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      General RelativityGPS ApplicationsSpecial RelativityTime Dilation
Before the name Albert Einstein become synonymous with genius, an obscure professor of physics labored away for many years rewriting the laws of physics. He had only been moderately successful, managing to gain the respect of his peers... more
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      HistoryPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsRelativity
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      Quantum MechanicsCausationSpecial Relativity
The principle of photon inertia is a fundamental new way of describing the particle/wave duality of leptons (e.g. electrons, positrons, moun, tau, etc.) and electromagnetic waves. Photon inertia describes the inertial effects of an... more
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      Quantum PhysicsGeneral RelativitySpecial RelativityElectromagnetics
Current and widespread political unrest is leading to a critical reappraisal of the records of some of our celebrated historical figures. Even our own personal idols and heroes may prove to have had unexpected human weaknesses.... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceSpecial RelativityPHILOSOPHY OF SPACE AND TIME
This paper summarizes how a new approach to the Universe based on the existence of a "crystalline ether", which has recently been detailed in the third versions of two books [1], makes it possible to find a simple, unified and coherent... more
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      ElectromagnetismQuantum PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Black Holes
The role of the light postulate in special relativity is reexamined. The existing theory of relativity without light shows that one can deduce Lorentz-like transformations with an undetermined invariant speed based on homogeneity of space... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of Physics
Time dilation is one of the most fascinating aspects of special relativity as it abolishes the notion of absolute time. It was first observed experimentally by Ives and Stilwell in 1938 using the Doppler effect. Here we report on a... more
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      Special RelativityBeyond the Standard Model PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      PhysicsSpecial RelativityReference FrameSpeed of Light
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      MathematicsSpecial Relativity
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Time and Space,
van Fraassen, chapter 6 + Postscript 1984 (188-232)
MA Philosophy of Physics (Fall 2016, Christian Wüthrich's seminar)
University of Geneva
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      Philosophy of ScienceGeneral RelativitySpecial RelativitySpace and Time (Philosophy)
I know about the universe because it influences me. Light excites the photoreceptors in my eyes, surfaces apply pressure to my touch receptors and my eardrums are buffeted by relentless waves of air molecules. My entire sensorium is... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of Science
Lagrange equation is universal law, it could applied on universe scale as it can be applied also to small scales like sub nucleus. Holy Quran also universal and multi dimensions because it is the God speech to human and Jinn over all... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Relativity
There is a great deal of justified concern about continuity through scientific theory change. Our thesis is that, particularly in physics, such continuity can be appropriately captured at the level of conceptual frameworks (the level... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceGeneral RelativityConceptual changeQuantum Mechanics
This is the third in a series of papers on a new theory of relativity [Phys. Essays 4, 68 (1991); ibid [ 194; "Relativistic Kinematics IV,," submitted to Phys. Essays]. This paper presents, in detail, an application of the new theory of... more
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      Special RelativitySpecial Theory Of RelativitySpecial and General Relativity
This paper lends perspective to the media catchphrase that "time does not exist". To show how phrases such as this should be interpreted, we formulate some of the most important questions that arise in discussions about time in physics.... more
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      Philosophy of TimeSpecial RelativityProbabilityEntropy
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    • Special Relativity
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
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      Evolutionary BiologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsNumber Theory
Special Relativity Theory (SRT) has two postulates, one stating that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, and the other stating that the speed of light is the constant 186,000 miles per second, regardless of any reference... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceQuantum Gravity
Arthur Holly Compton was born at Wooster, Ohio, on September 10th, 1892, the son of Elias Compton, Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the College of Wooster. He was educated at the College, graduating Bachelor of Science in 1913, and he... more
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    • Special Relativity
Dans cette brève communication, nous résumons comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers, qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans deux livres, permet de trouver une explication simple, unifiée et cohérente de l’ensemble des théories... more
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      ElectromagnetismQuantum PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Gravitation
Einstein in his works from 1905 till 1907 discarded the ether from physics but his more than 5 papers from 1920 to 1934 deal with the ether as an unexceptionable physical reality. In these papers Einstein becomes more an enthusiastic... more
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      General RelativitySpecial Relativity
S’il faut une preuve que ce ne sont pas les plus grands génies qui guident la vie du monde, nous pourrons également la trouver dans le fait que, lorsqu’Einstein voulut scruter le dense brouillard du futur social humain, il ne sut parvenir... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceGeneral RelativityHenri Bergson
In special relativity, this article shows that Newton's second law can be applied in any inertial reference frame.
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsGeneral RelativitySpecial Relativity
Ce papier résume comment une nouvelle approche de l’Univers basée sur l’existence d’un «éther cristallin», qui a été récemment exposée en détail dans les troisièmes versions de deux livres [1], permet de trouver une explication simple,... more
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      ElectromagnetismQuantum PhysicsCosmology (Physics)General Relativity
Michelson–Morley experiment is explained using length contraction. A new approach can explain this experiment while deriving length contraction by theory.
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      PhysicsSpecial Relativity
Learning Special Relativity is a highly anticipated experience for first year students; however, the teaching and learning of Special Relativity are difficult tasks. Special Relativity, while fundamentally and mathematically simple; has... more
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      Computer ScienceSpecial RelativityVirtual Reality