Star Formation
Recent papers in Star Formation
Star clusters can be found in galaxy mergers, not only in central regions, but also in the tidal debris. In both the Eastern and Western tidal tails of NGC 3256 there are dozens of young star clusters, confirmed by their blue colors and... more
We report the first search for line emission from one of the simplest amino acids, glycine, from a solar type protostar, IRAS16293-2422. Previous searches for glycine have been carried out on bright massive star formation regions, so far... more
Bar-like structures were investigated in a sample of 186 disk galaxies larger than 0.5 arcsec that are in the I-band image of the Tadpole galaxy taken with the Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys. We found 22 clear cases of... more
Context. The detection of overabundances of α-elements and lithium in the secondary star of a black-hole binary provides important insights about the formation of a stellar-mass black-hole. α-enhancement might theoretically also be the... more
This paper presents optical and Hα imaging for a large sample of LSB galaxies selected from the PSS-II catalogs . As noted in previous work, LSB galaxies span a range of luminosities (−10 > M V > −20) and sizes (0.3 kpc < R V 25 < 10... more
New models of thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) stars of low mass and solar chemical composition are presented, namely, Z \ 0.02, and Y \ 0.28. The inÑuence of 1 ¹ M/M _ ¹ 3, various parameters (such as the initial core... more
We introduce a differential equation for star formation in galaxies that incorporates negative feedback with a delay. When the feedback is instantaneous, solutions approach a self-limiting equilibrium state. When there is a delay, even... more
Estimates of the interstellar deuterium abundance span a wide range of values. Until recently, it was customary to adopt the abundance of deuterium measured in the Local Bubble as representative of the local one. Now, it is becoming... more
Context. Superclusters are the largest systems in the Universe to give us information about the very early Universe. Our present series of papers is devoted to the study of the properties of superclusters of galaxies from the 2dF Galaxy... more
The code IAC-star is presented. It generates synthetic HR and colormagnitude diagrams (CMDs) and is mainly aimed to star formation history studies in nearby galaxies. Composite stellar populations are calculated on a star by star basis,... more
Deep extragalactic surveys with ISOCAM revealed the presence of a large density of faint mid-infrared (MIR) sources. We have computed the 15 µm integrated galaxy light produced by these galaxies above a sensitivity limit of 50 µJy. It... more
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Dark matter. 3. Angular momentum. 4. The halo. 5. The thick disk. 6. The thin disk. 7. The bulge. 8. History. 9. Discussion.
In the infrared, the heavily reddened LkH$\alpha$ 101 is one of the brightest young stars in the sky. Situated just north of the Taurus-Auriga complex in the L1482 dark cloud, it appears to be an early B-type star that has been... more
The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), a NASA Small Explorer Mission planned for launch in Fall 2002, will perform the first Space Ultraviolet sky survey. Five imaging surveys in each of two bands (1350-1750Å and 1750-2800Å) will range... more
The scientific objective of the X-ray Advanced Concepts Testbed (XACT) is to measure the X-ray polarization properties of the Crab Nebula, the Crab pulsar, and the accreting binary Her X-1. Polarimetry is a powerful tool for astrophysical... more
A Monte Carlo computer model of extra-solar planetary formation and evolution, which includes the planetary geochemical carbon cycle, is presented. The results of a run of one million galactic disc stars are shown where the aim was to... more
The NGC 1999 reflection nebula features a dark patch with a size of ∼10,000 AU, which has been interpreted as a small, dense foreground globule and possible site of imminent star formation. We present Herschel PACS far-infrared 70 and 160... more
The c2d Spitzer Legacy project obtained images and photometry with both IRAC and MIPS instruments for five large, nearby molecular clouds. Three of the clouds were also mapped in dust continuum emission at 1.1 mm, and optical spectroscopy... more
Software for the processing of electron micrographs in structural biology suffers from incompatibility between different packages, poor definition and choice of conventions, and a lack of coherence in software development. The solution... more
""Knowledge of the physical and chemical processes which occur within the circum-stellar nebula of a newly formed star is still uncertain and permits a number of distinct theories to account for the formation of planets. In order to gain... more
The 3.3 micron PAH feature is undetected for the majority of the sample (97%), with typical upper limits of 5E-16 W/m^2. Compact 11.2 micron PAH emission is seen directly towards 1 out of the 53 Spitzer Short-High spectra, for a source... more
The following assumptions of the Big Bang theory are challenged and found to be false: the cosmological principle, the assumption that all matter formed at the same time and the assumption regarding the cause of the cosmic microwave... more
Planetary systems are angular momentum reservoirs generated during star formation. Solutions to three of the most important problems in contemporary astrophysics are needed to understand the entire process of planetary system formation:... more
We have studied the viability of new theoretical models which combine a chemical evolution code, an evolutionary synthesis code and a photoionization code, to understand the star formation and evolution of Hii galaxies. The emission lines... more
We describe the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite that was launched in April 2003 specifically to accomplish far ultraviolet (FUV) and near ultraviolet (NUV) imaging and spectroscopic sky-surveys. GALEX is currently providing... more
Fast reconnection of magnetic field in turbulent fluids allows the field to change its topology and connec- tions. As a result, the traditional concept of magnetic fields being frozen into the plasma is no longer applicable. Plasma... more
In this work we investigate the stellar content of three circumnuclear giant H II regions in the starburst galaxy NGC 7714. We model the stellar population that best reproduces the observational constraints given by the Ha image and the... more
We report Mopra Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), Anglo-Australian Telescope and Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment observations of a molecular clump in Carina, BYF73 = G286.21+0.17, which give evidence of large-scale... more
New high resolution observations of HCO + J = 1 → 0, H 13 CN J = 1 → 0, SO 2 2 → 1 1 , and continuum with BIMA at 3.4 mm show that the NGC 7538 -IRS 9 cloud core is a site of active ongoing star formation. Our observations reveal at least... more
We propose the concept of a "Galactic Habitable Zone" (GHZ). Analogous to the Circumstellar Habitable Zone (CHZ), the GHZ is that region in the Milky Way where an Earth-like planet can retain liquid water on its surface and provide a... more
Low mass stars, like our Sun, are born from the collapse of a molecular cloud. The matter falls in the center of the cloud, creating a protoplanetary disk surrounding a protostar. Planets and other solar system bodies will be formed in... more
It is conjectured that phenomena in biological microworld could be equated with astrophysical principles of gravitation. Fluids, gases that constitute 50-90 % of the total accredited biomass causes seclusion from stronger external... more
How mass is accumulated from cloud-scale down to individual stars is a key open question in understanding high-mass star formation. Here, we present the mass accumulation process in a hub-filament cloud G22 that is composed of four... more
We point out a natural mechanism for quenching of star formation in early-type galaxies. It automatically links the color of a galaxy with its morphology and does not require gas consumption, removal or termination of gas supply. Given... more
We present multi-wavelengths observations and a radiative transfer model of a newly discovered massive circumstellar disk of gas and dust which is one of the largest disks known today. Seen almost edge-on, the disk is resolved in... more
We have analyzed Spitzer and NASA/IRTF 2 - 35 \mum spectra of the warm, ~350 K circumstellar dust around the nearby MS star {\eta} Corvi (F2V, 1.4 \pm 0.3 Gyr). The spectra show clear evidence for warm, water- and carbon-rich dust at ~3... more
To appear in Protostars and Planets IV, eds. V. Mannings, AP Boss, and SS Russell (Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press) Accepted 1999 January ... FROM PRE-STELLAR CORES TO PROTOSTARS: THE INITIAL CONDITIONS OF STAR FORMATION
We present the results of a comprehensive infrared, submillimetre, and millimetre continuum emission study of isolated low-mass star-forming cores in 32 Bok globules, with the aim to investigate the process of star formation in these... more
Water is a key molecule for determining the physical and chemical structure of star-forming regions because of its large abundance variations, both in the gas and in the ice, between warm and cold regions. In this HIFI-led 429 hr Key... more
The inflationary cosmology is analyzed from the point of view of squeezed quantum states. As noted by Grishchuk and Sidorov, the amplification of quantum fluctuations into macroscopic perturbations which occurs during cosmic inflation is... more
LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD is one of the Milky WayÕs two largest satellite galaxies. Slowly spiraling into the Milky Way, the cloud will brießy rejuvenate our galaxy at some time in the distant future.
We present the first detections of the 3 µm water ice and 3.4 µm amorphous hydrocarbon (HAC) absorption features in z ∼ 2 ULIRGs. These are based on deep rest-frame 2 -8 µm Spitzer IRS spectra of 11 sources selected for their appreciable... more