Recent papers in Subitizing
This proposal explores how the activity of subitizing – quickly apprehending the numerosity of a small set of items – changes with the development of number concepts. We describe how varying the orientations of items in teaching... more
The importance and usefulness of building on perceptual subitising and the development of conceptual subitising is explained. A guide on how to continue to develop numerical ideas based on subitising is shared.
Humans seem to be genetically endowed with a mathematical aptitude known as subitizing. It refers to the ability to correctly recognize very limited quantities (up to 3/4 items). Conversely, higher cardinalities require a different,... more
Descartes holds that the tell-tale sign of a solid proof is that its entailments appear clearly and distinctly. Yet, since there is a limit to what a subject can consciously fathom at any given moment, a mnemonic shortcoming threatens to... more
HUMAN infants can discriminate between different small numbers of items 1���4, and can determine numerical equivalence across perceptual modalities 5, 6. This may indicate the possession of true numerical concepts 1, 4���7. Alternatively,... more
This 22-session constructivist teaching experiment set out to investigate a preschool student’s number understanding relative to his subitizing activity. Subitizing, a quick apprehension of the numerosity of a small set of items, has been... more
Subitizing and Mathematics Performance in Early Childhood Cathy Yun (Cathy.Yun@Vanderbilt.Edu) Peabody Research Institute, Box 0181 GPC, 230 Appleton Place Nashville, TN 37203 USA Amanda Havard (Amanda.Havard@Gmail.Com) Peabody Research... more
Subitizing is a fast and accurate enumeration process of small sets of usually less than four objects. Several models were proposed in the literature. Critically, only pattern recognition theory suggests that subitizing performance is... more
Full title: Objecthood Before Trees, Subitizing Before Forest: Does Perceptual Organization Affect Subitizing? Abstract: “Subitizing” refers to people's ability to rapidly and efficiently enumerate a small amount of items. According to a... more
When seeing a jaguar, we can see all the spots on its mantle without seeing a determinate number, N, of spots on the mantle. How is this visual phenomenon possible? Philosophers have tried to provide a reliable answer to this question, by... more
Subitising, a quick apprehension of the numerosity of a small set of items, has been found to change from an individual's reliance on perceptual to conceptual processes. In this study, we utilised a constructivist teaching experiment... more
This study examines the encoding of multiple object locations into spatial memory by comparing localization accuracy for stimuli presented at different exposure durations. Participants in the longest duration condition viewed masked... more
The fast and accurate enumeration of a small set of objects, called subitizing, is thought to involve a different mechanism from other numerosity judgments, such as those based on estimation. In this report, we examine the subitizing... more
It has been proposed that the mechanism that supports the ability to keep track of multiple moving objects also supports subitizing—the ability to quickly and accurately enumerate a small set of objects. To test this hypothesis, we... more
A recent article argues that pure working memory in humans and chimpanzees have the same size. However, the data offered to support this claim show the opposite, namely that the size of pure working memory in chimpanzees is smaller than... more