Textes carolingiens
Recent papers in Textes carolingiens
"The Older Sources" : a narrative of the beginnings of two near monastic foundations : Cluny and Tournus, founded on misused or forgotten sources. New edition 2022 Nov. We are very sorry not being able to present this historical study... more
The Latin quotation in the title of this article is taken from the Admonitio generalis, a key document of Charlemagne's reforms circulated in 789. In a well-known passage, to which the title refers, Charlemagne calls for the establishment... more
Relazione al convegno organizzato dall’Ordine degli Olivetani e dalla SISMEL “Il potere dei monaci. Monachesimo, strategie politiche e forme di civilizzazione nell’Europa carolingia” (Abbazia di Santa Maria del Pilastrello, 28-29 ottobre... more
Haymon d’Auxerre est l’un des plus prolifiques commentateurs de la Bible au IXe siècle et l’un de ceux dont on connaît le moins la biographie. L’ouvrage offre une mise au point sur ce que l’on sait de l’homme et du milieu dans lequel il... more