Turkish national Struggle, Milli Mücadele
Recent papers in Turkish national Struggle, Milli Mücadele
Throughout the centuries during the wars in the eastern part of the Ottoman Empire, Erzurum has been an important centre. Ottoman Empire had manufactured heavy weapons in the region since the 16th century. However, manufacture of light... more
First industrialization movement in Turkey was conducted by the state in weapon production. A strong working class could not emerge since the Turkey had not been able to found an efficient industry compared to European industry. It can... more
The wars had been continued for eight years without interruption in the Second Constitutionalised Era; Turco-Italian War, Balkan Wars and The First World War had been experienced. The government had to succeed in the wars in order to... more
This is research for two different organization that operated in Turkish National Struggle Era.
Öz 1972 yılında İzmir Gazeteciler Cemiyeti tarafından Hasan Tahsin adına bir "ilk kurşun" anıtı dikilmesi için başlatılan kampanya ülke genelinde bir kaç itiraz dışında topyekûn destek bulur. İki yıl içinde tamamlanan anıtın, açılışını 15... more
İmalat-ı Harbiye Factories had produced weapons and ammunition with thousands of workers for Ottoman Army during the First World War. These factories were located in Zeytinburnu, Tophane, Kırkağaç and Bakırköy in Istanbul. In addition to... more
DUMANLI, Çiğdem, Kendine Özgü Bir Buhrân Örneği: Birinci Dünya Harbi’nde “Alman Şark Politikası”, CTAD, Yıl 14, Sayı 28 (Güz 2018), s. 213-260. *** Anahtar Kelimeler: Birinci Dünya Harbi, Türk-Alman İlişkileri, Alman Şark Politikası,... more
THE LIFE OF HÜSEYİN RAUF ORBAY (1880-1964) Hüseyin Rauf Orbay was born in İstanbul in 1880. His father is Admiral Mehmet Muzaffer Pahsa. His mother is Hayriye Ruveyde Hanım. He went to Cibali Primary School. His Secondary school is... more
The topics of this paper are: the genesis of the Turkish-Soviet 16 March 1921 friendship pact; soviet government's fer that the imperialistic powers could permanently hold the Straits and consequently permanently threat the new socialist... more
XX. Yy. başından itibaren Kazan Tatarları sadece Kazan’da ve Rusya’nın en büyük şehirleri olan Moskova ve Sankt-Petersburg’ta değil Avrupa’nın en büyük şehri Paris’e giderek en ünlü üniversitelerinden biri olarak tanınan Sorbonne... more
Müttefikler İstanbul'u neden işgal etti?
Müttefik devletler yüksek komiserlerin Mustafa Kemal aleyhinde notaları.
Londra ve San Remo konferansları
Curzon-Berthelot mini İstanbul devleti projesi.
Müttefik devletler yüksek komiserlerin Mustafa Kemal aleyhinde notaları.
Londra ve San Remo konferansları
Curzon-Berthelot mini İstanbul devleti projesi.
The Turkish governments have enacted numerous amnesty laws in accordance with social and politic developments in the country. Amnesty laws which have an important place in terms of legal, social and political aspects have been a crucial... more
The Allies States expected the support of the US government in the division of Ottoman lands and in the mandate to be established on these lands at the Paris Peace Conference convened after the First World War. Although President Wilson... more
Greek occupation in Anatolia and Turkish reactions.