Turkish politics
Recent papers in Turkish politics
Using a nationally representative dataset from Turkey, we examined the effects of national identity, religious identity, religious practice, and intergroup contact on social distance towards disliked groups along ethnic (Turks vs. Kurds),... more
The aim of this manual is to provide a coherent and balanced historical perspective of Turkish political life, the evolution of political ideas, and key interpretations read together with the main social and cultural transformations. The... more
Bu çalışma, Gezi eylemlerinin sürdüğü dört şehirdeki (İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir, Eskişehir) eylemcilerle gerçekleştirilen birebir derinlemesine mülakatların analiz edilmesine; eylemler süresince ve eylemler epey sönümlenmişken eylemler... more
Cihan Harbi Avrupa’yı karanlık bir evreye sokuyor, 19. yüzyılın refah ortamını sonlandırırken kararsızlıklarla dolu bir dönemi başlatıyordu. Türkiye insanının bu gelişmelerden etkilenmemesi düşünülemezdi. Üstelik Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi... more
This paper sheds light on the role of evolutionary ideas in the making of Turkish nationalism during the Kemalist era (1923–1938). By so doing, it aims to challenge some of the dominant historiographical viewpoints as to the nature of... more
This article analyses the conception of womanhood and nationhood in Turkey through images of the First Lady in the media. It demonstrates that while there is a struggle between the secularist and Islamist media on issues such as Turkish... more
This chapter sets out to examine not only how media structures have de- veloped and what they actually mean but also why the structures themselves reflect sociocultural assemblages, in Turkey’s case, favouring a media that serves to... more
a parody of turkish bureaucracy
Anlayış Dergisi, Sayı 77, Ekim 2009
Anlayış Dergisi, Sayı 77, Ekim 2009
During the Republican era, “the question of minorities” was an important issue for the rulers of the state, as it was in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire. Unlike the Ottoman Empire, the Republican leadership adopted the policy of... more
""""“Refik Halid Türkçeyi en iyi yazan muharrirdir.” Ziya Gökalp “Nesir yazarları içinde dilini en güzel... more
Believers say he preaches a new, modern form of Islam. Critics charge he is a power hungry wolf in sheep's clothing preparing to convert secular Turkey into an Islamic republic; a conspirator who has created a state within the state and... more
ISBN 978-1-108-48087-1 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for ttre persistence oI accuracy of UR[* foı extemal or üird-party internet \i/ebsites referred to in this publication and does not guaıantee üat any content... more
Following recent studies using Bourdieusian field theory to examine journalistic freedom and media criticism, we investigated the Turkish press using a comparative perspective focusing on the media’s interaction with the nexus of... more
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
On 20. January 2012, the Parliament of the Republic of Turkey passed a law concerning new rules and procedure by which Turkey’s future head of state would be elected. According to this law, Turkey’s next head of state was to be elected by... more
Turkey’s geostrategic location at the crossroads of Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, and its dual identity as both a European and Asian state is unique in the world. The country safeguards strategic waterways and offers NATO critical... more
غالباً ما تُؤخذ التجربة التركية كمثل حيّ لتأكيد تعايش الإسلام مع الحداثة من ناحية، ولإمكانية صوغ علاقة إيجابية تفاعلية بين الإسلام والديمقراطية ودولة القانون من ناحية أخرى. باستثناء تجربتي ماليزيا وتونس، لم تلقَ معظم التجارب الأخرى الكثير... more
Kazamias drew a distinction between immediate and underlying causes of Kotzias's resignation. He said "Kotzias' resignation underscores the already weak position of the Tsipras Government" and exposes shortcomings within its core... more
A study of the politics of finances in the late Ottoman Empire
In this interview, Gülay Türkmen discusses the trajectory of political Islam in Turkey with Hayri Kırbaşoğlu, professor of theology at Ankara University's Divinity School. One of the main figures of the " Ankara school " in theology,... more
CHP Genel Başkanı Deniz Baykal’la ilgili internet sitelerine düşen görüntüler, CHP’nin ve siyasetin gündemini bir anda değiştirdi. Deniz Baykal, CHP Genel Başkanlığından istifa etti; CHP’nin yetkili organlarının desteğini arkasına alan... more
A snapshot of universities in Turkey right now: Ankara Law School dean and Political Science School dean did not allow a penal of three full professors aiming to discuss the State of Emergency regime and its decree-laws. The panel was... more
This article suggests that the Gezi Park protests in general, and particularly the presence there of the Anti-Capitalist Muslims is a valuable example for studying the ambiguity and complexity of the secular/Islamic paradigm in Turkey.... more
'68 Hareketi ve Kadınlar: 1968'de Türkiye'deki öğrenci ve gençlik hareketine katılan on altı farklı kadın ile söyleşiler...