Political Islam in Turkey
Recent papers in Political Islam in Turkey
Soğuk savaşın ürünü olarak ortaya çıkan internet, her şey hakkında bilgi sunan ve sayıları gün geçtikçe artan web sitelerine anında ulaşım sağlayan dünya çapındaki bilgisayar ağı olmakla beraber yirminci yüzyılın en önemli teknolojik... more
This article focuses on the populist strategy of the Turkish Justice and Development Party between the 2007 presidential election, when Turkish politics experienced an impasse, and the 2010 referendum over the constitutional amendments.... more
In this interview, Gülay Türkmen discusses the trajectory of political Islam in Turkey with Hayri Kırbaşoğlu, professor of theology at Ankara University's Divinity School. One of the main figures of the " Ankara school " in theology,... more
This article suggests that the Gezi Park protests in general, and particularly the presence there of the Anti-Capitalist Muslims is a valuable example for studying the ambiguity and complexity of the secular/Islamic paradigm in Turkey.... more
The prophet of Islam has prescribed these five things as the foundation of Islam and they are: Faith, prayer, fasting, Zakat and Hajj for the Sunnis and prayer, fasting, Zakat, Hajj and Imamate for Shia. These five things contain the... more
In the wake of the July 2016 putsch and the subsequent purge of followers of the outlawed Turkish cleric Fethullah Gülen in every sphere of Turkish life under the ruling AKP government's state of emergency, the Gülen movement (GM) is in... more
Is Ramadhan a Stupid Fasting or rather today's Muslims are Silly and thus the Fake Turkologist Nikos Chiladakis is Proven Ignorant? ΑΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΝΕΝΕΡΓΟ ΜΠΛΟΓΚ “ΟΙ ΡΩΜΙΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ” Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη... more
Η σημασία της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου για το τουρκικό κράτος είναι διαχρονική. Ωστόσο είναι γεγονός ότι τα τελευταία χρόνια με αφορμή τις εξελίξεις γύρω από το θέμα της ενέργειας, καταγράφεται ένα ανανεωμένο ενδιαφέρον της Άγκυρας που... more
This paper asserts that Turkish secularism and Islamism represent two faces of one coincontemporary Turkish politicswhen one considers their goals and strategies. The two ideological movements have shaped one another and each now seeks to... more
Turkey has witnessed remarkable sociocultural change under the regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP), particularly regarding its religious communities. As individuals with pious identities have... more
This is an announcement of my latest book Islam and Good Governance: A Political Philosophy of Ihsan, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
An east-west axis of Azerbaijan and Turkey has grown into prominence within the broader structure of regional dynamics in Eurasia over the past two decades. Yet few, including among policy advisors and policy makers in either of the two... more
Dindar-geleneksel kesimin yaşam tarzlarındaki dönüşümler doksanlı yıllardan bu yana akademinin başlıca araştırma ve tartışma konularından biri oldu. Fakat bu tartışmalar ağırlıkla, dindar-geleneksel eyleyicilerin piyasa ve modernite... more
Özelde Türkiye toplumu ve genelde müslüman dünya, modernleşme ve Batı ile olan karşılaşmasını başından beri çok çeşitli nedenlerle sağlıksız bir şekilde yürüttü. Bu sorunlu karşılaşmanın pratik sonuçları siyaset, sosyoloji, felsefe ve... more
This dissertation began the day I saw the headline of the Turkish daily Hürriyet on its front page on 21 February 2004: ―SABIHA GÖKÇEN‘S 80-YEAR-OLD SECRET.‖ I was in the Giesel library of the UC San Diego casually surfing the Turkish... more
Political and Legal System of Islam gives a broad and indepth view of Islamic governance and legal system on which further Islamic developments can be achieved. Secular society normalizes sins, making them acceptable in the mind. Zeal,... more
This paper discusses the benefits of the Islamic hijab, which is beneficial to the individual, the family, and the wider society. This paper suggests that the hijab should not only be enforced under Islamic rule but also under secular rule.
This study analyzes the political reasons that allowed the Islamic State to expand successfully in Syria and Iraq, by enabling to ‘franchise’ worldwide, and the role of the regional governments in this issue. The essay provides a... more
An in-depth and broad introduction to Islam.
An introduction to anything should include principles, foundational concepts and significant information about that thing. This introduction has included such in a very wide range. This logically argumentative format has been used due to... more
ABSTRACT This dissertation undertakes a critical scrutiny of Orhan Pamuk’s Snow (2004) and Other Colours (2007), texts that majorly grapple with contemporary Turkey’s... more
Researched by Frank Dougan 02/04/2022 Jesus Christ denouncing Turkish devil ERDOGAN for desecrating and turning one of the greatest Christian Churches in the world the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople into the House of Satanic for the... more
The victory in the November 2002 elections of the Islamic rooted Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been a strong challenge for Turkey's democracy with its strong secular state tradition. Fifteen years of uninterrupted governance... more
Turkey has witnessed a proliferation of Islamic television channels since the liberalization of broadcasting in the 1990s. The programming of these TV channels was initially distinctly theological in character, with shows focusing on the... more
Doğumundan itibaren Bülent Ecevit'in yetiştiği ortam, gazetecilik hayatı, fikir dünyasının oluşumu, gelişimi ve birtakım düşünceleri, siyasete girişi, ortanın solu fikri, siyasi mücadelesi esnasında parti içinde yaşanan kavgalar ve... more
Turkey’s journey towards one-man rule and a new political system without checks and balances turned a new corner with the disputed national referendum on 16 April 2017. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won new powers from voters, which... more
كتاب ندوة تركيا حول الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر
محور النبوة وأسئلتها
محور النبوة وأسئلتها
Islamic revival is not a bed of roses but requires revolutionary acts of Jihad. We can make revolutionary decisions to prepare also for the arrival of Imam Mahdi. However complete political Islamic revival will be achieved by advent of... more
Translation of Erdogan's 'New' Turkey (Routledge) with a preface by Ahmet Insel and an afterword by Cengiz Aktar
Alevis, Bektashis and Qizilbashes in today's Turkey ΑΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΝΕΝΕΡΓΟ ΜΠΛΟΓΚ “ΟΙ ΡΩΜΙΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ” Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη είχε αρχικά δημοσιευθεί την 4η Σεπτεμβρίου 2019. Στο κείμενό του αυτό, ο κ.... more
Überblick strategische Lage 2017
This paper examines the short-lived rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt after the Arab Spring and argues that the Muslim Brotherhood had abandoned Islamist values without embracing democratic ideals. It identifies a pathway to reform... more
Turks-Arabische verhoudingen en hoe Turks zijn de Turken eigenlijk?
Lezing voor de Turkije-tafel, Sociëteit De Witte, Den Haag 24 september 2018
Lezing voor de Turkije-tafel, Sociëteit De Witte, Den Haag 24 september 2018