Recent papers in Urbex
This chapter considers sites like Pripyat, in Chernobyl, as zones of alternative practice, especially in terms of urban exploration. At the same time, it offers a critique of such activities as a form of adventure tourism, contrasting the... more
The proliferation in recent years of photography of urban ruins has proven polarizing: on the one hand, urbex photographers claim the status of art for their work; on the other hand, critics and members of local communities consider such... more
İnsan odaklı, hümanist, bir fiziksel ve sosyal çevrede, “adil, demokratik ve katılımcı” bir çerçevede yaşama hakkına duyulan gereksinimle, yani “kent hakkı” ile ilgili sorunlar, yeni toplumsal hareketlerde değinilen başlıca sorunlardır.... more
Rarely solicited, and even less rarely welcomed in retrospect, there are fewer aspects of our built environment more contentious than graffiti. The occurrence of graffiti more often than not carries with it well-rehearsed attitudes... more
In the early two thousand, URBEX, Urban Exploration of abandoned places began to spread across different parts of Spain. URBEX explores ruinous places not to rape them or to vandalize them but to photograph them. The practice itself... more
Cet article simple et concis explique ce qu'est l'Urbex. Il a été écrit pour un public non-initié.
This paper is a simple and consise explaination of Urbex. It has been written espacially for non-enlightened people about this practice.
This paper is a simple and consise explaination of Urbex. It has been written espacially for non-enlightened people about this practice.
L'exploration urbaine – ou Urbex – est une pratique de plus en plus connue du public étant donné sa médiatisation croissante notamment sur les réseaux sociaux, en particulier avec l'important nombre de photographies traitant du sujet, ce... more
A l’apparition du goût pour la ruine, c’est l’objet antique qui frappe l’imagination. Les tambours de colonnes effondrées ramènent le spectateur plusieurs siècles en arrière. La beauté frissonnante des cadavres de pierre évoque un âge... more
This paper discusses the role of encounters with the past in the practice of urban exploration through ethnographic research undertaken with communities of urban explorers. Urban exploration is an activity intimately connected with places... more
The way that humanity both inhabits and views its surroundings directly influences individual and collective thoughts and emotions. Yet in a society that is constantly over-stimulated, taking in the surroundings becomes secondary to... more
This chapter considers sites like Pripyat, in Chernobyl, as zones of alternative practice, especially in terms of urban exploration. At the same time, it offers a critique of such activities as a form of adventure tourism, contrasting the... more
Urban exploration or “urbex” are terms used to loosely describe the exploration of man-made structures, particularly those that are abandoned, “off limits”, or hidden from the public eye. Although people might at first assume that urban... more
"Gula" talk about the fetishism of commodity, based in Karl Marx's critique of the social and psychological phenomenon in which goods appear to have an independent will of its producers.
L’exploration urbaine – ou « urbex », de l’Anglais "urban exploration" – désigne le fait d’arpenter un espace post-industriel in situ, en particulier ses composantes cachées, temporaires ou délaissées. Que sont ces lieux ou phases, avant... more
Intensification of agriculture and land consolidation policy induced the removal of most natural features from farmland, reducing the habitat of many wild species. Abandoned WWII bunkers, unaffected by land consolidation, are a potential... more
当代中国城市废墟的研究网络 This concept note aims to build an international research group of scholars, artists, and urban explorers focusing on ruins and ruination processes in urban China. Urban ruins constitute a ubiquitous architectural feature in... more
This diploma thesis deals with the urban phenomenon known as urban exploration which has been studied in the teritory of Bratislava metropolis. The phenomenon was theoretically framed by the classical flâneurism concept and Walter... more
Barcelona Showdown es una publicación coordinada por el colectivo Blood & Madness y lanzada junto al apoyo financiero de la escena suburbana internacional a través de un exitoso crowdfunding. Su objetivo era sencillo, pero desafiante:... more
Contrary to the belief that concrete ethical procedures and risk assessments can be easily established and followed in the field, this article suggests that our responsibility to ‘Others’ is a complex task that sometimes requires an... more