Visigothic State
Recent papers in Visigothic State
ABSTRACT GALLAECIA GOTHICA: FROM CONSPIRACY OF DUX ARGIMUNDUS (589/590 AD) TO INTEGRATION IN THE VISIGOTHIC KINGDOM OF TOLEDO. The rebellion of the dux Argimundus was one of the most delicate moments of the reign of Reccared. We have... more
The rebellion of the dux Argimundus was one of the most delicate moments of the reign of Reccared. We have no precise details of how the plot unfolded but certainly the throne was seriously threatened: the John of Biclaro’s Chronicle underline the seriousness of this threat expounding on punishment suffered by the rebel and his accomplices. All this topped with a lapidary phrase with John of Biclaro closes its chronic (et docuit famulos dominis non esse superbos). This categorical condemnation of the attempted overthrow King is unmatched by any other uprisings narrated throughout the pages of his chronicle. It gives us an idea of transcendence that John of Biclaro gave it in his story. The fact that the Biclarensis mentions that Argimundus was not only a member of the Aula Regia but also dux prouinciae, the name of the rebel, the Gallaecia situation and the circumstance of being a newly conquered province, and last, the parallel with the revolt of the Duke Paulus regarding modus operandi and subsequent punishment, are arguments that incline us to think that of dux Argimundus complot was not just a palace conspiracy, but a genuine revolt of the province of Gallaecia that could have ruined the political work built by Leovigild and Reccared. This interpretation confirms an old hypothesis defended decades ago by the Portuguese historian A. M. de Faria, who, based on the study of numismatics Reccared’s reign, suggested that this attempt of usurpation would have taken place in Gallaecia.
However, due to the inaccuracy of our source, it is difficult to prove what the ultimate goal of the dux Argimundus was: if Reccared overthrow the Visigothic throne or, conversely, to restore the old Suebian kingdom in Gallaecia. Some indications seem to suggest rather the latter. First, the province had recently conquered thanks in part to a clash between two factions of the Suebic nobility, and the rebel could belong one of them. Secondly, there is the deafening silence of Biclarensis on the development of the facts, silence that contrasts with the details that contributes to other similar events. And finally, we are inclined to believe in this option the way the rebels were punished, with a final ride on the back of a donkey through the streets of Toledo, in a kind of mock triumph or parody ceremony investiture, which certainly seems more akin to a military triumph than a palace conspiracy. These, in general, were solved with a series of summary trials and subsequent execution of the sentence, as we have seen in the case of conspiracies of Segga in Merida and Uldila in Toledo. In this regard, significantly, in our opinion, the punishment inflicted Argimundus is virtually identical to suffer years after dux Paulus after his unsuccessful revolt in Septimania. Through the study of Onomastic, we propose in this paper the hypothesis of a Suebian origin of dux Argimundus and his possible relationship to the Suebian royal dynasty as well as the possibility that the news transmitted by John of Biclaro hide actually an attempt to restore the Suebian kingdom of Gallaecia.
In our own point of view, the importance of the rebellion of dux Argimundus is mainly to be seen as the beginning of a phenomenon that marks the future of Gallaecia in Visigothic times: the militarization of the Duchy. An analysis of the various literary and archaeological sources that we have been doing confirms the idea that the incorporation of old Suebian kingdom to the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo not has been as peaceful and complete as described in unison the chronicles of the time. On the contrary it seems clear that it was a long and gradual process, alternating with difficulties and successes, which resulted in a significant military presence in the area. In relation with this matter, we also discussed here geography Leovigild’s military campaigns in the Northwest aimed at the conquest of the Suebian kingdom of Gallaecia and location of the territory inhabited by the Ruccones and the Aregenses mountains, whose location is today discussed. We propose here that the Ruccones of the Visigothic literary sources will be identified with old Luggones, an ethnic group related to the ancient Astures, who should inhabit the current region of Bierzo (province of León). And we also propose that the Aregenses mountains will be located in Cabrera’s montains, around the river Eria valley, in the border between de current provinces of León and Zamora.
Definitely Visigothic conquest prompted the province to acquire a strong military character, which would explain the emergence of a strong Suebian-Gothic aristocracy eventually get done with the reins of power and held power in Toledo during second half of 7th Century. In a certain sense, it can be assumed to Gallaecia a situation not unlike of Septimania, but in this case its closeness of Merovingian and Burgundian realms provokes a greater risk and greater chance of success on holdup, hence the need to place in front of Duchy nobles with blood ties with the ruling dynasty.
Anyway, and similar to the Narbonensis case, it seems that Gallaecia was considered a foreign body within the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo. As underlined by one author is highly significant that chronic of Alfonso III of Oviedo mentions the kingdom of the Suebi a century and a half after its conquest. The literary sources, in fact, suggest the existence of a certain feeling of uniqueness in Visigothic Gallaecia that would have kept alive well into the Middle Ages. The heavy militarization of the territory and the enormous power accumulated by his aristocratic circle will make up an important faction within the Visigothic nobility. As mentioned, unlike Narbonensis, geographic isolation of Gallaecia and the impossibility of having foreign allies difficult here any attempt of usurpation, but instead it served to tie important kinship between the Suebian nobility and Gothic one. This should further strengthen the personality of the territory and give it some political content that will hatch in the Middle Ages. In any case, the situation experienced by Gallaecia and Narbonensis during the Visigoth period will have a certain parallel with the events that followed the Arab conquest at 711 with a Kingdom of Asturias isolated and left to their fate and some counties of Septimania and Northern Tarraconensis willing to agree with the Franks. In this sense, if the Galician origin of kings who occupied the throne Toledo in the second half of the seventh Century will confirmed, the mechanisms that led to the emergence of a core of political and military domination of Islamic resistance in the Northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula would better understand.
The rebellion of the dux Argimundus was one of the most delicate moments of the reign of Reccared. We have no precise details of how the plot unfolded but certainly the throne was seriously threatened: the John of Biclaro’s Chronicle underline the seriousness of this threat expounding on punishment suffered by the rebel and his accomplices. All this topped with a lapidary phrase with John of Biclaro closes its chronic (et docuit famulos dominis non esse superbos). This categorical condemnation of the attempted overthrow King is unmatched by any other uprisings narrated throughout the pages of his chronicle. It gives us an idea of transcendence that John of Biclaro gave it in his story. The fact that the Biclarensis mentions that Argimundus was not only a member of the Aula Regia but also dux prouinciae, the name of the rebel, the Gallaecia situation and the circumstance of being a newly conquered province, and last, the parallel with the revolt of the Duke Paulus regarding modus operandi and subsequent punishment, are arguments that incline us to think that of dux Argimundus complot was not just a palace conspiracy, but a genuine revolt of the province of Gallaecia that could have ruined the political work built by Leovigild and Reccared. This interpretation confirms an old hypothesis defended decades ago by the Portuguese historian A. M. de Faria, who, based on the study of numismatics Reccared’s reign, suggested that this attempt of usurpation would have taken place in Gallaecia.
However, due to the inaccuracy of our source, it is difficult to prove what the ultimate goal of the dux Argimundus was: if Reccared overthrow the Visigothic throne or, conversely, to restore the old Suebian kingdom in Gallaecia. Some indications seem to suggest rather the latter. First, the province had recently conquered thanks in part to a clash between two factions of the Suebic nobility, and the rebel could belong one of them. Secondly, there is the deafening silence of Biclarensis on the development of the facts, silence that contrasts with the details that contributes to other similar events. And finally, we are inclined to believe in this option the way the rebels were punished, with a final ride on the back of a donkey through the streets of Toledo, in a kind of mock triumph or parody ceremony investiture, which certainly seems more akin to a military triumph than a palace conspiracy. These, in general, were solved with a series of summary trials and subsequent execution of the sentence, as we have seen in the case of conspiracies of Segga in Merida and Uldila in Toledo. In this regard, significantly, in our opinion, the punishment inflicted Argimundus is virtually identical to suffer years after dux Paulus after his unsuccessful revolt in Septimania. Through the study of Onomastic, we propose in this paper the hypothesis of a Suebian origin of dux Argimundus and his possible relationship to the Suebian royal dynasty as well as the possibility that the news transmitted by John of Biclaro hide actually an attempt to restore the Suebian kingdom of Gallaecia.
In our own point of view, the importance of the rebellion of dux Argimundus is mainly to be seen as the beginning of a phenomenon that marks the future of Gallaecia in Visigothic times: the militarization of the Duchy. An analysis of the various literary and archaeological sources that we have been doing confirms the idea that the incorporation of old Suebian kingdom to the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo not has been as peaceful and complete as described in unison the chronicles of the time. On the contrary it seems clear that it was a long and gradual process, alternating with difficulties and successes, which resulted in a significant military presence in the area. In relation with this matter, we also discussed here geography Leovigild’s military campaigns in the Northwest aimed at the conquest of the Suebian kingdom of Gallaecia and location of the territory inhabited by the Ruccones and the Aregenses mountains, whose location is today discussed. We propose here that the Ruccones of the Visigothic literary sources will be identified with old Luggones, an ethnic group related to the ancient Astures, who should inhabit the current region of Bierzo (province of León). And we also propose that the Aregenses mountains will be located in Cabrera’s montains, around the river Eria valley, in the border between de current provinces of León and Zamora.
Definitely Visigothic conquest prompted the province to acquire a strong military character, which would explain the emergence of a strong Suebian-Gothic aristocracy eventually get done with the reins of power and held power in Toledo during second half of 7th Century. In a certain sense, it can be assumed to Gallaecia a situation not unlike of Septimania, but in this case its closeness of Merovingian and Burgundian realms provokes a greater risk and greater chance of success on holdup, hence the need to place in front of Duchy nobles with blood ties with the ruling dynasty.
Anyway, and similar to the Narbonensis case, it seems that Gallaecia was considered a foreign body within the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo. As underlined by one author is highly significant that chronic of Alfonso III of Oviedo mentions the kingdom of the Suebi a century and a half after its conquest. The literary sources, in fact, suggest the existence of a certain feeling of uniqueness in Visigothic Gallaecia that would have kept alive well into the Middle Ages. The heavy militarization of the territory and the enormous power accumulated by his aristocratic circle will make up an important faction within the Visigothic nobility. As mentioned, unlike Narbonensis, geographic isolation of Gallaecia and the impossibility of having foreign allies difficult here any attempt of usurpation, but instead it served to tie important kinship between the Suebian nobility and Gothic one. This should further strengthen the personality of the territory and give it some political content that will hatch in the Middle Ages. In any case, the situation experienced by Gallaecia and Narbonensis during the Visigoth period will have a certain parallel with the events that followed the Arab conquest at 711 with a Kingdom of Asturias isolated and left to their fate and some counties of Septimania and Northern Tarraconensis willing to agree with the Franks. In this sense, if the Galician origin of kings who occupied the throne Toledo in the second half of the seventh Century will confirmed, the mechanisms that led to the emergence of a core of political and military domination of Islamic resistance in the Northwestern area of the Iberian Peninsula would better understand.
Resumen: La intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento de La Quebrada II ha permitido documentar un enclave con tres momentos de ocupación. Los inicios de la actividad humana nos llevan a época romana y van ligados a la construcción... more
La intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento de La Quebrada II ha permitido documentar un enclave con tres momentos de ocupación. Los inicios de la actividad humana nos llevan a época romana y van ligados a la construcción del abastecimiento de aguas de la ciudad de Segóbriga, que aprovecha los manantiales cercanos al yacimiento, como el de la Quebrada. Un segundo momento de actividad esta ligado a la época hispanovisigoda, localizándose un hábitat –cabañas y silos- y su correspondiente necrópolis. Por ultimo, la zona es poblada intensamente coincidiendo con las taifas andalusíes, en pleno siglo XI. Se ha podido localizar un extenso “campo de silos”, que pertenecería a un hábitat cercano, así como su correspondiente necrópolis. En este sentido, esta circunstancia nos ha permitido abordar en profundidad la problemática de la funcionalidad de este tipo de estructuras en la Alta Edad Media Hispana.
El libro se ha publicado dividido en dos volúmenes. En este primer volumen se recogen los resultados de la intervención arqueológica de cada uno de los espacios y el estudio de materiales. El volumen cuenta con una amplia introducción histórica del territorio en época visigoda y andalusí, desde la época emiral a las taifas, así como los conflictos entre León y Castilla y los Imperios magrebíes. El segundo volumen recoge las conclusiones y la problemática de la funcionalidad de los “silos” en la Alta Edad Media hispana, así como los anejos de las analíticas –Estudios antropológicos, malacológicos, etc.-
Palabras clave: La Quebrada, abastecimiento de agua, Segóbriga, hispanovisigodo, necrópolis, Cuenca, silos, andalusí, taifas, imperios magrebíes.
1. Un hábitat hispanovisigodo en el territorio del obispado de Ercávica
2. La necrópolis hispanovisigoda de La Quebrada II.
3. El hábitat rural en la Cuenca hispanomusulmana. El poblado de La Quebrada de Saelices.
La intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento de La Quebrada II ha permitido documentar un enclave con tres momentos de ocupación. Los inicios de la actividad humana nos llevan a época romana y van ligados a la construcción del abastecimiento de aguas de la ciudad de Segóbriga, que aprovecha los manantiales cercanos al yacimiento, como el de la Quebrada. Un segundo momento de actividad esta ligado a la época hispanovisigoda, localizándose un hábitat –cabañas y silos- y su correspondiente necrópolis. Por ultimo, la zona es poblada intensamente coincidiendo con las taifas andalusíes, en pleno siglo XI. Se ha podido localizar un extenso “campo de silos”, que pertenecería a un hábitat cercano, así como su correspondiente necrópolis. En este sentido, esta circunstancia nos ha permitido abordar en profundidad la problemática de la funcionalidad de este tipo de estructuras en la Alta Edad Media Hispana.
El libro se ha publicado dividido en dos volúmenes. En este primer volumen se recogen los resultados de la intervención arqueológica de cada uno de los espacios y el estudio de materiales. El volumen cuenta con una amplia introducción histórica del territorio en época visigoda y andalusí, desde la época emiral a las taifas, así como los conflictos entre León y Castilla y los Imperios magrebíes. El segundo volumen recoge las conclusiones y la problemática de la funcionalidad de los “silos” en la Alta Edad Media hispana, así como los anejos de las analíticas –Estudios antropológicos, malacológicos, etc.-
Palabras clave: La Quebrada, abastecimiento de agua, Segóbriga, hispanovisigodo, necrópolis, Cuenca, silos, andalusí, taifas, imperios magrebíes.
1. Un hábitat hispanovisigodo en el territorio del obispado de Ercávica
2. La necrópolis hispanovisigoda de La Quebrada II.
3. El hábitat rural en la Cuenca hispanomusulmana. El poblado de La Quebrada de Saelices.
The group of numismatic discoveries in Recópolis is very wide, with a superior number of coins at 130. It is, on the other hand, of the most important group in tremisses of Visigothic time registered in archaeological excavation. Great... more
The group of numismatic discoveries in Recópolis is very wide, with a superior number of coins at 130. It is, on the other hand, of the most important group in tremisses of Visigothic time registered in archaeological excavation. Great part of the study rotates around the relationship of these with the fiscality of the century VI d. C. and their crisis in s. VII D. C., together to the urban deep transformation that will end in the maintenance of the place like an outstanding center of the area. Of this last moment they are the emissions of the Independent Emirate that have been discovered. The transformation of the region and the evolution toward the Feudalism implanted by the Military Orders, unite to the emergence of a Christian village, in the XII century that marks the definitive end of the occupation subrayable in old Recópolis.
Keywords: Visigothic State, Fiscality, Feudalism, Coins, Independent Amirate, Castillian
Keywords: Visigothic State, Fiscality, Feudalism, Coins, Independent Amirate, Castillian
Resumen: La intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento de La Quebrada II ha permitido documentar un enclave con tres momentos de ocupación. Los inicios de la actividad humana nos llevan a época romana y van ligados a la construcción... more
La intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento de La Quebrada II ha permitido documentar un enclave con tres momentos de ocupación. Los inicios de la actividad humana nos llevan a época romana y van ligados a la construcción del abastecimiento de aguas de la ciudad de Segóbriga, que aprovecha los manantiales cercanos al yacimiento, como el de la Quebrada. Un segundo momento de actividad esta ligado a la época hispanovisigoda, localizándose un hábitat –cabañas y silos- y su correspondiente necrópolis. Por ultimo, la zona es poblada intensamente coincidiendo con las taifas andalusíes, en pleno siglo XI. Se ha podido localizar un extenso “campo de silos”, que pertenecería a un hábitat cercano, así como su correspondiente necrópolis. En este sentido, esta circunstancia nos ha permitido abordar en profundidad la problemática de la funcionalidad de este tipo de estructuras en la Alta Edad Media Hispana.
El libro se ha publicado dividido en dos volúmenes. En este primer volumen se recogen los resultados de la intervención arqueológica de cada uno de los espacios y el estudio de materiales. El volumen cuenta con una amplia introducción histórica del territorio en época visigoda y andalusí, desde la época emiral a las taifas, así como los conflictos entre León y Castilla y los Imperios magrebíes. El segundo volumen recoge las conclusiones y la problemática de la funcionalidad de los “silos” en la Alta Edad Media hispana, así como los anejos de las analíticas –Estudios antropológicos, malacológicos, etc.-
Palabras clave: La Quebrada, abastecimiento de agua, Segóbriga, hispanovisigodo, necrópolis, Cuenca, silos, andalusí, taifas, imperios magrebíes.
1. La provincia de Cuenca en época visigoda
2. La provincia de Cuenca en época andalu´si. La Kura de Santaver
3. La provincia de Cuenca en época taifa. La Taifa de Toledo.
4. León y Castilla frente a los Imperios magrebíes
2. Excavación arqueológica
3. Conclusiones
4. Anejo planimétrico
1. Cerámica
2. vidrio
3. Metales
4. Industria lítica
La intervención arqueológica en el yacimiento de La Quebrada II ha permitido documentar un enclave con tres momentos de ocupación. Los inicios de la actividad humana nos llevan a época romana y van ligados a la construcción del abastecimiento de aguas de la ciudad de Segóbriga, que aprovecha los manantiales cercanos al yacimiento, como el de la Quebrada. Un segundo momento de actividad esta ligado a la época hispanovisigoda, localizándose un hábitat –cabañas y silos- y su correspondiente necrópolis. Por ultimo, la zona es poblada intensamente coincidiendo con las taifas andalusíes, en pleno siglo XI. Se ha podido localizar un extenso “campo de silos”, que pertenecería a un hábitat cercano, así como su correspondiente necrópolis. En este sentido, esta circunstancia nos ha permitido abordar en profundidad la problemática de la funcionalidad de este tipo de estructuras en la Alta Edad Media Hispana.
El libro se ha publicado dividido en dos volúmenes. En este primer volumen se recogen los resultados de la intervención arqueológica de cada uno de los espacios y el estudio de materiales. El volumen cuenta con una amplia introducción histórica del territorio en época visigoda y andalusí, desde la época emiral a las taifas, así como los conflictos entre León y Castilla y los Imperios magrebíes. El segundo volumen recoge las conclusiones y la problemática de la funcionalidad de los “silos” en la Alta Edad Media hispana, así como los anejos de las analíticas –Estudios antropológicos, malacológicos, etc.-
Palabras clave: La Quebrada, abastecimiento de agua, Segóbriga, hispanovisigodo, necrópolis, Cuenca, silos, andalusí, taifas, imperios magrebíes.
1. La provincia de Cuenca en época visigoda
2. La provincia de Cuenca en época andalu´si. La Kura de Santaver
3. La provincia de Cuenca en época taifa. La Taifa de Toledo.
4. León y Castilla frente a los Imperios magrebíes
2. Excavación arqueológica
3. Conclusiones
4. Anejo planimétrico
1. Cerámica
2. vidrio
3. Metales
4. Industria lítica
PROLOGO 7 J. Morín · A. Ribera · I.M. Sánchez. Editores PONENCIA INAUGURAL Achim Arbeiter (Univ. de Gottingen, Alemania Los palacios de la época de los visigodos. 11 Jorge Morin (Audema), Rafael Barroso (Audema), Jesús Carrobles... more
J. Morín · A. Ribera · I.M. Sánchez. Editores
Achim Arbeiter (Univ. de Gottingen, Alemania
Los palacios de la época de los visigodos. 11
Jorge Morin (Audema), Rafael Barroso (Audema), Jesús Carrobles
(Diputación de Toledo), Isabel Sánchez (Institut Ausonius, Université
Bordeaux Montaigne).
Los palacios visigodos de la corte de Toledo. 15
Josep M. Macias (ICAC).
La arquitectura pública tardoantigua y la necesidad de una
reflexión conjunta (Proyecto HAR2012-36963-C05-02). 19
Julia Beltrán (Museu d’Història de Barcelona).
Las residencias palatinas de Barcino en el siglo VI. 23
S. Josep Mª Nolla (Univ. Girona).
La residencia fortificada de Sant Julià de Ramis (Girona). 27
Arnau Perich (ICAC).
El palacio de Qsar ibn Wardan (Siria). ¿Un precedente de Pla de Nadal? 31
Jorge Morin (Audema), Isabel Sánchez (Institut Ausonius, Université
Bordeaux Montaigne) Rafael Barroso (Audema)
La decoración arquitectónica de Pla de Nadal. 35
Albert Ribera, Miquel Rosselló.
La reconstrucción y la función del edificio de Pla de Nadal. 39Comunicaciones
Francisco Blai
La villa áulica de Pla de Nadal: Las dimensiones de la planta,
el sistema de proporciones y el modo de proyectar. 45
Jose Vicente Calatayud
Saltar la valla. Estratigrafía y hallazgos perimetrales en la evolución del
espacio de representación en Plà de Nadal, una propuesta 49
Pepa Pascual y Albert Ribera.
Valentia entre los siglos VII y IX 55
Esperanza de Coig-O´Donnell y Jorge Morin
El Museo Visigodo de Pla de Nadal MVPLA. 59
J. Morín · A. Ribera · I.M. Sánchez. Editores
Achim Arbeiter (Univ. de Gottingen, Alemania
Los palacios de la época de los visigodos. 11
Jorge Morin (Audema), Rafael Barroso (Audema), Jesús Carrobles
(Diputación de Toledo), Isabel Sánchez (Institut Ausonius, Université
Bordeaux Montaigne).
Los palacios visigodos de la corte de Toledo. 15
Josep M. Macias (ICAC).
La arquitectura pública tardoantigua y la necesidad de una
reflexión conjunta (Proyecto HAR2012-36963-C05-02). 19
Julia Beltrán (Museu d’Història de Barcelona).
Las residencias palatinas de Barcino en el siglo VI. 23
S. Josep Mª Nolla (Univ. Girona).
La residencia fortificada de Sant Julià de Ramis (Girona). 27
Arnau Perich (ICAC).
El palacio de Qsar ibn Wardan (Siria). ¿Un precedente de Pla de Nadal? 31
Jorge Morin (Audema), Isabel Sánchez (Institut Ausonius, Université
Bordeaux Montaigne) Rafael Barroso (Audema)
La decoración arquitectónica de Pla de Nadal. 35
Albert Ribera, Miquel Rosselló.
La reconstrucción y la función del edificio de Pla de Nadal. 39Comunicaciones
Francisco Blai
La villa áulica de Pla de Nadal: Las dimensiones de la planta,
el sistema de proporciones y el modo de proyectar. 45
Jose Vicente Calatayud
Saltar la valla. Estratigrafía y hallazgos perimetrales en la evolución del
espacio de representación en Plà de Nadal, una propuesta 49
Pepa Pascual y Albert Ribera.
Valentia entre los siglos VII y IX 55
Esperanza de Coig-O´Donnell y Jorge Morin
El Museo Visigodo de Pla de Nadal MVPLA. 59
Resumen Se presentan los primeros resultados arqueológicos obtenidos durante la Campaña deexcavación de 2014 realizada en el yacimiento conocido como Paço dos Bispos de Idanha-a-Velha. En este lugar emplazado intramuros junto al lienzo... more
Se presentan los primeros resultados arqueológicos obtenidos durante la Campaña deexcavación de 2014 realizada en el yacimiento conocido como Paço dos Bispos de Idanha-a-Velha. En este lugar emplazado intramuros junto al lienzo murario suroccidental se ubica el grupo episcopal tardoantiguo de Egitania. Esta publicación pretende dar a conocer la secuencia estratigráfica registrada durante los trabajos arqueológicos, así como
aportar algunas nuevas consideraciones interpretativas y cronológicas en relación a las construcciones eclesiásticas del episcopio egitano.
The first archaeological results registered in 2014 during the archaeological excavation conducted at the site called as Paço dos Bispos of Idanha-a-Velha are presented. At this
intramural place nestled along the southwestern wall is located the Late Antiquity Episcopal Group of Egitania. This publication aims to show the stratigraphic sequence
recorded during the archaeological work and provide some new interpretatives and chronological considerations in relation to ecclesiastical buildings.
Se presentan los primeros resultados arqueológicos obtenidos durante la Campaña deexcavación de 2014 realizada en el yacimiento conocido como Paço dos Bispos de Idanha-a-Velha. En este lugar emplazado intramuros junto al lienzo murario suroccidental se ubica el grupo episcopal tardoantiguo de Egitania. Esta publicación pretende dar a conocer la secuencia estratigráfica registrada durante los trabajos arqueológicos, así como
aportar algunas nuevas consideraciones interpretativas y cronológicas en relación a las construcciones eclesiásticas del episcopio egitano.
The first archaeological results registered in 2014 during the archaeological excavation conducted at the site called as Paço dos Bispos of Idanha-a-Velha are presented. At this
intramural place nestled along the southwestern wall is located the Late Antiquity Episcopal Group of Egitania. This publication aims to show the stratigraphic sequence
recorded during the archaeological work and provide some new interpretatives and chronological considerations in relation to ecclesiastical buildings.
The ‘imitatio Imperii’ historical phenomenon has been studied and explained mainly by means of written sources, even if in its time the episode was expressed essentially through iconographic means (at last, iconography can be considered... more
The ‘imitatio Imperii’ historical phenomenon has been studied and explained mainly by means of written sources, even if in its time the episode was expressed essentially through iconographic means (at last, iconography can be considered as the main or only archaeological remain of the ‘imitatio’).
Until the reign of Leovigild, Visigothic numismatics did its best to imitate Byzantine coinage, despite significant technical shortcomings. As such, the Visigothic state made it clear how unprepared it was to accept the succession of the Empire in the Western lands they had conquered; in particular, whether they held on to Arianism in a mostly Catholic Hispania.
Leovigild nonetheless took it upon himself to coat the Visigothic monarchy with all the trappings of imperial power: a royal seat and throne, imperial clothing, a Latin titlehood along lower Imperial lines (dominus noster), a sceptre and headband with finished in pearl tips. This iconography is the norm in coins minted from kings Leovigild to Roderic.
This poster aims to an eminently visual summary of the concept of ‘imitatio Imperii’ reflected in the iconography –that is, the process by which Visigothic kings learnt to portray themselves in coins as Byzantine emperors. It will display the different stages and the chronological evolution of such coinage.
Until the reign of Leovigild, Visigothic numismatics did its best to imitate Byzantine coinage, despite significant technical shortcomings. As such, the Visigothic state made it clear how unprepared it was to accept the succession of the Empire in the Western lands they had conquered; in particular, whether they held on to Arianism in a mostly Catholic Hispania.
Leovigild nonetheless took it upon himself to coat the Visigothic monarchy with all the trappings of imperial power: a royal seat and throne, imperial clothing, a Latin titlehood along lower Imperial lines (dominus noster), a sceptre and headband with finished in pearl tips. This iconography is the norm in coins minted from kings Leovigild to Roderic.
This poster aims to an eminently visual summary of the concept of ‘imitatio Imperii’ reflected in the iconography –that is, the process by which Visigothic kings learnt to portray themselves in coins as Byzantine emperors. It will display the different stages and the chronological evolution of such coinage.
Resumen El yacimiento documentado en el PK 13+260 – 13+300 de la carretera CM-4100 consiste en una necrópolis de sepulturas de lajas tipo cista y de fosa simple con cubiertas de lajas. Durante la intervención arqueológica se han... more
El yacimiento documentado en el PK 13+260 – 13+300 de la carretera CM-4100 consiste en una necrópolis de sepulturas de lajas tipo cista y de fosa simple con cubiertas de lajas. Durante la intervención arqueológica se han localizado un total de seis tumbas, a las que habría que sumar las conocidas por intervenciones anteriores y las destruidas por actividades agrícolas y de acondicionamiento de la carretera. Por todo ello resulta difícil estimar un número total de tumbas. Los escasos materiales de adorno personal localizados permiten apuntar una cronología del s. VI, encuadrando el yacimiento dentro de las necrópolis de época visigoda, conocidas a lo largo de la meseta.
Palabras clave: Necrópolis, época visigoda, cistas, elementos de adorno personal, estudio antropológico.
Works made to set up the road CM-4100 allowed to document an archaeological site consisting of a necropolis with flagstone cist graves and other simply excavated ones with flagstone covers. Six graves were excavated during this intervention, while others are known due to previous interventions. There were also an uncertain number of graves destroyed by agricultural activities, which makes really difficult to estimate the original number of graves. The scarce personal ornaments allow to date this site in the VI century, placing it among the visigothic necropolis, well known through the plateau of Castille.
Key words: Necropolis, visigothic period, cists, personal ornaments, anthropologic research.
El yacimiento documentado en el PK 13+260 – 13+300 de la carretera CM-4100 consiste en una necrópolis de sepulturas de lajas tipo cista y de fosa simple con cubiertas de lajas. Durante la intervención arqueológica se han localizado un total de seis tumbas, a las que habría que sumar las conocidas por intervenciones anteriores y las destruidas por actividades agrícolas y de acondicionamiento de la carretera. Por todo ello resulta difícil estimar un número total de tumbas. Los escasos materiales de adorno personal localizados permiten apuntar una cronología del s. VI, encuadrando el yacimiento dentro de las necrópolis de época visigoda, conocidas a lo largo de la meseta.
Palabras clave: Necrópolis, época visigoda, cistas, elementos de adorno personal, estudio antropológico.
Works made to set up the road CM-4100 allowed to document an archaeological site consisting of a necropolis with flagstone cist graves and other simply excavated ones with flagstone covers. Six graves were excavated during this intervention, while others are known due to previous interventions. There were also an uncertain number of graves destroyed by agricultural activities, which makes really difficult to estimate the original number of graves. The scarce personal ornaments allow to date this site in the VI century, placing it among the visigothic necropolis, well known through the plateau of Castille.
Key words: Necropolis, visigothic period, cists, personal ornaments, anthropologic research.
Este estudio va dirigido a analizar la fi gura del tyrannus en la tradición literaria visigoda. En concreto, en este artículo estudiaremos a esos rebeldes que nos retrata Julián de Toledo en su obra, ya que pensamos que su estudio arroja... more
Este estudio va dirigido a analizar la fi gura del tyrannus en la tradición literaria visigoda. En concreto, en este artículo estudiaremos a esos rebeldes que nos retrata Julián de Toledo en su obra, ya que pensamos que su estudio arroja luz sobre la propia concepción del poder en el imaginario colectivo visigodo, puesto que sus propios atributos proceden de una construcción ficticia para fortalecer y legitimar el propio poder
del monarca al menos en esta historia realizada por el obispo de Toledo. De la misma forma, la obra del obispo de Toledo nos da muestra de una lucha entre el monarca y una nobleza que aspira a una mayor autonomía.
This study is aimed at analyzing the fi gure of tyrannus in literary tradition visigothic. However, this article is aimed at analyzing this character, in par cular those rebels that Julián of Toledo portrays in his work, due to the fact that we think his study sheds light on the very concept of power in the Visigoth collective imagination, since their own atributes come from a fictional construction aimed at strengthening and legitimizing
the own power of the monarch at least in t his story by the bishop of Toledo. Likewise, the work of the bishop of Toledo gives sign of a dispute between the king and nobility that spires to greater autonomy.
del monarca al menos en esta historia realizada por el obispo de Toledo. De la misma forma, la obra del obispo de Toledo nos da muestra de una lucha entre el monarca y una nobleza que aspira a una mayor autonomía.
This study is aimed at analyzing the fi gure of tyrannus in literary tradition visigothic. However, this article is aimed at analyzing this character, in par cular those rebels that Julián of Toledo portrays in his work, due to the fact that we think his study sheds light on the very concept of power in the Visigoth collective imagination, since their own atributes come from a fictional construction aimed at strengthening and legitimizing
the own power of the monarch at least in t his story by the bishop of Toledo. Likewise, the work of the bishop of Toledo gives sign of a dispute between the king and nobility that spires to greater autonomy.
Este libro que acaba de ser publicado intenta arrojar luz sobre la integración del reino suevo al organigrama estatal visigodo.
Se retoma el asunto de los denominados cobres visigodos, dados a conocer en 1994 por M. Crusafont, haciendo un análisis de la investigación que los ha tratado desde entonces. Se muestran las tipologías conocidas hasta la fecha además de... more
Se retoma el asunto de los denominados cobres visigodos, dados a conocer en 1994 por M. Crusafont, haciendo un análisis de la investigación que los ha tratado desde entonces. Se muestran las tipologías conocidas hasta la fecha además de algunas novedades, así como los hallazgos que han tenido lugar en los últimos 20 años proponiendo asimismo nuevas aproximaciones cronológicas. Por otro lado, se enmarcan estas emisiones en el panorama de las acuñaciones de nummi de otros reinos germánicos mostrando los paralelos y diferencias entre ellos, destacando que a pesar de su tosquedad estilística su análisis conjunto resulta de inestimable valor para el estudio de la Antigüedad Tardía en el Mediterráneo.
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