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1. Recent national and international policy initiatives have aimed to reduce the exposure of humans and wildlife to lead from ammunition. Despite restrictions, in the UK, lead ammunition remains the most widespread source of environmental... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental ScienceConservation BiologyConservation
The eighth international census of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain, Ireland and Iceland (also including the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands) took place in January 2020, to update the estimates of the size, midwinter... more
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      OrnithologyConservation BiologyWildlife BiologyReproduction
Birds select habitats on the basis of structural characteristics, food and nest-site availability or other features that affect survival and reproduction. This study investigates factors influencing colony re-occupation , the number of... more
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      Birds (Ecology)WaterbirdsHeronGrey Heron
Birds encounter climate at the scale of microclimates that can vary rapidly in time and space and so understanding potential vulnerability and adaptations to those microclimates requires fine‐scale measurements that accurately track... more
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      ThermodynamicsClimate ChangeEcophysiologyBiometry
There is now abundant evidence that contemporary climatic change has indirectly affected a wide-range of species by changing trophic interactions, competition, epidemiology and habitat. However, direct physiological impacts of changing... more
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      PhysiologyThermoregulationClimate ChangePhysiological Ecology
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Foraging habitat use by colonial waterbirds breeding in New York Harbor was examined to identify resources that were particularly important for the provisioning of young. Stable isotope values of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur were measured... more
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      Foraging ecologyWaterbirdsHabitat SelectionForaging Behavior
Se presentan los resultados del Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas de Venezuela (CNAAV) realizado durante el 2018. El censo se realizó del 03 al 18 de febrero y del 07 al 22 de julio. Se contó con la participación de 31 censistas que... more
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      WetlandsUrban WetlandsBird CensusBird Conservation
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      ZoologyWaterbirdsTierra del Fuego
Wetland restoration is increasingly important to reverse habitat degradation, recover ecosystem services, and maintain biodiversity. To aid project design, more information is required on the influence of wetland size, depth of water, and... more
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      OrnithologyLimnologyRestoration EcologyWetland Ecology
We describe four methods to capture Kelp Gulls (Larus dominicanus) and estimated its efficiency in Talcahuano, Chile. The four methods were: (i) hand-net, (ii) sliding bow lasso, (iii) pliable arch, and (iv) adapted Bal-chatri. The most... more
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    • Waterbirds
En el conjunto de humedales andaluces censados se ha registrado la reproducción de 56 especies de aves acuáticas sumando un total de 96.130 ejemplares. Los grupos tróficos más numerosos fueron las GAV, las GAR y los LIM, con 38%, 30%, y... more
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      Wildlife ConservationOspreyWildlife monitoringWildlife Management and Conservation
Le Chott de Djendli (3700 ha) appartient au complexe des zones humides Sud-constantinoises. L’étude menée de février 2006 à mars 2007 nous a permis la caractérisation bioécologique des éléments tant biotiques qu’abiotiques du site. Elle... more
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      Landscape EcologySoil SciencePlant EcologyWater
There were 78 bird species, belonging to 17 families, for a total of 75,906 individuals. 48 species are migratory, 16 species are resident. Two species are passers-by, Stilt Sandpiper and Wilson's Phalarope, and two species have an... more
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      OrnithologyWetlandsEl SalvadorBirds
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      Bird (Ornithology)Waterbirds
Sex ratio in Shelduck
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      Sex ratioWaterbirds
Surveys of large waterbirds, combined with preliminary socio-economic data collection, were undertaken on Tonle Sap Lake and the adjacent flooded forest between 21 February and 30 May 1996. Security concerns prohibited access to a... more
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      WetlandsCambodiaEndangered SpeciesProtected areas
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Recueil de textes sur les méthodes d'études et de gestion des oiseaux d'eau dans les milieux littoraux
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      Coastal ManagementMarine Protected AreasProtected areasWaterbirds
Dans le cadre du second appel à projets du Programme opérationnel de coopération transfrontalière Espagne-Frontières extérieures (POCTEFEX), on a approuvé le projet appelé Développement Durable de l’Espace Transfrontalier Réseau Natura... more
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      WetlandsWildlife ConservationFlamingosOsprey
For decades, mangrove and mudflat coastal ecosystems have been regarded as mosquito-infested wasteland ripe for development to other land uses. This misconception has resulted in the loss and degradation of these valuable coastal... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesWildlife ConservationIntegrated Coastal Zone ManagementWaterbirds
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https://www.academia.edu/Papers/UploadAbstract The wetland of the Lakes Koronia and Volvi is of international importance, supporting high numbers of wintering migratory waterbirds. Although protected under the Ramsar Convention, pollution... more
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      WetlandsIrrigationBird (Ornithology)Water Pollution
En el marco de la 2º Convocatoria del Programa Operativo de Cooperación Transfronteriza España - Fronteras Exteriores (POCTEFEX) se aprobó el proyecto denominado Desarrollo Sostenible del Espacio Transfronterizo Red Natura 2000 y Hábitats... more
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      WetlandsFlamingosOspreyWildlife monitoring
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      Environmental EducationScience CommunicationWetlandsConservation Biology
Weekly, during the reproductive season of 2003 and 2006, a White-necked Heron (Ardea cocoi) colony was studied on the western shore of Santa Elena lake, in the province of Ñuble, Chile.The herons constructed all their nests on willow... more
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A comparative study on waterbird diversity and abundance was conducted at natural and man-made wetland of District Hardwar from 2010 to 2013. A total of 37 waterbirds belonging to 11 families were recorded of which 14 species were winter... more
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      WaterbirdsUttarakhandHimalayan Foothills
""Aim: Conservation managers designate significant areas for shorebirds based on imperfect data. Significant wetlands for migratory shorebirds have usually been identified on the basis of whether they exceed certain thresholds, defined... more
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      WetlandsMigration StudiesConservation PolicyWaterbirds
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      WaterbirdsPandion haliaetusArdea purpureaCharadrius alexandrinus
Birds of an artificial fresh water pond made in the lagoon of Venice (Italy) Between 2012 and 2016 thirty-six visits were done to a man-made freshwater pond, six ha in size and about ten years old, made inside a large artificial island... more
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    • Waterbirds
Abstract The aim of the paper is to examine the temporal and spatial changes observed over a 25-year period in the waterbird community nesting in the largest coastal lagoon around the Mediterranean; to examine driving factors for the... more
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      Timor-Leste StudiesTimor-LesteBird ConservationWaterbirds
En el periodo de reproducción de 2014, la población reproductora de aves acuáticas ha sido muy repartida entre las distintas zonas, de forma más marcada que en años anteriores. La Laguna de Fuente de Piedra es la zona que ha acogido al... more
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      Wildlife ConservationOspreyWildlife monitoringWildlife Management and Conservation
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      ZoologyEcologyEvolutionNew Technology
Herbivory is a fundamental process that controls primary producer abundance and regulates energy and nutrient flows to higher trophic levels. Despite the recent proliferation of small-scale studies on herbivore effects on aquatic plants,... more
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      BotanyZoologyEnvironmental ScienceEcosystems Ecology
Action plan for the different sub-species of Spoonbill
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    • Waterbirds
In northwest Europe conflicts have routinely occurred between economic and conservation interests regarding shellfish such as cockles and mussels. The harvest of these species is economically important, but shellfish also constitute the... more
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      Aquatic EcologyNatural ResourcesConservation BiologyConservation
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Indian Pond Heron (Ardeola grayii) diet consisted of Channa sp. (25%), Trachypauchen sp. (25%), Puntius mahecola (14%) and Mystus vittatus (8%). It preferred medium sized prey of sizes 4-7 cm. In terms of biomass Channa sp. and... more
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      Birds (Ecology)Waterbirds
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    • Waterbirds
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      ZoologyRemote SensingFloodingWetland