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Kristendommen er i rask endring og kommer til uttrykk på nye måter både sosialt og politisk. På få tiår er tyngdepunktet flyttet fra det globale nord til det globale sør. I Vest-Europa blir kirker nedlagt eller solgt. Samtidig fylles... more
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      World ChristianitiesWorld ChristianityGlobal Christianity
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      Latin American StudiesHistorical TheologyHistory of ChristianityChurch History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesReligious ConversionIslamic Studies
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      TheologyContextual TheologiesEcumenical TheologyWorld Christianities
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      MissiologyAmazoniaWorld ChristianitiesWorld Christianity
Religious groups can reinforce, complement, or undermine authoritarian domination. This article investigates whether high-status Protestant churches act as democratising civil society organisations by gathering hundreds of Protestants... more
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      Chinese ReligionsProtestantismChinaChinese Politics
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      African StudiesHistorical TheologyAfrican HistoryWorld Christianities
Links to reviews below! An examination of Christianity in contemporary Russia. It begins with an overview of Orthodox Christianity before focusing on the distinctive aspects of Russian Orthodoxy and Russian Christianity. Explores... more
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      ChristianityRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureHistory of Christianity
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      History of ChristianityWorld ChristianitiesPentecostalismWorld Christianity
Klaus Koschorke, «"'Dialectics of the Three Selves": The ideal of a "self-governing" native church -from a missionary concept to an emancipatory slogan of Asian and African Christians in the 19th and early 20th centuries», in... more
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      Missionary HistoryProtestantismGlobal HistoryChurch History
This is a booknotes review of Paul G. Hiebert, "The Gospel in Human Contexts: : Anthropological Explorations for Contemporary Missions," published in Religious Studies Review
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      AnthropologyChristian MissionsMission StudiesWorld Christianities
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      TheologyMissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMission Studies
This opening article offfers an introduction to the theme of this special issue of Exchange: Jesus traditions and masculinities in world Christianity. Highlighting the historical trajectory of feminist theological debates on the maleness... more
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      Gender StudiesNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityContextual Theologies
This paper examines the theological claims of Hong Xiuquan (1814-64), the leader of the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64). Whilst various aspects of the Taipings' theology and religious culture were characterised by originality, the most unique... more
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      ChristianityCultural HistoryTheologyHistory of Christianity
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      Church MusicGlobalizationPopular MusicEvangelicalism
Recent years have seen a proliferation of proposals for multiple religious belonging. While Sri Lankan theologian Aloysius Pieris is often cited as an exemplar of this phenomenon, he himself grants it no separate space of analytical... more
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      BuddhismContemporary ChristianityReligious PluralismReligious Conversion
This doctoral dissertation is a historiographical examination of the missionary encounter in Ottoman Syria (modern Syria and Lebanon) during the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Nahda, or Arab renaissance. It begins in 1870,... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryMissions from/to/in the Middle EastHistory of Missions
This article offers an extended review of some recent publications in the field of African theology and HIV and AIDS. Hence it critically examines the progress that is made in the engagement with and the reflection on issues related to... more
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      Contextual TheologiesHIV, AIDS and Religious InvolvementWorld ChristianitiesAfrican theology
While Christianity has existed in Iran/Persia since the fourth century, if not earlier, at the middle of the twentieth century almost all Iranian Christians belonged to an ethnic minority, especially the Assyrians and the Armenians.... more
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      ChristianitySociology of ReligionHistory of ChristianityIranian Studies
ABSTRACT: The East India Company (EIC), after losing its monopolistic tea trade with China in 1833, started tea cultivation in earnest in the newly-annexed territory of Assam. As part of its plans, the EIC invited the American Baptist... more
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      HistoryWorld ChristianitiesBook History (History)
"This research represents a continuation and elaboration on Miller’s research for the Christianity and Freedom project, presented in Rome in December of 2013. This article seeks to understand the challenges and context of Christians who... more
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      Israel/PalestineArab Christian StudiesFreedom of ReligionReligious Conversion
Since the 1960s, there has been a substantial increase in the number of known conversions from Islam to Christianity. Most of these conversions have been to forms of evangelical or Pentecostal Christianity, but there have also been... more
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      Social DemographySociology of ReligionDemographyHistorical Demography
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      Theology and CultureWorld ChristianitiesInculturation Theology
This piece is the introduction to the book _The Spirit of Praise: Music and Worship in Global Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity_ (Penn State University Press, 2015). In The Spirit of Praise, Amos Yong and I bring together a... more
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      EthnomusicologyRitualMusic and MediaReligion, Media, and Culture
Bp Suheil Dawani became the Ordinary of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (Anglican Communion) on this day. Guests from all around the world were present. The author gives some historical background of the diocese and the church... more
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      ChristianityLiturgical StudiesMiddle East StudiesMissiology
How have Anabaptists and Mennonites followed the Spirit in mission? How might we follow the Holy Spirit in mission? Articles in this issue address these question through examination of Anabaptism and the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement;... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsHistory of MissionsMission Studies
The Iglesia ni Cristo is one of the fastest-growing indigenous Christian churches in the world. They have an estimated membership of 2.25 million adherents in more than 100 countries. In recent years its civic engagements have expanded... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsSociology of Religion
Since the 1960’s there has been a marked increase in the number of known conversions from Islam to Christianity. This thesis asks whether certain of these ex-Muslim Christians engage in the process of theology-making and, if so, it asks... more
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      Sociology of ReligionContextual TheologiesReligious ConversionEvangelicalism
How might engagement of our religious neighbors take a different shape if we were to ask instead whether if there are elements of truth, beauty, and goodness in non-Christian religions? More importantly, what would it look like for... more
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      New TestamentMissiologyHermeneuticsTheological Interpretation of Christian Scripture
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      EvangelicalismWorld ChristianitiesPentecostalismCharismatic Christianity
In the continuing conversation about the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation and the rupture of Western Christianity, Bartolome de Las Casas (1484-1566) is frequently excluded from the lists of churchmen and women who... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryReformation HistoryLiberation Theology
The Church of the Redeemer in Amman is the largest church in the diocese of Jerusalem. The author gives an outline of the history of the church and describes its present liturgical practice based on his visit.
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      ChristianityMissiologyAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Jordan
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionHistory
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      Sociology of ReligionMissiologyContextual TheologiesIranian Studies
The 16th-century Protestant Reformation not only dramatically impacted the fate of Western Christendom but also profoundly reshaped the trajectory of Christianity as a worldwide religious system. The ways in which the Reformation legacy... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesReformation HistoryReformation StudiesProtestantism
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      African ReligionsWorld ChristianitiesChristian MissionSystematic and Historical Theology
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      LiturgyAfrican Diaspora StudiesWorld ChristianitiesWorld Christianity
In this paper I will draw on the work of Robert Schreiter to discuss different forms of local theologies. I will suggest that one of those is a form of liberation theology. After some background on the overused word 'contextualization',... more
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      Contextual TheologiesLiberation TheologyArab Christian StudiesReligious Conversion
An interview with the Right Reverend Bill Frey, former missionary bishop of the Diocese of Guatemala, and later Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado.
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      Latin American StudiesAnglicanism (Anglicanism)World ChristianitiesAnglican Church History
This article examines a controversy surrounding the theology of prosperity associated with neo-Pentecostalism: the aggressive soliciting of tithes from largely underclass worshippers, and the eagerness of those worshippers to respond... more
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      EthnographyAnthropology of ChristianityWorld ChristianitiesPentecostalism
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      History of MissionsMission StudiesWorld ChristianitiesPentecostalism
"Toronto offers remarkable opportunities to supply retroductive warrants regarding the world Christian revitalization, particularly in the case of Asian reality and those otherwise ignored as non-persons, as sinners, victims, or followers... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPraxisWorld Christianities
While Christianity has existed in Iran/Persia since the 4th Century, if not earlier, at the middle of the 20th Century almost all Iranian Christians belonged to an ethnic minority, especially the Assyrians and the Armenians. Ethnic... more
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      Contemporary ChristianityHistory of IranAmerican Foreign PolicyMission Studies
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      MissiologyContextual TheologiesWorld ChristianitiesWitchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
En Agosto del 2016 el Dr. Duane Miller entrevistó a Hector Monterroso, obispo del Diócesis Episcopal de Costa Rica. Hablan acerca de los orígenes del Anglicanismo en Centro America, la identidad protestante en Costa Rica, y tensiones... more
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      Latin American StudiesCentral American StudiesAnglicanism (Anglicanism)Church History
Excerpt of Chapter one summarizing the history of Christianity in Latin America
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryLiberation TheologyHistory of Missions
What are China’s Protestants doing outside the walls of their homes and churches? This article is the result of collaboration between the three named authors, all of whom conducted fieldwork for it. It examines the range of community... more
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      ChristianityChinese ReligionsProtestantismWorld Christianities
As an exercise in interreligious learning, this essay explores the question of multiple religious identity (participation and belonging) of Lakota Catholic Nicholas Black Elk in the context of spirituality and sacramentality. By examining... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociologySociology of Religion
Mission has become complicated in the 21st century owing to the increasing doctrinal and theological diversity within Christianity. But what is prominent in the current literature, and cuts across a wide spectrum of churches, is an... more
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    • World Christianities
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      African StudiesIndigenous StudiesEthnographyMobility/Mobilities