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The inculturation of the Gospel demands an evaluation of the values of society.  Not only will the Gospel message be transformed, but will be transformative.
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      Inculturation TheologyInculturation of the LiturgyLiturgical Inculturation
Review of the book by C. Hurst on Emmanuel Milingo, the controversial Archbishop of Lusaka. The issue at stake is the need of Christianity being truly inculturated in Africa.
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesMissiologyMissiology and Mission Theology
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      SociologyRace and RacismCatholic Social TeachingBlack Theology
In this essay I would like to show how writing history by Jesuits historians changed in the last decades. For many years the Jesuit Historical Institute based in Rome published sources concerning history of this Catholic religious order.... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyPostsecularism (Sociology)Michel de CerteauSecond Vatican Council
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyInculturationNew Testament StudiesInculturation Theology
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      Cultural StudiesInculturationInculturation Theology
A term paper in Theological Research, this study analyzed the Filipinos' "Sampalataya" (Faith). Borrowed the idea of Ptr. Rei Lemuel Crizaldo about defining "sampalataya" by using the concept of "Pagsabit sa Jeepney," this study... more
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      Contextual TheologiesContextualismFaithInculturation Theology
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      Cultural StudiesInter-religious DialogueInculturationCatholic Church History
Qui organise aujourd'hui des funérailles catholiques à Abomey, dans le sud du Bénin? Comment, pourquoi, et dans quelles conditions? Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquelles ce texte s'efforce de répondre, en replaçant ce cas dans la... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
In the Sukuma language of the Sukuma Ethnic Group in Western Tanzania there is a proverb: "Mbuli ya kitambo ikachaga yumela." The English translation is: "The sacrificial goat dies while screaming in anguish." This proverb... more
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      African StudiesAfricaAfrican LiteratureEucharist
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      Contemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityInculturationInculturation Theology
The Paper discusses South African kind of liberation theology called South African Black Theology showing that it is a unique liberation approach which has crucial lessons to other African Christian liberation theologians just as it too... more
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      Liberation TheologyBlack Liberation TheologyBlack Feminist Theory/ThoughtInculturation Theology
Anand Amaladass, "The Writing Catechism and Translation Strategies of Three Jesuits in South India: Henrique Henriques, Roberto de Nobili and Joseph Beschi", in "Translating Catechisms, Translating Cultures: The Expansion of Catholicism... more
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      ChristianityTheologyHistory of ChristianityMissionary History
the detail study of Inculturation or Indigeniation based on Fr. D.S.Amalorpavadasss
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    • Inculturation Theology
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      Dietrich BonhoefferInculturationLiturgical SpiritualityInculturation Theology
La catechesi ha fatto sua l 'ansia evangelizzatrice di Paolo V I espressa nel grido di allarme sulla divaricazione tra Fede e Cultura (EN 20). Si può affermare, anzi, che la catechesi ha intuito e vissuto in prima persona, anche prima... more
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      CatecheticsInculturation Theology
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      Theology and CultureFilipinoInculturationFilipino Studies
The neologism “inculturation” has been described as a new “Programme for mission theology”. Inspired not least by the Second Vatican Council’s broader Interpretation of revelation, it accentuates the importance of culture and has... more
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      CultureCulture StudiesInculturationInculturation Theology
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      Catholic Social TeachingInculturationInculturation TheologyInculturation of the Liturgy
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      InculturationTeologiaTeologíaInculturation Theology
This article argues the importance of exegesis and hermeneutics in the African context. There is a need for bible translation to be exercised within the African context as opposed to the Western context. The end-readers should become... more
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      Contextual TheologiesBiblical ExegesisBiblical HermeneuticsInculturation Theology
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      MissiologyOrthodox TheologyMissiology and Mission TheologyEastern Christianity
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      Theology and CultureWorld ChristianitiesInculturation Theology
This paper titled: “Liturgical Renewal in the Catholic Church in the Last 50 Years: The Nigerian Experience”, acknowledges that the Catholic Church in Nigeria is the fruit of the hard work initiated by the early missionaries who came to... more
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      LiturgyInculturation Theology
The Bible, its interpretation, institutions and readers, in Sub-Saharan Africa will always be tied to the modern colonial history, preceding and succeeding the scramble for Africa. The scramble for Africa, was the scramble for Africa... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesTranslation StudiesPostcolonial StudiesAfrican History
Depuis maintenant plus d'un siècle, la contextualisation fait partie du lexique de la théologie chrétienne, au point où elle en arrive à prendre, dans certaines circonstances, une coloration idéologique, victime qu'elle est de son propre... more
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      Historical TheologySystematic TheologyInculturation Theology
EDITORIAL This issue of the Journal of Inculturation Theology (JIT) is another collection of scholarly articles from reputable academics across the West African sub-region and Europe. The papers were carefully selected and edited from... more
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    • Inculturation Theology
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      ReligionPopular CultureDialogueColonialism
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      African StudiesAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaInculturationEnculturation
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      History of IndiaIndian CultureMariologyInculturation
EDITORIAL As Pope Francis announced a Year of St. Joseph to mark the 150th anniversary of the Saint’s proclamation as patron of the Universal Church, the year began on 8th December, 2020 and would conclude on 8th December, 2021. Given... more
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    • Inculturation Theology
Inculturación. Presencia de Dios en las Culturas. Publicado en la serie «Teología de un solo mundo», en cooperación con Missio, de Aquisgrán (Alemania).
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      InculturationInculturation TheologyNew ParadigmsInculturación
The term 'inculturation' is becoming increasingly fashionable in church, and in particular Roman Catholic, mission circles. The popularity of the term is due to a heightened Christian self-understanding of the necessity of adapting the... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyTheologyAfrican History
Presento mi " Teología del cambio de época " como una teología del " peregrinando-nos " , reducción teologal que se corresponde con el " estar siendo discípulo/s misionero/s ". Al " peregrinando-nos " le son inherentes el icono sapiencial... more
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      Cultural StudiesArgentinaPastoral TheologyInculturation
This is paper was taken from a chapter in my Honours dissertation. It deals with how other strands of African Theology have sought to critique Inculturation Theology, with African Women's and Liberation theologies being more dominant in... more
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      African StudiesInculturationInculturation Theology
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyAnthropology of ChristianityMission Studies
The Circle of African Women Theologians symbolises African women's space of transformative power of re-interpretation; of intellectual invigoration and creative energy; of talking and of thinking amongst themselves in a friendly and... more
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      African StudiesAfrican PhilosophyTheologyBlack Liberation Theology
La prédica actual ha ido evolucionando dadas las técnicas de los tiempos, dejando caminos más aptos y muy diversos para educar en la fe. He aquí lo innovador con los medios de comunicación, puesto que abren paso a los nuevos métodos de... more
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      Inculturation TheologyEvangelizationNew EvangelizationTeología Pastoral
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      Intercultural CommunicationInculturationInculturation Theology
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      ReligionChristianitySoutheast Asian StudiesAnthropology of Christianity
The present paper seeks to contribute to liturgical studies by presenting an ecclesial vision of the notes of sacred music based on ecclesial, theological and liturgical Tradition. It likewise endeavours to discover the riches and ever... more
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      TheologyLiturgyEcclesiologySacred Music
EDITORIAL On 10th October 2021, in Rome, Pope Francis solemnly opened the two-year preparation for the Synod on Synodality with the theme: “For a Synodal Church: Communion,... more
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      LiturgyInculturation Theology
EDITORIAL Despite the global coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, that ravaged and is still ravaging the world today, the Editorial Board of Journal of Inculturation Theology (JIT) puts together here a collection of robust and well-researched... more
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    • Inculturation Theology
Μπορούμε, άραγε, να αναδιατυπώσουμε τη χριστιανική πίστη με τα εννοιολογικά εργαλεία άλλων πολιτισμών, πέραν του ελληνικού, ο οποίος καθιέρωσε την έκφραση του δόγματος με έννοιες οντολογικές, όπως «το ον», «ουσία», «υπόσταση»; Μεγάλοι... more
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      Inculturation TheologyContextualizationΧριστιανική μαρτυρία (ιεραποστολή)Ιεραποστολή και Ιεραποστολική
Giulio Aleni wrote the biography of Matteo Ricci in Chinese in Fuzhou in 1630, twenty years after the death of the founder of the Jesuit mission in China. Aleni's work is a fundamental document for studying Ricci and Jesuit mission from a... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyAccommodationInculturationInculturation Theology
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      MissiologyInculturation TheologyPhilippine Church History
For the theologians involved in the theological reflection, for the missionaries and for the ministers in the churches, the cultural changes of a society are very important. How these changes affect the way the Gospel is preached, how the... more
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      Contextual TheologyInculturation TheologyContextual MissiologySocio-Religious Contextualization
Le 11 octobre 1962 s'ouvrait le concile Vatican II, un évènement important et médiatisé du vingtième siècle qui rassemblait plus de 2400 prélats qui pendant quatre automnes ont produit 16 documents qui ont transformé la vie de l'Église... more
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      Systematic TheologyModernityInterreligious DialogueInculturation
The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) is not just a religious organization, but also a movement for social change and political rights. The church is very active in many different social events, such as charity, education, health... more
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      ReligionChristianityDemocratizationTaiwan Studies