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One month after Glen told me that he had terminal cancer, I was sitting with him at his dining table in Pasadena, California, discussing an autobiography that he intended as his final book. Glen asked me, "What should I include in my... more
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      AnthropologyAestheticsRace and RacismReinhold Niebuhr
The basic thesis of this paper is that, by assigning discipleship the same starting point as Christology, Bonhoeffer provides an account in which, on the one hand, the task of Christology is an act of discipleship, and, on the other hand,... more
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      ChristologyWhite SupremacyDietrich BonhoefferDiscipleship
Excerpt from book published by Pickwick publications, 2014
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      Restorative JusticeChristologyLuke-ActsDietrich Bonhoeffer
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      Christian SpiritualityDietrich Bonhoeffer
Contemporary political theology often defines itself against Lutheran social ethics, which is portrayed as politically disengaged and overly deferential to state power. At the same time, contemporary political theology often embraces the... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyLutheranismLiberation Theology
This handbook provides a comprehensive resource for those wishing to understand the German theologian, pastor, and resistance conspirator Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–45) and his writings. It contains sections on Bonhoeffer’s life and... more
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    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Introducing Dietrich Bonhoeffer to the field of communication rests upon one key assertion--Bonhoeffer's life and work provide us with insight into a communication style that is responsive to diverse ideas in a time of crisis. His... more
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      CommunicationDialogueCommunication EthicsDietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the emphasis he put on relationship with others. This relationship being so important that the only way we can truly be what God has called us to be is to be in these good relationships.
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      Personal RelationshipsCommunityInterpersonal RelationshipsDietrich Bonhoeffer
An all-too-brief reflection on the fundamental importance of friendship for the doing of theology.
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      TheologyKarl BarthDietrich BonhoefferReformation
Woord en Dienst 69 nr. 1 (2020), 24-25.
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      SecularizationDietrich Bonhoeffer
Дитрих Бонхёффер (1906–1945) – известный немецкий теолог, участник движения немецкого Сопротивления, погибший в нацистском концлагере. В его теологических письмах, адресованных другу и пастору Эберхарду Бетге, зарождается богословская... more
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      ReligionChristianityEpistolary literatureDietrich Bonhoeffer
Review of Michael P. DeJonge, Bonhoeffer's Theological Formation: Berlin, Barth, & Protestant Theology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) in Calvin Theological Journal 48, no. 2 (November 2013): 345-48.
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      ProtestantismKarl BarthDietrich BonhoefferModern Theology
Der 20.Juli ist in Deutschland dem Andenken des deutschen Widerstandes während der Nazi-Diktatur gewidmet. Er ist aber auch dem gewidmet, was wir das „Gewissen“ nennen, weil es beim deutschen Widerstand sich um einen extremen Konflikt von... more
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      HegelJohann Gottlieb FichteConscienceG.W.F. Hegel
Presentation on Karen Barad's intra-action, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "better worldliness" and mobilizing Christians for climate change mitigation. Given at Harvard Divinity School "Ways of Knowing" conference, 2014.
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      Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesDietrich BonhoefferKaren Barad
The argument being made in this thesis is that Karl Rahner’s views on prison ministry, although valuable and of significance in their context, are not adequate to deal with the more complex needs and demands of prison ministry in the... more
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      Systematic TheologyLatin American Liberation TheologyEmpowermentKarl Rahner
The paper discusses the distinction between content (core, nucleus) and linguistic formulation of theological statements as a fundamental hermeneutical structure of modern theology. Adolf von Harnack, Rudolf Bultmann and Dietrich... more
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      Systematic TheologyHermeneuticsTheological HermeneuticsProtestantism
Although it has been claimed that Dietrich Bonhoeffer's controversial 1933 essay on "The Church and the Jewish Question" is riddled with inconsistencies, I argue that the essay is entirely consistent at least on the issue of church action... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyLutheranismJewish - Christian Relations
Este texto e fruto de um estudo sobre a historia de Dietrich Bonhoeffer, tendo sido desenvolvido com a metodologia de pesquisa bibliografica sob o vies da traducao de mais de uma dezena de obras, cujas discussoes elucidam a cristologia... more
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      HistoryDietrich BonhoefferTeologíaEtic
Near the end of 1945, just a few weeks before his execution, Dietrich Bonhoeffer laid his thoughts to illegal scraps of paper in what eventually became part of the posthumous collection of writings entitled Letters and Papers from Prison.... more
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      ReligionCognitive ScienceEthicsPropaganda
1. Definition von Gemeinwesendiakonie 2. Geschichte der Gemeinwesendiakonie 3. Wozu eine theologische Begründung der Gemeinwesendiakonie? 4. Dogmatische Begründungen der Gemeinwesendiakonie 5. Theologisch-ethische Begründungen der... more
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      TheologyChristologyDogmatic theologyDietrich Bonhoeffer
A reflection on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's *Life Together*.
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      Practical theologyDietrich BonhoefferConfessing ChurchPractical Theology
Reggie Williams provides a vivid primer on the christologies of key African American writers in the Harlem Renaissance as well as portraying the social conditions that surround the movement. The book extends their protest by drawing stark... more
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      Theological EthicsRace and EthnicityHarlem RenaissanceDietrich Bonhoeffer
Sur les lettres de captivité de Bonhoeffer
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    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"In a book of intriguing title, which ensued from a doctoral disertation, Brant M. Himes connects life and thinking of two Christian theologians about discipleship. What does a Dutch Calvinist, founder of a university and a political... more
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      Systematic TheologyCalvinismLutheranismAbraham Kuyper
In Dietrich Bonhoeffer's writings, Martin Luther is ubiquitous. Too often, however, Bonhoeffer's Lutheranism has been set aside with much less argumentative work than is appropriate in light of his sustained engagement with Luther. As a... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical TheologyLutheranism
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    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Partiendo del principio protestante del "sacerdocio de todos los creyentes", que propuso Lutero , se plantean las implicaciones teológicas y eclesiales de este "sacerdocio universal", como la confesión de la "sanctorum communio". Se hace... more
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      Community PsychologyPsychotherapyMental HealthCommunity Resilience
The unpublished seminar paper seeks an interpretation of Bonhoeffer's thought on the basis of the assumption that for him Christian theory and praxis formed a unity. It therefore takes as its starting point his book Discipleship... more
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      Dietrich BonhoefferImitation of Christ
A Companion volume to Bonhoeffer's Ethics. The manuscripts are read in the context of the plot against Hitker and of the ethical discussion of the time.
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      Systematic TheologyTheological EthicsDietrich BonhoefferHistory of theology
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      Book of PsalmsDietrich BonhoefferBonhoeffer's Ethics
Nonviolent resistance is a term we least hear in today’s society. However, the world has witnessed two great martyrs of nonviolent resistance. These are Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Mahatma Gandhi. The two advocates of nonviolence and... more
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      Political TheoryDietrich BonhoefferGandhian StudiesEhtics and Human Values
Se Deus é todo poderoso, onisciente e todo bom, por que ele permite a existência do mal? Se não vem dele, então de onde vem? O problema do mal tem sido o principal empecilho para a crença de diversas pessoas, no decorrer da história, em... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)Slavoj ŽižekMartin Heidegger
I. Tafeln als wichtiges kirchlich-diakonisches Arbeitsfeld
II. Die Tafeln im Spannungsfeld von Sozialpolitik und Zivilgesellschaft
III. Ambivalente Wirkungen von Tafeln
IV. Grenzen der Tafelarbeit
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      Dietrich BonhoefferTHEOLOGIEZivilgesellschaftSozialpolitik
The contribution of Bonhoeffer’s work to theology cannot be considered without attending to the social ontology that he introduces in his early writings and later performs in his pastoral and ecclesial work. Reexamining the structure and... more
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      Social SciencesEcclesiologyPierre BourdieuStanley Hauerwas
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      EducationChristian SpiritualityDietrich BonhoefferChildren
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      TheologySystematic TheologyDietrich BonhoefferPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
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      SpiritualityDietrich BonhoefferMeditation
At the Berlin Sports Stadium in 1933, in front of 20,000 supporters, the cross was denounced as 'a ridiculous debilitating remnant of Judaism, unacceptable to National Socialists.' Nazis believed that it was un-aryan to let Jesus take... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Second World WarAntisemitism/RacismsWorld War II
Communio (portuguesa) 3 (2016), pp. 325-340
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyFranz RosenzweigDietrich Bonhoeffer
在共產強權壓迫之下,潘霍華的《獄中書簡》成了多人的盼望。先有劉曉波在獄中受影響,使他在沒有上帝的政權裏,在苦難中仍然看見盼望。  後來陳健民也因政治壓迫入獄,就在他最後一堂課表示,《獄中書簡》使他看見一個入世的信仰實踐,一個無宗教的基督教,一個不是藏在個人宗教盒子裏的信仰,而是與生活和社會有關的信仰。  如此種種,確使人感到有閱讀《獄中書簡》之必要。
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      Dietrich BonhoefferLetters and Papers from Prison獄中書簡潘霍華
Friendship has been valued since classical times and is also an important category from a theological perspective; Christians are even called ‘friends of God’ (Jn 15:15). For a theological reflection on friendship, we will be drawing upon... more
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      FriendshipDietrich BonhoefferJürgen Moltmann
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      Dietrich BonhoefferReligionless ChristianityWorld Come of Age
We tend to view the narrative of a church and its involvement in mission as describing predominately either a social phenomenon or a “divine image.” To do so, however, leaves us with a single-dimensional narrative. Under the term... more
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      TheologyHistory of MissionsEcclesiologyDietrich Bonhoeffer
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      Philosophy of EducationDietrich BonhoefferTheories of BildungGerman Protestant Theology
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    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In this paper the author contends that the normative response to state sanctioned violence is Christian pacifism. This is not a passive type of existence but a call to enter into the transnational, and global community seeing residents of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPacifismAugustineThomas Aquinas
The Methodist theologian Christopher Morse (1935-), Dietrich Bonhoeffer Chair in Theology and Ethics at Union Seminary in New York, applies a particular methodological framework in his work of systematic theology Not Every Spirit: A... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyChristologyDietrich Bonhoeffer
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      Systematic TheologyContinental PhilosophyDietrich Bonhoeffer