Recent papers in Lutheranism
This Article documents how and why the sixteenth-century Lutheran Reformation helped to build the modern public education system of the West. Rejecting the medieval tradition of church education primarily for and by the clergy, Martin... more
Vittoria Colonna marquioness of Pescara was involved in the Catholic Reform during the first half of XVI century. She was very close to cardinal Gasparo Contarini and cardinal Reginald Pole. Also she had paintings by Titian and... more
Contemporary political theology often defines itself against Lutheran social ethics, which is portrayed as politically disengaged and overly deferential to state power. At the same time, contemporary political theology often embraces the... more
A brief update on the state of worldwide Lutheranism at the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
Logia XXVII-3 PRINT pages 3, 5 - 14; Trinity 2018
Logia XXVII-3 PRINT pages 3, 5 - 14; Trinity 2018
Publicado en Diálogo ecuménico 150 (2013) 7-63.
10 Kasım 1483 doğumlu Eislebenli keşiş Martin Luther’in öncüsü olduğu Protestanlık, Katolisizm gibi Hıristiyanlığın bir yorumu olarak ortaya çıktığından Luther’in kadına dair görüşleri de elbette Hıristiyanlık temelinde biçimlenmiştir.... more
Andre A. Gazal (ed.), Patristic Thought in Byzantine & Protestant Theology. From Gregory Palamas and George Pachymeres to Luther, Calvin, Anglicans, and Anabaptists. Oradea and Warsaw: Emanuel University Press and Sciendo, 2019.
In the article the famous poem “Te Seasons” written in Prussia by the Lithuanian poet Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714 01 01 – 1780 02 18) is considered as a poem based on the classical tradition of the description of the seasons. In this... more
В статье на основе анализа метрических книг церкви св. Петра г. Екатеринбурга впервые проанализированы брачные стратегии лютеранского прихода города в конце XIX — начале XX вв. Составлена база данных по всем бракам, заключенным лютеранами... more
The article deals with the song postil Písně na epištoly a evanjelia nedělní a sváteční (Songs on the Epistles and Gospels for Sundays and Feast Days), written down during the 1570s by the Utraquist priest and follower of Luther Valentin... more
Article in Finnish in Lutheran Student Christian Movement in Finland's magazine Etsijä on Moral Theology, especially on the relation formal and material moral criteria to each other and on the role given to free will in different... more
Reformation Heute: Band 1: Protestantische Bildungsakzente, edited by Christopher Spehr. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2016. The Sixteenth Century Journal 50.3 (2019) 903–04.
In this essay, my aim is to extend the discussions in that seminar and to reflect on how applying the perspectives, postures, and practices of ethnography might help academic theologians and pastors better understand the world we live in... more
John Dury (1596-1680) grew up in England with connections to the heads of state, and was advised by an eminent chaplain that to reconcile the divisions of the protestant churches would be the greatest work of peacemaking (Matt 5:9) that... more
The Collects of Veit Dietrich, based on the Historic Lectionary, compared with the original source, 'Summaria Christlicher Lehr' 1548 with newly translated collects that were not in 'The Lutheran Hymnary' or in 'Evangelical Lutheran... more
In "Was the Reformation a Mistake?" Matthew Levering examines the Protestant Reformation from an epistemological perspective, that is, whether the reformers correctly challenged the truth claims of the Roman Catholic Church. The subtitle... more
A Treatise on Good Works is considered Luther’s clearest exposition on Christian life and the relationship between faith and good works. Contrary to the teachings of the medieval church of his day, Luther taught that people need not... more
"Here I Stand. I Can Do No Other!" Art of the German Reformation is a longer review of an exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and a symposium at the Getty Research Center in February 2017.
This book tells us about how the interaction of religion and politics was formed, developed, and organized in former Communist states, what now constitutes a challenge to these relations, and how these challenges can be addressed.... more
This paper examines Martin Luther's interpretation of love in the gospel of John. It is part of a series that explores the meaning of love in Luther for the Christian life. Here Luther speaks of some expressions f love that are not... more
Book about the fourdimensional transcendental cross structure in the St. Matthew Passion of Johann Sebastian Bach
Resumo Apresentamos a tradução de Wolfaria, publicada em 1521 por Johann Eberlin von Günzburg, teólogo alemão que, no mesmo ano, havia abdicado o catolicismo e a Ordem Franciscana. O texto, composto no início da Reforma, trata de um mundo... more
One of the buzzwords of 20th and 21st century theology -- especially Lutheran theology -- is "theology of the cross." In the year where we mark the 500th anniversary of the Heidelberg Disputation where Martin Luther first talked about... more
The Lutheran World Federation released Understanding the Gift of Communion in 2014 to allow churches who hold differing views on homosexuality to remain in fellowship with one another. This paper explores how the churches in the Global... more
Although it has been claimed that Dietrich Bonhoeffer's controversial 1933 essay on "The Church and the Jewish Question" is riddled with inconsistencies, I argue that the essay is entirely consistent at least on the issue of church action... more
"No, this is not advisable, rather very incorrect and pernicious." In such a way Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther responded to a Lutheran pastor's query regarding the usage of "Methodist Hymns in a Lutheran Sunday School." Walther sensed... more
House for All Sinners and Saints (HFASS), a congregation affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in Denver, Colorado, has recently attracted attention for its blend of confessional church tradition and its embrace of... more
This paper looks at the theology of John Brine and assesses its role in staving off Unitarianism and Arminianism among the Particular Baptists of the eighteenth century. Brine's willingness to rely upon reason to argue back to doctrines... more
For almost 500 years scholars have been asking “Was Martin Luther a Humanist?” The common answer is “no” because, “It is not an obvious step to turn to Luther as a Christian Humanist. He was renowned or notorious – depending on one’s... more
"In a book of intriguing title, which ensued from a doctoral disertation, Brant M. Himes connects life and thinking of two Christian theologians about discipleship. What does a Dutch Calvinist, founder of a university and a political... more
In Dietrich Bonhoeffer's writings, Martin Luther is ubiquitous. Too often, however, Bonhoeffer's Lutheranism has been set aside with much less argumentative work than is appropriate in light of his sustained engagement with Luther. As a... more
In historiography, the predominant portrayal of Charles V is that of a ruler hostile to the Reformation. Various authors, notably those unfavourably inclined towards the Habsburgs, show him as a defender of the... more
This qualitative study explores the preparation pastors need to support mentally ill congregational members. The unit of analysis was Missouri Synod Lutheran pastors. The theoretical framework was Maslow’s Transpersonal Theory. Three... more
This conference paper examines Article XXI of the Augsburg Confession. It contends that this article continues be relevant to the modern church since the prominence of Roman Catholic veneration and invocation of the saints has only... more
Review article based on: M. Wisłocki, Sztuka protestancka na Pomorzu 1535-1684, Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie [Seria: Historia Sztuki], Szczecin 2005, „Zapiski Historyczne”, LXXII, 2007, z. 4, s. 131-142
O século XVI apresenta-se como um período de grandes transformações para a, então, instituição de maior poder na Europa: a Igreja Católica Apostólica Romana. Datando dos séculos finais da Baixa Idade Média, após longos e numerosos... more
In sharp contrast with what are seen as the vibrant and creative years of the Reformation, the post-Reformation "Age of Orthodoxy" is often viewed as dead, rigid, and sterile and its theologians as overly concerned with dogmatic formulas... more
Two protestant and two catholic theologians, two exegetes and two ethicists rediscover the state for theology. Democracy needs a theology that supports rather than deconstructs the power of the state. My contribution deals with Rm 13:1–7... more
The Kierkegaardian account of becoming a Christian has come to be perceived in radically egocentric terms. This study serves to challenge this perception by demonstrating that Kierkegaard was devoted to expounding Christian conversion as... more
This seminar paper was written in partial fulfillment of the requirements for CH 9551-2 - The Protestant Reformation. The paper describes the contribution of Martin Luther for Bible translation.