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Estudio en torno al agustino Fr. Eduardo Navarro, responsable de la Orden de San Agustín en Madrid durante los años de la guerra de FIlipinas. Study about the augustinian Fr. Eduardo Navarro, responsible of the Order Of Saint Augustin... more
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      Philippine HistoryPhilippine Church HistoryPhilippine Revolution of 1896Order of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.)
on going revision and editing
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      Jesuit historyHistory of MissionsPhilippine Church HistoryAmerican Jesuit Missionaries
OBJECTIVE / The ongoing repairs and reconfiguration of the north and south transept doors of the present church structure opened up a blank fixed panel above the transept doors from where forth a proposal was made for new and appropriate... more
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      IconographyRoman CatholicismCatholic ChurchPhilippine Church History
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      Philippine Church HistoryPainting CompetitionsArchdiocese of Manila
the order of st. augustine played a fundamental role during the siege of Manila and later in the resistance in the provinces. this article offers a state of the question of the main augustinian sources and their general contribution to... more
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      Spanish colonialism in the PhilippinesHistory of the PhilippinesPhilippine Church HistoryOrder of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.)
It is important to note the historical context of this paper. The "Zamboanga Siege" took place in September 2013; this paper was based on a talk given more than a year after, when the scars of that siege was still very visible and the... more
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      EcclesiologyPolitical TheologyInterreligious DialogueRoman Catholic Ecclesiology
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    • Philippine Church History
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      Cultural StudiesChurch MusicMusic HistoryChurch History
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      Church HistoryPhilippine Church History
This paper aims to present the unifying force brought by a Marian devotion to two towns located in two places with different circumstances in Philippine Church history. In the spiritual geography of the religious orders in the... more
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      Devotional ShrinesChurch HistoryDominican StudiesChristian pilgrimage shrines
[Ongoing revision and rewriting] The year 1898 marks the end of more than 300 years of Spanish sovereignty in the Philippines and the beginning of American military occupation and political tutelage of the Islands. The Spanish-American... more
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      International RelationsPhilippine HistoryPhilippine Church HistoryPhilippine Jesuit History
This paper examines the state of contextualisation in the Philippines: (a) The indigenisation of the churches: Paying particular attention to those that claim to be Filipino. (b) The inculturation of the message: | Attempts to... more
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      Contextual TheologiesChristian MissionsPhilippinesIndigenization
Augustinian administration of the parishes in the Philippines between 1776 and 1820: shortage of religious and secularization of curates Administración agustiniana de curatos en Filipinas entre 1776 y 1820: escasez de religiosos y... more
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      Christianity, Secularization, Church and StatePhilippine Church HistoryOrder of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.)
......the content
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    • Philippine Church History
The beginnings of the Filipino Jesuits in the period of the transition from the Spanish Jesuits to the American Jesuits...but still needing editing and expansion (the 2nd half of the 1930s).
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      Philippine HistoryPhilippine Church HistoryPhilippine Jesuit HistoryHistory of Religious Life in the Philippines
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      EvangelicalismEvangelical movementsEcumenismHistory and Theology of Pentecostalism and Evangelicalism
In the last ten years of the nineteenth century the Order of St. Augustine established numerous missions in the politico military districts (comandancias político-militares) created by the State in the last years of Spanish rule in the... more
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      Spanish colonialism in the PhilippinesHistory of the PhilippinesPhilippine Church History
Over the past decades, numerous studies by both Filipino and foreign scholars have been made on the history of the Church in the Philippines. Such studies will continue to appear especially that the Church in the Philippines had already... more
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      LiturgyHistoriographyThe Liturgical Reform of Vatican IIPhilippine Church History
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      MissiologyInculturation TheologyPhilippine Church History
En este trabajo se intentan aportar algunas claves y datos inéditos sobre la biografía del presbítero criollo filipino Pedro Pablo Peláez, que es, junto con el P. José Burgos, el eclesiástico más destacado de la iglesia de Filipinas del... more
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      Spanish colonialism in the PhilippinesPhilippine Church History
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      Church HistoryPhilippine Church HistoryOur Lady of Manaoag
Agustín Pedro Blaquier (1749-1803) was an Augustinian friar who served as bishop of Nueva Segovia, first as auxiliary to Bishop Juan Ruiz de San Agustín from 1795, and then as titular between 1799 and 1803, when he died. A religious with... more
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      Spanish colonialism in the PhilippinesPhilippine Church HistoryReligion and Secularization In the PhilippinesOrder of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.)
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      Church HistoryDominican HistoryPhilippine StudiesLatin American Colonial Literature
The study of the person of Fray Santos Gómez Marañón offers abundant information in the sphere of the history of the Order of Saint Augustin in the Philippines and in that of the Diocese of Cebú. Both are very valuable in turn for... more
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      Spanish colonialism in the PhilippinesHistory of the PhilippinesPhilippine Church HistoryOrder of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.)
ongoing revision and rewriting...
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      History of the PhilippinesPhilippine Church HistoryPhilippine Jesuit HistoryAmerican Jesuits in the Philippines
This paper tackles the previous "Lakbay-Aral" (Learning Journey), an annual Church cultural heritage exposure held by the Graduate School of Theology of the Immaculate Conception Major Seminary, Guiguinto, Bulacan to various local... more
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      FaithIndigenous PeoplesTheological ReflectionCatholic Church History
This paper tackles the previous "Lakbay-Aral" (Learning Journey), an annual Church cultural heritage exposure held by the Graduate School of Theology of the Immaculate Conception Major Seminary, Guiguinto, Bulacan to various local... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationChurch HistoryPhilippine Studies
Relations and conflict of the Augustinians with Bishop Mariano Cuartero, from the diocese of Nueva Segovia (Philippines)

Relaciones y conflicto de los agustinos con el obispo Mariano Cuartero, de la diócesis de Nueva Segovia (Filipinas)
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      Philippine Church HistoryOrder of Saint Augustine (O.S.A.)episcopal jurisdiction
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      Church HistoryPhilippine HistoryPhilippine Church HistoryPhilippine Revolution of 1896
My brief biodata upon winning the award. Am sort of well known Phil. church historian. See some entries in internet. Bruce Cruikshank has written about me in his recent list of Phil. clergy
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      Patristic Theology and Late-Antique Philosophy, Church and Power, Councliar HistoryCatholic Church HistoryPhilippine Church History
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      Philippine StudiesLatin American Colonial LiteratureColonial PhilippinesSpanish colonialism in the Philippines
An overview of the challenges for the church and for Christian missions in Metro Manila, Philippines.

Published in Urban Mission 1998 15(4):18-25
(Actually written in Fall 1995)
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      PhilippinesUrban MinistryChurch plantingUrban Mission
The Walled City of Intramuros, once the seat of Spanish power in the Orient, was once described by Nick Joaquin as the holy of holies in Manila - a high altar for Manileños. Its streets were filled with numerous churches, convents, and... more
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      HistoryPolitical HistoryChurch HistoryReligious History
The development and application of the patronage in the Philippines acquired over time a peculiar and differentiated character from that developed by the Spanish monarchy in America. The personality of the Philippine Patronage was highly... more
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      Spanish colonialism in the PhilippinesPatronageReligious OrdersPhilippine Church History
The anticlerical campaign of the filipino movement of La Propaganda marked an important change of juncture for the religious Orders of the Archipelago. This paper analyzes the response offered by the Augustinian Province of the... more
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      Philippine HistorySpanish colonialism in the PhilippinesPhilippine Church History
El presente ensayo es un trabajo de investigación histórica sobre la figura de San Francisco de San Miguel, o de La Parrilla, santo y patrón de la expresada localidad vallisoletana, en la que había nacido a mediados del siglo XVI, y que... more
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      Modern Japanese HistorySpanish colonialism in the PhilippinesPhilippine Church HistoryJapanese Church History
Esta publicación constituye una encantadora narración del viaje misional que en 1864 realizó una expedición de frailes agustinos desde el colegio de Valladolid hasta Manila. Su autor, Eduardo Navarro, religioso agustino vallisoletano,... more
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      Augustinian OrderPhilippine Church History
The Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje or Our Lady of Antipolo is one of the most prolific Marian sites or devotions in the Philippines. The image of Our Lady of Antipolo also served as the patroness of some galleon ships during the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryFolklore and Popular DevotionPhilippine colonial historyPhilippine Church History
MANUEL GRIJALVO (1787-1861), natural de la localidad burgalesa de Los Balbases fue un religioso agustino que llegó a ser obispo en Filipinas durante la época de dominio español. A pesar de ser un personaje prácticamente desconocido, su... more
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      Spanish ColonialismAugustinian OrderPhilippine Church History