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Abstract. The article focuses upon the popular devotion for la Santa Muerte that emerged in Mexico and is gaining a rapid increase in notoriety in the country and abroad. The first sections reconstruct in detail its protean... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesMexican StudiesCentral America and Mexico
Aspects of Mary’s presence in Islam. From Koranic references to popular devotion and from mysticism to iconography. The figure of Mary is certainly the scriptural and theological point where Christianity and Islam converge. It has raised... more
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      IconographyChristian MysticismMysticismIslamic Art
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      New Religious MovementsLatin American StudiesDeathDeath Studies
Algunos santos como el legendario Amaro, San Miguel Arcángel, San Gregorio, San Gil Abad, San Jerónimo, San Antonio Abad, San Cristóbal, Santos Julián y Basilisa, San Bartolomé, San Huberto o San Amador (además de San Francisco, Santo... more
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      HagiographyPopular CultureCult of SaintsSaints' Cults
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      Popular CultureSaints' CultsFolklore and Popular DevotionHistory of Lucca
Frauhammer Krisztina volt az első hazai néprajzkutató, aki könyvet írt az imádságnak egy fé-lig-meddig rejtett, ám annál elterjedtebb fajtájáról, a kegyhelyeken, templomi vendégköny-vekben hagyott írásokról, melyekben az emberek rövid... more
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      Sociology of ReligionCommunicationAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimage
This is an open access title distributed under the terms of the prevailing CC-BYNC-ND License at the time of publication, which permits any non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided no alterations are made... more
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      Domestic SpaceDevotional literatureLate Medieval Religion, Monasticism and DevotionFolklore and Popular Devotion
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      BibliographyGolden-Age poetryFolklore and Popular DevotionThe Spanish Inquisition
Il paesaggio sonoro della Settimana Santa a Cagliari in R. Martorelli (a cura), Know the sea to live the sea, Atti del convegno: Cagliari, Cittadella dei Musei, 7-9 marzo 2019, Perugia, Morlacchi editore, 2019.
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      EthnomusicologySoundscape (Music)Folklore and Popular DevotionHistorical Musicology
As is well known, the Western worldview brings into play an extended colour-coded cultural model known as the Great Chain of Being, grounded in a mutually exclusive, asymmetric opposition between ‘black’ and ‘white’. In contrast, the... more
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      American LiteratureMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesGender Studies
Las vidas de los santos y los increíbles prodigios con los que son adornadas ocupan un lugar importante en el metaverso católico. Se trata de unos relatos edificantes en los que todo vale si sirve para impresionar al fiel con el... more
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      HagiographyCult of SaintsSaints' CultsMedieval Art
In 1587 the Flemish composer Carolus Luython, employed by Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, published an unusual motet collection in Prague. Titled Popularis anni jubilus, the collection describes the sounds and rituals beloved by Central... more
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      Early MusicHistoriographyHabsburg StudiesRenaissance music
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      Modern HistoryModern Italian HistoryLocal HistoryConfraternities and Luoghi Pii
Tras constatar, mediante un recuento, la importancia numérica de las advocaciones de la Virgen que guardan relación con la vegetación, especialmente con los árboles y arbustos (en España y Nueva España), el trabajo propone algunas... more
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      ForestrySpanishPopular CultureMexico
Au début des années 1980 apparurent divers signes, diffus mais nombreux d’un réel intérêt pour les images pieuses. C’est ainsi qu’on les nommait alors, avant qu’elles n’accèdent à un statut supérieur, celui d’images de dévotion, dans le... more
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      Prints and DrawingsFolklore and Popular DevotionReligious anthropologyXIXe siècle
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      Folklore and Popular DevotionItalian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronagePopesHistory of Popes
The manuscripts Parisinus Gr. 2244 and Lugdunensis Vossianus Gr. Q 50, two collections of vetinary texts copied in the 14th century, contain practical advice featuring saints who enjoyed great veneration on the island of Cyprus: they are... more
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      PharmacologyVeterinary MedicineFolkloreLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreFolklore
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionFrench HistoryHistory of Religion
A tanulmányban bemutatott zselici öntőasszony-dinasztia szövegeit több kutató gyűjtötte és közölte az 1950-es évektől. Ez a kutatás amellett érvel, hogy az asszonyok által a viaszöntés során elmondott imádság és a dinasztia sorsa szorosan... more
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      FolkloreDivinationVernacular ReligionAlchemy
Resenha crítica de: Portella, Rodrigo. "Mirar Maria: reflexos da Virgem em espelhos da História". Aparecida: Santuário, 2016. 291 p., il.
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      MariologyFolklore and Popular DevotionVirgin MaryMarian cults
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      ReligionHistoryTheologyHistory of Religion
Taking its cue from the story of a Cretan peasant who was reluctant to let go of a handful of his native soil in order to enter heaven, this article begins by exploring ideas concerning the afterlife in which this world is contrasted with... more
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      TheologyHistory of ReligionMaterial Culture StudiesAnthropology of Pilgrimage
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural Studies
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      Folklore and Popular DevotionIntimate RelationshipsUnderwearSaint Roch
Connections between religious practices and sacred images were among the most powerful ones in the construction and reinvention of Western world. Images may have attributes such as witness, devotion, visual learning and adoration. Such... more
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      Art HistoryFolklore and Popular DevotionChristianity and the ArtsArt and Religion
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      IconographyCult of SaintsSaints' CultsBaroque Art and Literature
This article examines the conversation between the allegorical figures of America and España in Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz's loa to "El Divino Narciso." In this discourse, it is especially interesting that Sor Juana uses a "tocotin" a... more
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      SemioticsArea StudiesLatin American StudiesGender Studies
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      New Religious MovementsLatin American StudiesNew ReligionsArgentina
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      Latin American StudiesMexican StudiesMexicoFolklore and Popular Devotion
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      MiraclesFolklore and Popular DevotionSanta MuerteContemporary Mexico
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      Scottish LiteratureReligionMythology And FolkloreIrish Studies
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      Sociology of ReligionPhilippine StudiesPhilippine CatholicismFolklore and Popular Devotion
In September 1772 the Venetian Senate opened an important inquiry concerning the popular holidays widespread both in Venice and State of the Terraferma. Not unlike what was occurring all over Catholic Europe in the last decades of the... more
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      Popular CultureLegal AnthropologyEighteenth Century HistoryCult of Saints
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar (i) a hagiografia e (ii) as tradicionais orações direcionadas aos santos católicos, ambos sob uma perspectiva de gênero. Os papéis mitológicos de gênero dos santos retirados de suas biografias serão... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologySocial AnthropologyPierre Bourdieu
The Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje or Our Lady of Antipolo is one of the most prolific Marian sites or devotions in the Philippines. The image of Our Lady of Antipolo also served as the patroness of some galleon ships during the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryFolklore and Popular DevotionPhilippine colonial historyPhilippine Church History
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      Folklore and Popular DevotionPugliaApuliaChiese Rurali
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      Catholic StudiesContemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityPopular Culture and Religious Studies
Breve trabajo sobre la participación de las cofradías eucarísticas de la ciudad de Toledo en las fiestas del Corpus Christi y la celebración de las fiestas del Sacramento en las distintas parroquias en los días posteriores, en especial... more
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      Liturgical HistoryFolklore and Popular DevotionToledo
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      Comparative Literature17th century picaresque novelsThe Spanish picaresque novel (la novela picaresca)Spanish Siglo de Oro Drama
Estratto da: "Récit et justice. France, Italie, Espagne. XIVe-XIXe siècles", sous la direction de Lucien Faggion et Christophe Regina, Presses Universitaires de Provence-Aix Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence, 2014.
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      Criminal JusticeHagiographyEarly Modern HistoryRural History
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      Late Middle AgesPilgrimageSpirituality & MysticismMargery Kempe
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      PilgrimageSpirituality & MysticismMargery KempeMaterial Culture