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Ever since the translated version of Mapping the Terrain was published in Taiwan, the New Genre Public Art has become known as a new pattern of art, deriving both discourses and practices. After governmental constructive involvements and... more
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      Public ArtTaiwan StudiesCommunity Action Projects (Art)Taiwanese Art
The New Global Politics of the Asia Pacific: Conflict and Cooperation in the Asian Century, 3rd Edition ©2017 Routledge: London & New York. 341pp. + x. Link:... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesIndian studies
A relationship between the Daic (Tai-Kadai) and Austronesian language phyla has long been posited, but the evidence is restricted and it has been suggested that this indicates a split at the level of Proto-Austronesian of considerable... more
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      ArchaeologyLanguages and LinguisticsAustronesian LanguagesTaiwan Studies
The past 10 years witnessed a resurgence of youth activism in East Asia. While some may consider it as simply reflecting a broader, general trend of young people reacting to the neoliberalizing world, this paper pays special attention to... more
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      Taiwan StudiesHong KongActivismHong Kong Umbrella Movement
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      Japanese ColonialismTaiwan Studies
MARTIN, Fran. “Japanese homoerotic manga in Taiwan: Same-sex love and utopian imagination,” in Women’s Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities, edited by Fusami Ogi, Rebecca Suter, Kazumi Nagaike and John A.... more
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      Asian StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesSex and Gender
From Taiwan to Solomon Islands
魏明德 (Benoit Vermander),<從台灣到索羅門群島>,《人籟論辨月刊》第98期,2012年11月,頁12-27。
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    • Taiwan Studies
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      Taiwan StudiesHistory of TaiwanAboriginal Studies - Taiwan
More than 8,300 km separate Taiwan and Israel, but there are nevertheless important connections between the two small countries. They do not officially recognize each other, but over the past two and a half decades, they have found ways... more
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      Israel StudiesTaiwan StudiesIsraelTaiwan
Taiwan’s influence on popular music and culture in the Sinophone world is significant. This lecture series will introduce Taiwan’s popular music— with a particular focus on popular music after the 1970s to recently— to the students while... more
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      Asian StudiesPopular Music StudiesEast Asian StudiesTaiwan Studies
This essay was first published (English and Chinese) in the proceedings of the International Conference of “See in”: Hai-an Street Museum, Tainan, Taiwan, July 16, 2005. That English version had a number of technical problems and neither... more
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      Museum StudiesInstallation (Art)Taiwan StudiesPlayfulness
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      BusinessTaiwan StudiesQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)Active networking
This article studies the implications of the Taiwan-based Republic of China’s last major cultural diplomacy offensive, the North American tours of the National Chinese Opera Theater, on the eve of the consolidation of China’s... more
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      Cultural Cold WarTaiwan StudiesModern Chinese History
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      Taiwan StudiesIndiaTaiwanIndia-China relations
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      EthnographyTaiwan StudiesEnvironmental Activismcivic data
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      Taiwan StudiesQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)Economic and Social HistoryTaiwan trading history
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      International RelationsMulticulturalismInternational LawHuman Rights
本文以 1993 至 2015 年台灣縣市層級的土地開發、空間使用以及選舉得票追 蹤數據,固定效果迴歸模型驗證土地開發與地方政治關係。實證結果顯示,在理 性選擇邏輯下,國民黨籍地方首長執政時,偏好徵收土地、開發住宅、商業與辦 公室空間,民進黨則傾向非住宅,例如:工業用地開發;不同的土地與空間開發 策略顯著增進兩黨地方選舉的得票率。不同於發展型國家與都市政權理論對戰後 台灣政府開發土地的分析,本文以民主化後的縣市土地開發數據說明,台灣政府... more
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      Taiwan StudiesUrban DevelopmentLand GrabbingExpropriation of land
中文摺頁 v.4
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      Indigenous StudiesTaiwan StudiesAsia Pacific RegionIndigenous Peoples
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      Social ChangeMedia and Cultural StudiesDemocratic EducationAlternative Education
With the humanistic ideals of narrative medicine, the author and two graduate students of Taipei Medical University in 2012 explored a halfway house for AIDS sufferers in Taiwan, and found a man in his late fifties who was eager to set... more
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    • Taiwan Studies
Final paper for History of Modern East Asia: Politics, Society, and Daily Life Experience 2.0
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      Taiwan StudiesFashion HistoryVintage FashionClothing Culture
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      Taiwan StudiesDecolonizationCross-Strait (China-Taiwan) RelationsAsian Queer Studies
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      Taiwan StudiesAcademiaTaiwan
基於臺南、臺北兩大城市的地域差異,也覺得有必要實地進行城市生活圖像的口述訪談,以便保留文獻之外的另一種記錄和記憶。本訪談即於2015年11 月起至2017 年10 月止,兩年多的時間以臺灣南北兩大城市生活為訪談主題,主要以日本時期至戰後初期為時間斷限,以重建近代臺灣南北兩大城市生活圖像。本書所謂的「城市生活」,意指在城市裡土生土長的居民,他們在城市中的食、衣、住、行、娛樂以及節慶活動等生活記憶。... more
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      HistoryOral historyTaiwan StudiesTainan
Изучение российско-тайваньских отношений в России Современные связи между РФ и Тайванем насчитывают всего 20 лет. Но по насыщенности событиями и динамизму развития эти годы далеко превзошли предыдущий 40-летний период «холодной войны» и... more
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      Russian StudiesTaiwan Studies
Özet Tayvan, 20.Yüzyılın ikinci yarısından sonra yaşadığı hızlı dönüşüm ve istikrarlı ekonomik büyüme süreci ile birçok iktisatçı tarafından incelenmeye değer bulunmuş bir ülkedir. Tayvan için genel kanı, ekonomik mucize yaşamış... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEconomic GrowthTaiwan Studies
本文嘗試以「抒情詩」理論重新閱讀林泠詩作,以詩中抒情自我的呈現與定位,以及此一抒情自我的時空感受為切入點,復以創作時間為討論線索,發掘林泠詩作中自我的變化、情感內容及其表現的變化、時空視野的變化。這些變化其實都符應了一套自成體系的語言策略、美感原則,使林泠的詩雖以「抒情」為大宗,卻不流於濫情、泛情,而能節制、凝練。以情感為核心,加之以語言的驅遣和抑遏,可說是真正的抒情詩之所以能夠完整、精緻的首要條件。因此,透過林泠的詩歌創作,正可以幫助我們理解與定位「現代詩」的「現代」意涵,... more
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      PoetryTaiwan StudiesModern PoetryContemporary Poetry
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      GeographyTourism StudiesDevelopment StudiesTaiwan Studies
This ARI reviews the current state of the Taiwan-China relationship in light of the current challenges Taiwan faces in keeping its Latin American allies loyal. More opportunities for shifting alliances now exist, especially given the... more
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      GeographyTaiwan StudiesChinaLatin America
In this article, the author analyzes the emergence of a 'coming out' discourse in Taiwan and the generational variation in its relevance for queer lives. Drawing from fieldwork with gender and sexually nonconforming people ranging in age... more
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      Queer StudiesEthnographyFamilyLGBT Issues
The development of offshore wind farms has been a way for the state to repackage national development projects using green energy discourses. In Taiwan, where the further development of nuclear power is suspended due to public antinuclear... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergySpace and PlacePolitical Ecology
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      Visual CultureJapanese HistoryTaiwan Studies
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      BuddhismEngaged BuddhismTaiwan Studies
In this paper, I argue that frontiers are dilemmas composed of multiple dualities, be they exclusive and inclusive powers, connected space and national periphery, or modernity and primitiveness. These dilemmas, in consequence, become the... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyEnvironmental GeographyDevelopment Studies
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      BusinessCommunicationCorporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate Communication
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityTaiwan StudiesChinese foreign policy
Bravo for the Marshallese: Regaining Control in a Post-Nuclear, Post-Colonial World (2nd Edition) Author: Holly M. Barker Publisher: Cenage (2012)... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesTaiwan StudiesMarshall IslandsAntrhopology
Taiwan was the first country to anticipate the threat of COVID-19, to send a medical team to investigate the initial outbreak in China, and to implement a comprehensive and successful public health response that avoided repeated... more
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      HistoryGeographyInternational RelationsGeopolitics
Cenotaphs Erected for the Repose of Animals’ Soul after World War II in Taiwan
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      Japanese HistoryTaiwan StudiesHistory of TaiwanModern Japanese History
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      Chinese StudiesTaiwan StudiesMasculinitiesOrientalism
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      Taiwan StudiesVietnamese studies
The intensification of political conflict in recent years bears the imprint of new social developments, intercultural interactions and global influences transforming Taiwan, engendering a highly polymorphous society with different... more
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      LGBT IssuesTaiwan StudiesLGBT LiteratureHistory of Taiwan
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      Queer StudiesFamily studiesTaiwan StudiesLGBTQ studies
This draft is to become a chapter of the book project "Judicial Reform in Taiwan: Institutionalising Democracy and the Diffusion of Law" (Neil Chisholm ed., Routledge, forthcoming). The project bears on Taiwan's judicial reform of 1999.... more
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      Legal HistoryTaiwan StudiesState BuildingJudicial Reform
Telle est la contribution politique de la littérature qui rappelle, documente, prédit et invente tout ce que l’Académie, encadrée par une dictature, engoncée dans son besoin de citer des sources, alourdie par ses notes de bas de page, ne... more
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      Taiwan StudiesDemocratisationTaiwanese LiteratureDemocratic transition
The International Journal of Taiwan Studies is working on a topical section entitled "Taiwan: A Frontline of Democracy under Threat?". To signal your intent to write an article in this topical section please email an abstract of no more... more
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      Taiwan StudiesDemocracyDemocratisationTaiwan
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    • Taiwan Studies
Le privilège de la noblesse Les dernières représentantes encore en vie ne sont plus qu'une trentaine. Toutes octogénaires, ces VuVu (« grand-mère » en langue paiwan) portent sur leurs mains les traces de ce rituel initiatique visant à... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesTaiwan StudiesIndigenous Knowledge