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At institutions with significant populations of international and English Language Learning (ELL) students, writing centers are one of the best, if only, campus services that help with composition and language learning. However,... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second Language
Co-keynote for 2018 International Writing Centers Association. Published in Writing Center Journal.
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      Writing Center StudiesWriting Center Theory and PracticeLanguage, literacy and pedagogy at HBCUsSocial Justice Issues In Adult and Higher Education
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
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      Composition and RhetoricData MiningWriting Center Theory and Practice
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricAristotleGraduate Education
In the latter half of the 1990s the digital image became prevalent, easy to manipulate, and consequently, easy to recontextualize, meaning that now just about any image is available to any computer user for any occasion. To use Bolter's... more
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      TechnologyNew MediaComposition and RhetoricDigital Humanities
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    • Writing Center Theory and Practice
The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional approaches to education and forced educators to adopt and adapt technologies to allow institutions to remain open, offer courses and other services to enable students to continue their... more
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      Composition and RhetoricPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Academic WritingOnline Instruction
This presentation provides an overview of the key features of four popular academic referencing style guides listed on Google Scholar: Harvard, Chicago, APA and MLA. This presentation summarizes the six major scenarios that require an... more
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      Critical PedagogyWriting Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
*Winner of the 2018 International Writing Centers Association Best Article Award. Disciplinary histories of composition studies argue that the mission of communication programs shifted during World War II: from striving to democratize... more
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      LiteracyComposition and RhetoricHigher EducationAfrican American History
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the design, implementation, and pilot of a Mobile Makerspace at a private, southeastern liberal arts institution that did not have a campus-wide makerspace. In an effort to give students in a... more
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      Composition and RhetoricLibrary ScienceVisual And Material RhetoricLearning Spaces
The issue of writer's block has garnered significant interest in writing center scholarship, and countless identifications, strategies, and coping mechanisms have arisen due to its popularity. However, a cross-generational review of the... more
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      Academic WritingStudent Centered LearningWriting Center StudiesSurvey Research
In this bibliography, writing center professionals can find studies that examine the effects of mandatory writing-center visits on students in basic writing programs, first-year composition, and writing-intensive courses across the... more
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      Writing Center StudiesWriting Center Theory and PracticeTutoringPeer Tutoring
Composition studies in general, and writing center studies in particular, have developed an increasingly fulsome conversation about archives. Excellent recent work on the theory and practice of creating archives establishes best practices... more
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      Composition StudiesRhetoricComposition and RhetoricHigher Education
Das 2013 gegründete fakultätsübergreifende Schreibzentrum an der Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg (TH Nürnberg) gehört zu den wenigen Schreibzentren an Hoch-schulen für angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW) in Deutschland und ist das einzige... more
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      Writing Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and PracticeWriting Center Administration
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      Writing Center Theory and PracticeI'm working on my major project, for a BSc in Education and Training eLearning. I'm interested in the preferred learning technologies of students. My tutor, Malcolm Ryan, suggested I read John Traxler's papers.
Writing center self-access libraries have a firm place in North American and non-North American contexts, as do the composition-related materials therein, i.e., rhetorics (e.g., anthologies of paragraphs and essays); however, as the... more
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      TESOLWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and PracticeTeaching EFL
Las tutorías entre pares son una comprobada estrategia que beneficia tanto al que recibe tutoría como al tutor, debido a que es un sistema de apoyo recíproco en el que el estudiante que asiste se siente más motivado para interactuar que... more
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      Writing Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and PracticePeer Tutoring
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageDialects of EnglishAcademic WritingWriting Center Studies
Writing centers (WCs) occupy a “middle ground” between professors and pupils – instructional sites that aren’t classrooms, operating via individualized sessions in which student writers and tutors collaboratively address writers’ specific... more
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      Disability StudiesAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
La historia y evolución de los centros y programas de escritura en la educación superior ha sido un tema ampliamente tratado, y gran cantidad de la literatura al res-pecto deja en evidencia sus prácticas más comunes. No obstante, poca... more
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      Writing CentersWriting Center Theory and PracticeAcademic literacyUndergraduate Education
בשנת 2011 הופיעה פרופ' תמר רוס בפני תלמידי החוג למחשבת ישראל שבאוניברסיטה העברית והרצתה על דרכה כחוקרת ואשת רוח. תיאורה האינטלקטואלי והקיומי היה מפעים כיוון שהוא איפשר להשקיף על דרכי השתלשלותו וצמיחתו של המחקר האקדמי במדעי היהדות בפרט... more
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      Jewish StudiesPraxisOrthodox TheologyFeminist Theory and Religious Studies
In this paper, we examine the following concepts, Peter Elbow's Believing and Doubting Game, Levi-Strauss' Bricolage, Cooperrider's Appreciative Inquiry, and Makiguchi's value creation, in relation to our work as writing center... more
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      Second Language WritingWriting Center Theory and PracticeWriting Center Pedagogy
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      Composition and RhetoricTeacher EducationWriting Center StudiesWriting Center Theory and Practice
No proofreading is one of the major policies of the university writing center. The no proofreading policy is oriented from the process-oriented writing instruction that is represented with the non-directive, student-centered approach.... more
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      Writing Center StudiesSecond Language WritingWriting Center Theory and PracticeTeaching and Tutoring Writing
Los centros de escritura son una forma de trabajo colaborativo para el desarrollo de habilidades de escritura, especialmente en la universidad. Fueron creados en universidades norteamericanas, pero en la actualidad se encuentran en casi... more
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      Writing Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and PracticeWriting Center
The Introduction begins with the consensus that writing pedagogy in India is grappling with its own identity within university ecosystems. It is currently at a stage in Indian higher education that is marked by failures and relentless... more
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      Composition and RhetoricWriting Center StudiesEducation PolicyWriting Centers
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      Composition and RhetoricMultilingualismWriting Center StudiesMultimodal Composition
The writing center is a common form of academic writing support in Canadian and American universities (Moussu & David, 2015). With its non-proofreading policy, some scholars have indicated the service may be less effective for... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageHigher EducationAcademic WritingTESOL
La P.U.J Cali ha reconocido la importancia de la lectura y la escritura como actividades que favorecen la construcción del conocimiento. Considerando el impacto logrado por los Writing Centers, y luego de visitar algunos de ellos en... more
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      Writing Program AdministrationWriting Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
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      Gender StudiesComposition and RhetoricWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
Die Arbeit in Schreibzentren zeichnet sich in Bezug auf den Kompetenzzugewinn dadurch aus, dass sich beide Seiten weiterentwickeln – die Ratsuchenden und die Tutor*innen. Bisher gab es keine empirische Studie, die die Kompetenzentwicklung... more
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      Academic WritingWriting Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
Peer tutoring was first introduced in the Western world, where education systems are quite different from the East. While peer tutoring has brought much success as an alternative to educational instruction in the West, it is still in the... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTESOLWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
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      MultimodalityWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and PracticeMultiliteracies
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      Composition and RhetoricWriting Program AdministrationWriting Center StudiesKnowledge Transfer
Las tutorías son la forma de acompañar de modo individual el desarrollo de la escritura académica en los centros de escritura. Aunque se trata de un dispositivo diferente al de la clase, comparte las características del discurso... more
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      Discourse AnalysisConversation AnalysisAcademic WritingDiscourse
Debates over the limitations of interventionist and minimalist tutoring pedagogies risk creating a false-dichotomy. This false-dichotomy distracts a Writing Center’s efforts of fostering core values of centership, agency, and creativity.... more
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      Applied EthicsPedagogyCare EthicsWriting Centers
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      Race and RacismWriting Center Theory and PracticeWhiteness
Writing and teaching have this in common – popular images of each foreground isolation and art and obscure community and craft. These images play a role in shaping writing instruction in the public schools, particularly influencing the... more
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      Teacher EducationWritingWriting Center Theory and Practice
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      Writing Center Theory and PracticeAntiracist EducationOrganizing
paper, I explore Kroll’s semi - conspiratorial suggestion that ‘we have accepted the role of double agents embedded in the system’ (2010). You, of cou rse, understand that we are the writers who teach and/or teachers who write who are... more
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      PsychologyCreative Writing Theory and PedagogyWriting Center Theory and PracticeAcademic Identity
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      Academic WritingWriting Center StudiesWriting Center Theory and PracticeLanguage, literacy and pedagogy at HBCUs
This study explores L2 (second language) students’ experience with the writing tutorial in a university writing center. University writing centers were initiated to provide writing instruction to L1 (first, native language) students and... more
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      Academic WritingWriting Center StudiesTeaching International StudentsWriting Center Theory and Practice
This course introduces the practice of, and theory behind, tutoring writing. Broadly, this course has two main objectives, each of which have a few sub-goals of their own. Firstly, it seeks to help you find the best way of being a writing... more
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      PedagogyWritingWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
This essay considers the question of transfer in relation to processes of remediation. In particular, we explore the interrelationships between transfer and new media in multiliteracy center contexts. Drawing on a case study of an... more
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      Composition and RhetoricPedagogyMultimodal CompositionDigital Storytelling
In Before and After the Tutorial: Writing Centers and Institutional Relationships. Ed. Robert Koch, William Macauley, and Nicholas Mauriello. Hampton Press, 2011.
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      Writing Center StudiesWriting CentersWriting Center Theory and Practice
With Whitleaf Editing, writers of all genre and all levels can get high-quality proofreading, editing, and content review of their work. Provided by Kathryn Lichti-Harriman, PhD in Anthropology, Whiteleaf Editing’s services help everyone... more
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      Creative WritingFiction WritingNon Fiction WritingCritical Theory
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      Disability StudiesFeminist Disability StudiesWriting Center StudiesWriting Center Theory and Practice
This paper reimagines writing center labor's place within the university's production of knowledge after neoliberalism. This positioning of writing center labor reveals parallels and affinities with the "feminized" characteristics of... more
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      NeoliberalismAffect (Cultural Theory)Writing Center Theory and PracticeKnowledge Production