Es sabido que la persona humana se distingue del resto de la creación por su clara tendencia al movimiento inteligente. El hombre de antaño, en su afán de adelantarse a la contingencia, siempre miró hacia adelante en espera de hacer... more
Es sabido que la persona humana se distingue del resto de la creación por su clara tendencia al movimiento inteligente. El hombre de antaño, en su afán de adelantarse a la contingencia, siempre miró hacia adelante en espera de hacer frente a la adversidad. Superó condiciones de vida extremas, dando consistencia a sus ideas en favor de la prosperidad de su entorno más inmediato. Parte esencial de su dignidad radica en su interés por modelar las bondades del mundo que le ha sido encomendado, mismo que se muestra con sus grados de indeterminación que justifican la razón de ser del trabajo, actividad societaria por excelencia que se encuentra en el origen de toda cultura conocida. Gracias al trabajo, el mundo de los seres humanos aspira con el tiempo a ser construido y habitado, no sólo en un momento específico de su historia, o bien para el gozo de unos pocos miembros de su estirpe, sino para que las generaciones venideras gocen de una mejor vida y se conviertan en promesa sublime de un futuro esperanzador para toda comunidad, que con el tiempo se han de tornar en naciones. Esta no es una tarea fácil, pues el tejido cultural de toda sociedad se forma necesariamente a partir de la entrega libre que reclama el compromiso conyugal que, llevado a su máximo nivel de entrega humana total y sin reservas, conforma un balance delicado y contundente que tras varios siglos se ha relevado con un brillo sin precedentes.
One of the least discussed topics about the analysis of Fordism is certainly that concerning women. Although the publications have been written about it, a complete research has not been outlined. This article will attempt to analyse the... more
One of the least discussed topics about the analysis of Fordism is certainly that concerning women. Although the publications have been written about it, a complete research has not been outlined. This article will attempt to analyse the connection between Fordism and gender relations – both internals and externals to the automotive factory – in the period that includes the first decade of the Twentieth Century and the years immediately preceding the outbreak of the Second World War. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis of Gramsci in the Quaderni del Carcere about the concept of Fordism, and even to his interpretation of Americanism, Taylorism and «quistione sessuale», thus highlighting the role of women through three sometimes distinct but very often confused figures: womans as a labourer subject to certain industrial policies; woman as a part of the rationalisation process implemented by Henry Ford; woman as a consumer in automotive business of Ford industries.
The following study will explore the topics of the family wage, property and domestic work in light of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, which has moved from explicitly protect the traditional family model (father-breadwinner;... more
The following study will explore the topics of the family wage, property and domestic work in light of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, which has moved from explicitly protect the traditional family model (father-breadwinner; mother-homemaker) to exclusively expose the challenges that the new two-career family model is facing today. The analysis will go over the original contributions of the Rerum Novarum, Quadragesimo Anno, Laborem Exercerns and Familiaris Consortio on these three key topics of family economics, in order to contrast them with the recent developments brought by the Caritas in Veritate and mainly the Amoris Laetitia.