Fairy Tail Final Season (2018)
Fairy Tail (2018) / フェアリーテイル (2018)
- Fairy Tail (2018)フェアリーテイル (2018)Type: TV-Series, 51 (~)Status: CompletedPublished: 07.10.2018 ‑ 29.09.2019Adapted From: MangaStaff: Hiro MASHIMA (Original Work), Shinji ISHIHIRA (Direction), Shinji TAKEUCHI, Toshihiko SANO (Character Design), Yasuharu TAKANASHI (Music)Website: Fairytail-Tv
- Fairy Tail Final SeasonStatus: CompletedPublished: 06.10.2018 ‑ 28.09.2019
- Fairy Tail: Final SeasonStatus: UpcomingPublished: ?Publisher: Kazé Deutschland
- Fairy Tail Final SeasonStatus: CompletedPublished: 06.10.2018 ‑ 28.09.2019
- Fairy Tail : Saison FinaleStatus: CompletedPublished: 07.10.2018 ‑ 28.09.2019Publisher: Kana Home Video
- Fairy Tail Final SeasonStatus: CompletedPublished: 07.10.2018 ‑ 29.09.2019Publisher: Crunchyroll
- Synonyms: Fairy Tail: Alvarez Empire Arc
After the dramatic events around Zeref and the demon E.N.D., the Fairy Tail guild doesn’t even exist on paper anymore. Only Lucy, Natsu and Happy are proud wearers of the symbol and make it their job to gather up all of the guild’s old members again. But that turns out to be harder than they thought. Almost all of them joined new guilds, some good and some evil. And to then bring everyone to oppose Zeref once again is the next problem …
Source: www.anisearch.com/anime/12640
Source: www.anisearch.com/anime/12640
Nach den dramatischen Ereignissen rund um Zeref und den Dämon E.N.D. gibt es die Gilde Fairy Tail nicht mal mehr auf Papier. Nur Lucy, Natsu und Happy sind stolze Träger des Symbols und machen es sich zur Aufgabe, alle ehemaligen Mitglieder der Gilde wieder zusammenzusuchen. Doch das gestaltet sich schwieriger als gedacht: Fast alle sind neuen Gilden beigetreten, einige davon gut, andere wiederum böse. Und dann auch noch alle dazu zu bringen, sich ein weiteres Mal Zeref in den Weg zu stellen, ist gleich das nächste Problem …
Quelle: www.anisearch.de/anime/12640
Quelle: www.anisearch.de/anime/12640
Après les événements dramatiques entourant Zeref et le démon E.N.D., la guilde Fairy Tail n’existe même plus sur papier. Seuls Lucy, Natsu et Happy sont fiers de porter le symbole et se donnent pour mission de réunir tous les anciens membres de la guilde. Mais cela s’avère plus difficile qu’ils ne le pensaient : presque tout le monde a rejoint de nouvelles guildes, certaines bonnes, d’autres mauvaises. Le prochain problème est de les faire se mettre en travers du chemin de Zeref…
Source: www.anisearch.fr/anime/12640
Source: www.anisearch.fr/anime/12640
Dopo i drammatici avvenimenti intorno a Zeref e il demone E.N.D., la gilda di Fairy Tail non esiste neanche più sulla carta. Solo Lucy, Natsu e Happy sono portatori orgogliosi del simbolo di essa e hanno come obiettivo riunire i vecchi membri della gilda. Però questo sembra essere più difficile del previsto. Quasi tutti si sono uniti ad altre gilde, alcune buone alcune cattive. Poi c’è il problema di convincerli ad affrontare di nuovo Zeref …
Fonte: www.anisearch.it/anime/12640
Fonte: www.anisearch.it/anime/12640
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I wont stop fighting when im tired, I’ll stop fighting when you’ve shattered my heart into a thousand pieces!
I’ll keep my promise, I’ll save the world
Comrades are comrades because they help each other out.
We know our weakness. Now what will we do? We’ll get stronger! We’ll get up and fight!
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
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