Fairy Tail (2009)
© 真島ヒロ/講談社・フェアリーテイル製作ギルド・テレビ東京 Fairy Tail
フェアリーテイルType: TV-Series, 175 (~)Status: CompletedPublished: 12.10.2009 ‑ 30.03.2013Adapted From: MangaStaff: Hiro MASHIMA (Original Work), Shinji ISHIHIRA (Direction), Midori YAMAMOTO (Character Design), Yasuharu TAKANASHI (Music)Website: TV TokyoFairy Tail
Status: CompletedPublished: 12.10.2009 ‑ 29.03.2013Fairy Tail
Status: CompletedPublished: 29.08.2017 ‑ 04.10.2019Publisher: Kazé DeutschlandFairy Tail
Status: CompletedPublished: 24.09.2013 ‑ 25.04.2018Publisher: Selecta Visión S.L.U.Fairy Tail
Status: CompletedPublished: 04.05.2011 ‑ ?Publisher: Kana Home VideoFairy Tail
Status: OngoingPublished: 06.01.2016 ‑ ?Publisher: Mediaset S.p.A.
It was always Lucy’s dream to become the most talented mage of Celestial Spirit Magic in all of Fiore. One day, she meets the fire mage Natsu Dragneel, Fairy Tail’s most famous member and her ticket to the wildest magician’s guild she has ever encountered. Together with her new friends Natsu, Happy, Elza and Gray, she goes on the craziest missions to save the world. All the while they find new members for their guild and new keys for Lucy’s collection of Celestial Spirits.
Source: www.anisearch.com/anime/5476
Source: www.anisearch.com/anime/5476
Lucys Traum war es schon immer, die talentierteste Stellarmagierin in ganz Fiore zu werden. Eines Tages trifft sie auf den Feuermagier Natsu Dragneel, Fairy Tails berühmtestes Mitglied und ihre Eintrittskarte zur wildesten Magiergilde, die ihr je begegnet ist. Zusammen mit ihren neuen Freunden Natsu, Happy, Erza und Gray begibt sie sich auf die verrücktesten Missionen, um wieder einmal die Welt zu retten. Ganz nebenbei finden sie dabei neue Mitglieder für die Gilde und neue Schlüssel für Lucys Sammlung von Stellargeistern.
Quelle: www.anisearch.de/anime/5476
Quelle: www.anisearch.de/anime/5476
El sueño de Lucy siempre ha sido ser la maga estelar más talentosa de todo Fiore. Un día se encuentra con el mago del fuego Natsu Dragneel, el miembro más reconocido de Fairy Tails y su pasaje de entrada al gremio de magos más increíble que ella jamás ha visto. Junto con sus nuevos amigos Natsu, Happy, Elza y Gray, ella se embarca en las misiones más locas para salvar al mundo una vez más. Al mismo tiempo, ellos encuentran nuevos miembros para el gremio y más llaves para la colección de fantasmas estelares de Lucy.
Fuente: www.anisearch.es/anime/5476
Fuente: www.anisearch.es/anime/5476
Le rêve de Lucy a toujours été de devenir la mage constellationniste la plus talentueuse de tout Fiore. Un beau jour, elle rencontre le membre le plus célèbre de Fairy Tail, le mage du feu Natsu Dragneel, qui sera son ticket d’entrée à la guilde de magie la plus folle qu’elle connaisse. Ensemble avec ses nouveaux amis Natsu, Happy, Erza et Gray elle se rend à des missions de plus en plus folles, pour sauver une fois de plus le monde. Ils trouveront de nouveaux membres pour la guilde et de nouvelles clés pour la collection de fantômes stellaires de Lucy.
Source: www.anisearch.fr/anime/5476
Source: www.anisearch.fr/anime/5476
Lucy sognava sempre di diventare la maga degli spiriti stellari più abile in tutta Fiore. Un giorno incontra il mago di fuoco Natsu Dragonil, il membro più famoso di Fairy Tail, e il suo biglietto per entrare nella gilda magica più scatenata che lei abbia mai incontrato. Insieme ai suoi nuovi amici Natsu, Happy, Elsa e Gray, imbarca nelle missioni più folli per salvare il mondo per l’ennesima volta. Nel frattempo trovano nuovi membri per la gilda e nuove chiavi per la collezione di spiriti stellari di Lucy.
Fonte: www.anisearch.it/anime/5476
Fonte: www.anisearch.it/anime/5476
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That morning’s dawn was painted a beautiful scarlet, the likes of which I had never seen before. Like the color of Erza’s hair, it was warm and passionate… If she could only lift her face a beautiful sky would be spread out before her.
If someone here were hurt or lost their life because of me, I think I would also be in pain much like Loke. But, it’ll be all right. If everyone works together and unites in power, we can overcome any pinch ahead, right?
The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling.
Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.
You have three choices, you can give up, give in or give it your all.
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