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The Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book: Delicious Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle
The Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book: Delicious Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle
The Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book: Delicious Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle
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The Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book: Delicious Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle

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The National Institute of Health interrupted their huge HRT study in July 2002 when they found that the drug Prempro, a combination of estrogen and progestin, had detrimental health effects. The women who took the drug exhibited an increased risk for breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Women can lose up to 20% of their bone mass in the first seven years after menopause. Post-menopausal women are twice as likely as men to die of a heart attack. Natural estrogen is the answer.

In this book the authors provide a healthy and natural alternative to HRT. They not only provide nutritious, healthy and delicious recipes; they also explain why phytoestrogens -- plant estrogens -- can alleviate the symptoms of menopause and promote a woman's health. THE NATURAL ESTROGEN DIET AND RECIPE BOOK is the answer to women who are seeking to retain their health through and after menopause in a completely safe, effective and natural way. It also shows women of any age how to make healthy food a permanent part of their lives.
Release dateSep 19, 2003
The Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book: Delicious Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle

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    The Natural Estrogen Diet and Recipe Book - Lana Liew

    The Natural


    Diet & Recipe Book

    The Natural


    Diet & Recipe Book

    Healthy Recipes for Perimenopause and Menopause

    Lana Liew, M.D.


    Copyright © 2003 by Lana Liew, M.D., and revisions copyright © 2003, 1999 by Linda Ojeda, Ph.D.

    Cover photo © 2003 Amy Neunsinger/FoodPix/Getty Images.

    Interior illustrations © 2003 by Susy Pilgrim Waters and C Squared Studios

    First published in Australia in 1998 as The Natural Estrogen Book by Simon & Schuster Australia, 20 Barcoo Street, East Roseville, NSW 2069

    Nutrient analyses for recipes in the first edition were calculated using the Nutritional Data Resources Nutrient Data Base, 1990. Nutrient analyses for recipes new to this edition or recipes that have been modified since the publication of the last edition were calculated using Nutritionist Pro software.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher of this book. Brief quotations may be used in reviews prepared for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or for broadcast. For further information please contact: Hunter House Inc., Publishers, PO Box 2914, Alameda CA 94501-0914.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Liew, Lana.

    The natural estrogen diet & recipe book / Lana Liew, with Linda

    Ojeda.— 2nd U.S. ed.

    p. cm.

    First published in Australia in 1998 as The natural estrogen book by Simon & Schuster.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 0-89793-415-6 (pbk.) — ISBN 0-89793-416-4 (hc)

    1.   Menopause—Complications—Diet therapy—Recipes. 2.   Perimenopause—Complications—Diet therapy—Recipes. 3.   Menopause—Complications—Alternative treatment. 4.   Menopause—Hormone therapy. 5.   Menopause—Nutritional aspects. 6.   Estrogen—Therapeutic use. 7. Middle aged women—Health and hygiene. I. Ojeda, Linda. II. Liew, Lana. Natural estrogen book. III. Title.

    Project Credits

    Cover Design: Brian Dittmar Graphic Design

    Book Design and Production: Jinni Fontana

    Recipe Editor for first edition: Naomi Wise

    Recipe Editor for second edition: Pat Molden

    Nutritional Consultant: Linda Yoakam, M.S., R.D., L.D.

    Copy Editor: Kelley Blewster

    Proofreader: Rachel E. Bernstein

    Indexer: Deanna Butler

    Acquisitions Editor: Jeanne Brondino

    Editor: Alexandra Mummery

    Publicist: Lisa E. Lee

    Sales Coordinator: Jo Anne Retzlaff

    Customer Service Manager: Christina Sverdrup

    Order Fulfillment: Lakdhon Lama

    Administrator: Theresa Nelson

    Computer Support: Peter Eichelberger

    Publisher: Kiran S. Rana

    Manufactured in Canada by Transcontinental Printing

    9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1           Second U.S. Edition           03  04  05  06  07



    Preface to the Second Edition



    What Are the Advantages of the Natural Estrogen Diet?

    What Are the Disadvantages of the Natural Estrogen Diet?

    Part One Natural Estrogens

    Chapter One Estrogen Foods & Menopause

    Symptoms of Menopause

    Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Plant Hormones Lessen Menopausal Symptoms

    How Phytoestrogens React in a Woman’s Body

    Properties of Soy Proteins

    Studies on Soy and Hot Flashes

    How Much Soy Is Needed to Relieve Menopausal Symptoms?

    Factors Affecting Natural Phytoestrogens

    Other Natural Remedies That Regulate Hormonal Status

    Chapter Two Plant Hormones & Other Health Concerns for Women

    How Phytoestrogens Protect Against Breast Cancer

    Other Ways to Slow Down Estrogen Production in the Breast

    Women, Heart Disease, and HRT

    Other Heart-Healthy Strategies

    Hormones Prevent Bone Loss

    Can Plant Hormones Protect Bones?

    A Lifestyle Program to Build Bones

    Chapter Three An Introduction to Soy

    Nutritional Content of Soy

    The Many Faces of Soy

    Chapter Four Integrating Natural Estrogens into Your Life

    General Health Guidelines

    Not for Women Only

    Soy the Quick and Easy Way

    Part Two Recipes


    Phytoestrogen Content

    Phytoestrogen Content of Recipes

    Glossary of Ingredients

    Basic Recipes

    Appetizers, Snacks, & Pick-Me-Ups


    Salads, Dressings, & Side Dishes

    Main Courses

    Pancakes, Breads, & Muffins



    Health Glossary



    Information on Soy Products

    Specialty Soy Products

    Natural Progesterone Creams

    Mail-Order Sources for Recipe Ingredients



    The latest focus in nutrition research is on phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are a diverse group of plant-derived substances that have estrogenic activity in animals. These compounds are similar to estrogens and are characterized by their ability to elicit a specific response in estrogen-sensitive tissues. There is a great deal of interest in the potential benefits of dietary phytoestrogens in hormone-dependent processes. Animals have been known to graze selectively on plants to enhance or diminish fertility. Much of the early research on phytoestrogens was done with animals and interest was induced by the observation that sheep who grazed too much on clover became infertile. Epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of hormone-dependent diseases is significantly lower in Asian populations whose diets are high in phytoestrogen consumption. Further studies comparing native Asian women to other cultures have suggested that the high phytoestrogen content of their diets may be responsible in part for their low rate of breast cancer and the ease with which they pass through menopause.

    Phytoestrogens have both weak estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity. Estradiol, our bodies’ strongest estrogen, can be released from the ovary and travel to any number of target tissues, including the breast and uterus. At the breast, the estradiol can bind to the receptor site and increase cell division; at the uterus, estradiol can cause the endometrial lining to thicken. However, not all substances have a positive effect on the target tissue. Such is the case with tamoxifen, a drug used in the treatment of breast cancer. Tamoxifen can bind to the estrogen receptors of the breast without causing any increase in cell division, thereby acting as an estrogen blocker. At the same time, it can bind to receptors in the uterus and cause proliferation of the endometrium. Tamoxifen therefore has an antiestrogenic effect on the breast, but a proestrogenic effect on the uterus.

    The most commonly studied phytoestrogens include the isoflavonoids, lignans, and coumestans found in high amounts in soybeans, flaxseed, and alfalfa, and also in many other vegetables and fruits. Much of the original research was targeted at menopausal women. Phytoestrogens have an estrogenic effect on the vaginal epithelium similar to that seen in patients treated with hormone replacement therapy. There is evidence, too, that hot flashes are resolved. Phytoestrogens also exert a cardiovascular-protective effect by regulating lipid levels. Dietary soy supplementation has been shown to increase bone mineral density. Phytoestrogens may also protect against some types of cancer. Finally, evidence exists that there is a lower incidence of breast, colon, and prostate cancer in Asia, where soy intake is high in comparison to Western countries, where intake is relatively low.

    Certainly, more studies of women using phytoestrogens need to be done to establish both their benefits and risks. However, given the bulk of information available, the use of phytoestrogens in a well-balanced diet may be considered a relatively safe method of effecting estrogen activity.

    — Dr. Randall E. Fray, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.O.G., F.R.A.C.O.G.

    Bankstown, Australia

    Preface to the Second Edition

    Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) remains a hot topic since the release of the first edition of The Natural Estrogen Diet in 1999. In July 2002, HRT broke news when the investigators of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) published their findings in The Journal of the American Medical Association. The randomized, controlled study on the risks and benefits of combined HRT in healthy postmenopausal women had to be terminated three years prematurely due to an observed significant increase in breast cancer, stroke, coronary heart disease, pulmonary embolism (lung clots), and DVT (clots in the deep veins of the legs) amongst the group of women (8,506) who were given oral combined HRT when compared to the placebo group (8,102 women taking blank tablets). The authors also reported the benefits of fewer colon cancers and fewer hip fractures in the treated group. The other arm of the study, comparing oral estrogen only with placebo, is still continuing, hopefully until March 2005 when we’ll learn the risks and benefits of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).

    The same journal also published an article on menopausal HRT and the risk of ovarian cancer. The data for this cohort study came from records of a national breast-screening program spanning over twenty years. Although short-term combined HRT was not associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer, ERT, especially when taken for more than ten years, was associated with significant risk of the cancer. These observations need to be confirmed with a large, randomized, controlled study. Results from the second half of the WHI randomized ERT study (expected in 2005) will be important for women and their health advisors.

    On 25 June 2003 authors from the WHI study released further findings regarding the effects of HRT on breast cancer and mammograms. They reported that breast cancers amongst HRT users tend to be more serious than the breast cancers in non-users. Furthermore, a higher percentage of users showed abnormalities in their mammograms.

    In response to the WHI information, menopause experts and health authorities suggested that women should be aware of the risks of long-term combined HRT usage. They also advised that it is unwise to depend on HRT to prevent chronic diseases such as stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis. It is recommended that this type of combined HRT be restricted for short-term usage in the treatment of menopausal symptoms only.

    A lot of unanswered questions still exist regarding other forms of non-oral HRT. It is understandable when women who have been taking HRT for some time want to quit. After all, they know their bodies better than anyone else, and their fears of the long-term effects of HRT on their bodies are justified. It has been widely accepted that breast cancer rates increase after five years of HRT usage, be it estrogen only or combined. If a woman wants to escape the risks posed by conventional HRT, what safe options exist for her?

    In the early 1990s, some very astute specialist colleagues of mine told patients to get off HRT, and warned others—who had lumpy breasts or hyperplastic endometrium or fibroids—to avoid HRT altogether. Some of these patients told me their specialist doctors were recommending that they take soy instead, suggested because of its estrogen-mimicking effects on the body.

    How does one take soy? asked these bewildered patients. In my search for ways to help these women, my medical background and abundance of cooking experience came in handy. So did my vast firsthand experience with soy. I started to write recipes and jot down names of products they might be able to find in the supermarkets. My eldest daughter suggested that I compile the wealth of information I possessed into a book so that women other than my own patients could access the information and benefit from it.

    There were few soy products in Western supermarkets until the latter half of the 1990s, when a soy explosion hit Australia. Now we have soy beverages, soy-fortified cereals, soy bread, soy macaroni, tofu, soy snacks—and the list goes on. It is so easy to eat soy these days! But soy is not the only food that can help women through their menopause. There are other foods that contain plant estrogens, which most humans can convert in the gut and absorb.

    When I was training as a medical student in the early 1970s, I noted that diet was not considered to be part of the management of the disease processes and well-being of patients. I remember well the questions of patients directed to my professors about what sort of diet they should follow when they got home from the hospital. The usual reply was, Don’t worry about food. You can eat anything you like, but just take the tablets I have prescribed for you. Furthermore, when we went on our rounds to the coronary care unit (where all the heart-attack patients were monitored and treated), I could see that patients there were given bacon and eggs or sausages for breakfast. Desserts invariably comprised cheesecake, ice cream, or whipped cream on fruit salad. I am sure you will find a different situation these days when you visit coronary care wards at mealtimes. Now, every cardiologist recommends a diet low in saturated fats for cardiac patients. Dietary intervention is the primary tool in heart disease. If it fails, then drugs are prescribed, some of which will be effective and will suit the patients, but others of which will be ineffective and will impart intolerable side effects.

    Such has been the change in nutrition over the past three decades. Acceptance is now widespread among medical practitioners of the impact of food and diet (as well as of exercise and other lifestyle patterns) on chronic diseases and prevention of illness. We all know that diet and food habits are hard to change. But knowledgeable and well-read individuals are open to gentle transitions as they explore new tastes and healthier foods, knowing that in the long term they are reducing their risks of developing chronic and debilitating illnesses.

    The Natural Estrogen Diet & Recipe Book: Healthy Recipes for Perimenopause and Menopause offers a host of easy, exciting recipes to help ease your passage through the menopause years, allowing you to gain better health and freedom from the effects of hormonal irregularities that can characterize this phase of a woman’s life. To reap the benefits of soy and other plant estrogens, you do not have to give up meat altogether and be a vegetarian. But, as you incorporate soy and other phytoestrogen-rich foods in your diet, you can easily reduce the proportion of animal proteins you ingest. And because the recipes in this book are so versatile, you don’t have to cook separately for yourself if the rest of the family does not want to follow the estrogen diet. More than half of the recipes in this book are in fact vegetarian dishes, but you can add your favorite meat to them as well.

    This new edition of The Natural Estrogen Diet & Recipe Book brings you more mouth-watering recipes, as well as an update regarding research relevant to phytoestrogens (PE) and an updated estrogen food list containing new food items (see page 18). A special feature of this edition is the inclusion of a new table in the Introduction to Part II listing the phytoestrogen content in each recipe. This will enable you to aim for the right amount of PE each day.

    I am very grateful for the enormous support, constant encouragement and valuable advice from the editorial staff, especially Alexandra Mummery, Kelley Blewster, Pat Molden, Linda Yoakam, and publisher, Kiran Rana, at Hunter House, and I extend special thanks to Annie Chan and Mrs. G. Hathaway, who each contributed two of their recipes to this edition. Lastly, I thank Dr. Linda Ojeda for sharing her experience, knowledge, and research expertise in the U.S. edition.

    — Lana Liew


    Many scientists throughout the world have worked tirelessly in the research of phytoestrogen-containing foods and their effects on the health of men and women. They are too numerous to name, but each of them has contributed to the knowledge from which this book draws—the research into disease prevention using pure extracts of isoflavones and other plant products.

    My eldest daughter,

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