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Jack & Mollie (& Her) - Jordie Albiston
Jordie Albiston has published eight poetry collections, and a handbook on poetic form. Two of her collections (Botany Bay Document — retitled Dreaming Transportation — and The Hanging of Jean Lee) have been adapted for music-theatre: both enjoyed recent seasons at the Sydney Opera House. Jordie works within formal boundaries: traditional, experimental, or self-imposed. She seeks the musical cadence while endeavouring to exact a mathematical sense of existence. Often she utilises archival sources from which to wrest a kind of documentary cataloguing; other times she refers to an internal witness of experience. Her poetics are highly charged with vertigo, and doubt. Jordie’s work has won a number of awards, including the Mary Gilmore Award and the NSW Premier’s Prize. She lives in Melbourne.
Nervous Arcs
Botany Bay Document
The Hanging of Jean Lee
My Secret Life (chapbook)
The Fall
Vertigo: a cantata
the sonnet according to ‘m’
the Book of Ethel
kindness (artist’s book)
XIII Poems
The Weekly Poem: 52 exercises in closed & open forms
Prayers of a Secular World (with Kevin Brophy)
Author biography
Also by Jordie Albiston
Title Page
Jack & Mollie (& Her)
Imprint Page
the girl
the boy
Pray tell me, sir, whose dog are you?
—Alexander Pope
J had never been owned by a dog did
not become a dog ownee until the
age of forty enter Jack his full name
—what monosyllabic moniker can
adequately sum up or represent
such a complex & multi-layered being
as a dog?—was Our Brother Jack (comma)
Kerouac (full stop) with name-dropping nods
to the expat Aussie novelist &
San Francisco Superbeat however
putting such frivolous pretensions &
appellative tongue-twisters aside Our
Brother Jack (comma) Kerouac (full stop)
quickly & thankfully became known quite
simply as Jack Jack is watching her now
as she writes at a quarter to five in
the morning Mollie of course is nowhere
to be seen I am having the watch of
Her even though it is the blackness &
we should be at sleep Mollie is dream-dream
but it has never been for Mollie to
have the watch of Her my eyes have the want
to go backwards but I keep them look by
having the jerk of my head I must do
the stay this is of the significant
duty at least she is not having the
wet-face or doing the go-around all
in the no-light at least she is something
of happy & Boss Dog is not of the
maximum size Mollie did not arrive
until Jack was four two kennel moves &
a leash of life changes later than where
this story begins thus you—dear Reader—
must linger for her rambunctious rock-rol-
licking & ready-for-anything yip!
J was unwell for some time before her
Edisonesque event her marriage had
ended her children had somehow transformed
from infants into teens she was somewhat
alone & she simply wanted something
to love many of these months remain mud
in her mind but she still remembers this
impulse something to love & then the light
switched on & her heart was lit & she saw
it up there the Dog Star she is not with
the very well when she comes to pick me
up she holds me too squash even with the
worry-worry I do the sad & bold
goodbye to mother brother gather my
self for what next I have the comprehend
I will not be return I have too the
comprehend that I can love Her that I
will love Her that love will have all of the
everything good in the end J had done
her fieldwork she was allergic to cats
despite their apparent attraction to
her appearing out of nowhere at friends’
houses on streets in parks to slide around
her legs take up residence on her lap
appraise her approvingly with other-
worldly eyes she could not warm to them cats
are regal independent pleasingly
aloof yes but up close first the sneezing
second the itching & finally the
complete inability to see J
did not dislike mogs she just could not bear
them thus prominent on her Pooch Research
List—perchance this particular matter
applied to dogs—was Non-Allergenic
Breed to the AKC Information
Site! ‘single-coated’ ‘non-shedding’ ‘dander’
a whole new lexicon a whole canine
planet Maltese Bichon Frise Portuguese
Water Dog Peruvian Inca o
lordy! to the sea for a think! & there
sitting on a rock on the sand minding
her business dangling her toes it came
upon her quick as a vision slow as
a dream poking his nose right at her knee
The Dog She Knew She Could Love swallowing
her customary compulsion she spoke
to the bloke at the end of the leash &
enquired as to the pup’s pedigree Er
Aussie Terrier he gruffly replied
while gazing out above her head at a
pair of fluorescent bikinis the hound
was smallish exuding autonomy
companionship & everything nice as
he calmly tolerated her gaze he
was beautiful in a rugged kind of
way no cutesy-wutesy namby-pamby
here coat not too short not too long bluish-
black shot through with tan face strong & alert
eyes dark & keen & intelligent—o
those doggy adjectives!—ears upright &
vigilant J was smitten there & then
she knew this was the dog for her knew she
wanted the dog to be male & for some
whacky reason she knew that somewhere a-
waiting her was a little man named ‘Jack’
local paper The Age The Trading Post
the supermarket noticeboard J searched
& searched but to cut a long story short
as they say (or in this case several
longish months into one shortish sentence)
she finally located a litter
of four Australian Terrier pups
(huzzah!) on the very far side of large
Melbourne her desire for a dog having
steadily progressed to a yearning &
that yearning having become pure longing
she made the trip trusty Melway upside-
down & unsteady on lap requisite
$400 at the ready but
when she arrived only two of the brood
remained at least they were boys how can she
describe? a couple of fluffballs black &
pure gorgeousness expressing distinctly
differing temperaments even at
only eight weeks one was amok jumping
& tumbling from couch to basket to floor
to basket to couch—again again—the
other just sitting studying her face
answering her eyes difficult to put
into words she thinks she just stood there can
only recall the faraway phrase The
shy one he’s called Jack Jack? as though in a
trance J gathered up ‘Jack’ & headed for
the door she expects the seller mentioned
money she expects she paid he may have
proffered a profusion of detailed &
complex pup-raising hints may have offered
the recipe for his favourite self-
saucing chocolate pudding she has no
idea no memory at all of
the man’s face/voice/name/suburb nor the poor
den-mum who was no doubt nearby mourning
her imminent loss no nothing nothing
nothing at all except for the fact that
she had found him Little Man Jack! at last
for the road trip back there was no Melway
on lap but a prepossessing pup called
Jack driving along—in retrospect quite
unsafely let alone illegally
(given Jack’s place just beneath the steering-
wheel)—J was consumed with a seraphic
sense of calm she had found Her Dog! again
unsafely illegally she could not
help but gaze down periodically
at this compact collaboration of
trust innocence serenity warmth &
baby Jack just