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The Everything Organic Cooking for Baby & Toddler Book: 300 naturally delicious recipes to get your child off to a healthy start
The Everything Organic Cooking for Baby & Toddler Book: 300 naturally delicious recipes to get your child off to a healthy start
The Everything Organic Cooking for Baby & Toddler Book: 300 naturally delicious recipes to get your child off to a healthy start
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The Everything Organic Cooking for Baby & Toddler Book: 300 naturally delicious recipes to get your child off to a healthy start

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Parents want the best for their children, starting with what they eat. This book includes both information and recipes so readers can educate themselves about organics and prepare all-natural meals for their children. Readers will discover how to know if foods are really organic, prepare natural baby and toddler meals at home, grow their own organic produce, make delicious dishes like Apple and Carrot Mash and Potato-Crusted Vegetable Quiche, and more! This book gives readers all the tools and know-how they need to shop economically, find the best organic foods, and prepare the perfect meals for their little ones.
Release dateOct 17, 2008
The Everything Organic Cooking for Baby & Toddler Book: 300 naturally delicious recipes to get your child off to a healthy start

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    The Everything Organic Cooking for Baby & Toddler Book - Kim Lutz



    Organic Cooking

    for Baby & Toddler


    Dear Reader,

    Like you, we are parents trying to take the best possible care of our children. In our quest to help guide our children to good health, we have found organic cooking to be an important part of our family life. Our children come into this world all-natural, and we are trying our best to keep them that way.

    We also believe that, as parents, we have a responsibility to protect our planet for our children and their children. Organic farming and food production contribute to that goal. Rather than putting toxic chemicals into the air, soil, and water, organic farming uses natural solutions to food-production challenges. Organics are not just better for our families and our planet, but they are also better for the people who work hard to bring food to our tables, because they are not exposed to dangerous chemicals.

    The organic lifestyle helps us to be better parents, better members of the world community, and better advocates for the future of the planet. Thank you for joining us in this endeavor.

    Good eating,

    Megan and Kim

    Welcome to the EVERYTHING® Series!

    These handy, accessible books give you all you need to tackle a difficult project, gain a new hobby, comprehend a fascinating topic, prepare for an exam, or even brush up on something you learned back in school but have since forgotten.

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    We now have more than 400 Everything® books in print, spanning such wide-ranging categories as weddings, pregnancy, cooking, music instruction, foreign language, crafts, pets, New Age, and so much more. When you’re done reading them all, you can finally say you know Everything®!

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    PUBLISHER Karen Cooper



    COPY CHIEF Casey Ebert


    DEVELOPMENT EDITOR Brett Palana-Shanahan

    EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Hillary Thompson

    Visit the entire Everything® series at www.everything.com







    300 naturally delicious recipes to

    get your child off to a healthy start

    Kim Lutz and Megan Hart, MS, RD

    Adams Media logo


    This book is dedicated to our loving and supportive families—Andy and Mason, Steve, Casey, and Evan.


    Thanks to everyone who helped us with this project. Humongous thanks go to Andy and Steve. Andy packed up the house, acted as Super Dad, washed dishes, walked the dog, and was an all-around good guy. Steve tasted about a million dishes, entertained and distracted the children, and tried to maintain some order in the house. Our children kept us as level-headed as possible, laughing in the midst of all the chaos. Immense gratitude goes to our parents and siblings who supported us and believed in us. Thanks to our many friends who provided us with invaluable support, taste testing, child care, and input during the creation of this book. Thank you also to Gina, who brought us this great opportunity.



    1 Why Organic?

    What Is Organic?

    Why Is Organic Important?

    Top Twenty Heroic Organic Foods

    How to Create a Healthy Organic Table

    Fresh, Frozen, or Canned? What to Choose

    2 Introduction to Feeding

    Breast Milk: The Ultimate Organic Food

    When Formula Is Best

    When Is My Baby Ready for Solids?

    How Much Food Should I Offer My Child?

    How Do I Safely Feed My Child?

    Kitchen Equipment, Tools, and Gadgets

    The Organic Family Pantry

    3 Four to Six Months

    4 Six to Nine Months

    5 Nine to Twelve Months

    6 Twelve to Eighteen Months

    7 Eighteen to Twenty-Four Months

    8 Twenty-Four to Thirty-Six Months

    Appendix A: Weekly Organic Menus for Each Age Group

    Appendix B: Resources for More Information

    Appendix C: Nutritional Information for Common Baby Foods

    Appendix D: Glossary of Basic Cooking Terms


    New parents are faced with what seems like a million decisions to make. The choices surrounding how and what to feed your baby or toddler are some of the most important decisions that you will make. The foods that you choose to provide will help your child’s body and mind grow and develop to their fullest potential. How those foods came from the farm to the table will greatly impact not only the health of your baby, but also the health of our planet. Choosing to feed your baby and toddler organic food is one choice that is good for your child, your family, and your world.

    Luckily, this serious decision is also delicious! The Everything® Organic Cooking for Baby & Toddler Book contains more than 300 recipes that will delight your baby from first foods to organic family dining. How can preparing Pear Apple Crisp, Blueberry Pancakes, and Pineapple Coconut Rice Pudding help save the world? As this book explains, organic farming is better for the environment. Organic farmers do not use toxic pesticides, insecticides, and synthetic fertilizers. Instead, organic farmers use natural methods—including crop rotation, natural fertilizers, and letting fields lie fallow—to allow nature’s bounty to shine through. Organic livestock are given access to fresh air, fresh water, and a healthy diet; they are not given routine doses of antibiotics or warehoused in cramped quarters. Organic farming contributes to cleaner air, water, and soil. The simple act of choosing organic means that you are also helping to ensure that the natural environment is protected.

    Since the vast majority of a baby’s nutrition in the first year of life comes from breast milk or formula, babies have the opportunity to learn about different tastes and textures during their early experiences with food. This cookbook provides recipes for those basic purées and sets the groundwork for introducing a variety of tastes, flavors, and combinations to help babies develop into healthy eaters as they grow.

    These recipes emphasize natural sweeteners and seasonings rather than relying on refined sugars and salt. Developing good eating habits begins right from your baby’s first experience with food. Your baby will come to know food with its true flavors shining through rather than being masked by unhealthy additives.

    The recipes in The Everything® Organic Cooking for Baby &Toddler Book emphasize a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. You will discover a few surprises tucked in among the healthy, organic versions of long-time favorites. Comfort foods like pot pies, lasagnas, and soups are scrumptious when given an organic makeover. By introducing your toddler and your other family members to tastes from around the world, for example—Tabouli Salad, Caribbean Baked Risotto, and Baked Honey Pescado—you might discover some new favorites and lay the groundwork for a lifetime of delicious and healthy culinary possibilities.

    Many children go through phases where their palates become more limited. For pickier little ones, there are a variety of options that provide sound nutrition in the guise of a treat. There are cool sorbets, fruity smoothies, and fun dips to enchant even the most reluctant eater. Even birthday cakes are given the organic once-over in this family-friendly cookbook.

    This cookbook can help you set the table for healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. Organic eating can also help you contribute to a healthier planet. Enjoy watching your baby grow into a healthy, happy, organic child!

    In closing here is one important note: When reading the recipes in this book please remember that while each individual ingredient does not have the word organic before it, it is assumed that you will be using only organic foods for these recipes.

    bowl and spoon

    Chapter 1

    Why Organic?

    With so many choices facing new parents, why is it important to consider feeding your baby and toddler organic food? Because your child will undergo so many significant changes during the first three years of life, it is imperative that he receive the best tools to grow and develop. Food that has been organically grown and produced provides just what your baby needs to grow from a tiny, smiling bundle to an active, engaged toddler without any dangerous chemicals to get in the way of that healthy development.

    What Is Organic?

    At its core, organic food is food that has been grown and produced as close as possible to the way that nature intended. Organic produce is grown without the aid of pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers. Because organic livestock does not receive routine doses of antibiotics, the animals have living conditions that promote good health, including adequate space, fresh air, fresh water, and healthy feed. Furthermore, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic hormones, and irradiation are not allowed in organic agricultural products. Not only is organic food grown in accordance with organic practices, but the organic commitment also continues all the way from field to store.

    Since 2002, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has overseen the national organic program in the United States. The USDA has instituted an extensive set of rules that dictate what is allowable and what is prohibited in organic agricultural products for food and nonfood use. The USDA also oversees third-party certifiers, which ensure that the rules are followed by organic producers. There are three levels to the USDA organic labeling program.

    Products labeled 100 Percent Organic are made entirely from organic ingredients or components.

    Products that are made up of at least 95 percent organic ingredients or components, and have remaining ingredients that are approved for use in organic products, can display the USDA Organic seal.

    Products that are made up of at least 70 percent organic ingredients or components can list organic before those ingredients on their ingredient lists.

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    The USDA does not require third-party certification of organic products from farmers or distributors who sell less than $5,000 of goods per year. However, if these exempt producers attempt to misuse the organic label, and are caught, they are subject to a significant penalty.

    Why Is Organic Important?

    As a new parent, there is nothing as important as taking good care of your child. There are many ways to ensure your child’s good health, happiness, and safety. Buying and preparing organic foods contributes to these goals in several ways.

    Organics Are Good for Your Baby’s Body

    A variety of wholesome, nutritious foods is what your baby needs to develop in both body and mind. Chemicals, in the form of added artificial flavorings, dyes, pesticide and herbicide residues, and hydrogenated fats, do nothing to promote good health, and can even detract from it. Organically grown and produced food is free of these chemicals, leaving only the good taste and nutrition that nature intended.

    Babies and children who are fed an organic diet are not overexposed to antibiotic residue in their food, either. Animals are healthier when farmed organically, because they have adequate access to fresh air, appropriate diet, and outdoor space. Therefore, the need for antibiotic overuse is eliminated. (According to USDA rules, organic meat must be antibiotic-free.)

    Organics Are Better for the Planet

    Taking care of the world that your baby will inherit is also good parenting. Organic farming is based on keeping the soil healthy through natural means like rotating crops, letting fields lie fallow, and using natural fertilizing methods rather than spraying on toxic pesticides and herbicides that can run off into water supplies and contaminate the soil.

    Organic livestock farms provide adequate room for the animals and do not rely on factory-farm overcrowding and the waste-disposal issues that accompany it. Because organic livestock is fed an organic diet, that also means fewer synthetic pesticides and herbicides are used in the crops that are dedicated for their feed.

    Increased soil fertility is another bonus of organic farming. Organic farmers use natural methods to replenish the soil so they don’t strip the earth of its nutrients by overfarming. Conscientious stewardship of the soil is a hallmark of organic farming as it is the only way for the organic farmer to reap another year’s yield.

    Top Twenty Heroic Organic Foods

    Although the ideal is to provide your baby with a completely organic diet, there are several reasons why that might not be possible all the time. For one, organics can be more expensive than conventional foods, and some family budgets cannot support buying all organic all the time. Another reason is that, depending on the season, fresh, locally grown organic produce might not be available.

    Choosing Pesticide-Free Organic Produce

    When deciding which organics to choose, the relative pesticide load of each conventionally grown produce variety should be factored into the decision. The Environmental Working Group ranks produce based on its pesticide load. The fruits and vegetables at the top of the list are those that, when produced conventionally, carry the heaviest load of pesticides. The following list includes the twenty fruits and vegetables for which it is most important to buy organic. To see an updated list, visit the Environmental Working Group’s website, www.foodnews.org.



    Sweet bell peppers











    Green beans

    Hot peppers






    Even though most people wash their produce before eating or cooking, some pesticide residue can remain. This list considers common washing practices and the residue that remains after washing.


    USDA-certified milk is produced at farms that follow all of the rules and regulations for organic dairy farming. These rules include feeding the cows an organic diet, using organic fertilizer, allowing the cows adequate space and access to fresh air, and restricting medications. Depending on economic circumstances, milk can cost up to twice as much as conventional milk. If that extra expense puts buying milk out of reach for your family 100 percent of the time, there are other options.

    Fact icon

    Some milk is fortified with Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that is required for healthy growth. Regular intake of Omega-3 can protect you from various diseases and helps you reduce incidences of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and arthritis.

    Hormone-free milk is a category that falls somewhere between organic and conventional milk. The hormone rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) is a substance that is given to cows to increase their milk production. It can, however, increase the chance of infection and other health problems in the cows that receive it. The idea behind rBGH-free or hormone-free milk is that cows are healthier without the hormone, and therefore require less medical care. Specifically, it is believed that these cows will need fewer antibiotics, and therefore there will be less chance of antibiotic residue in the milk supply from rBGH-free cows. For more information on rBGH or other synthetic hormones, visit www.organicconsumers.org or www.centerforfoodsafety.org.

    Genetically Modified Organisms

    The term genetically modified organism (GMO) is usually applied to food crops that have had their genetic material engineered to incorporate the genetic material of another species. Farmers have always taken advantage of cross-breeding, creating hybrids within a species and taking advantage of genetic mutations. The navel orange, for instance, is a mutation that has been commercially farmed for generations. However, there is some controversy over whether introducing the genetic material of different species into seeds or plants is safe. Studies are currently underway to help us better understand whether GMOs are safe for the human body and/or the environment.

    All organics are GMO-free, but so are many conventional fruits and vegetables. If you are trying to buy GMO-free, look for a label stating that the product doesn’t use any genetically modified ingredients. According to the USDA, three crops make up the majority of

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