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The Everything Triathlon Training Book: From scheduling workouts to crossing the finish line -- all you need to meet the challenge
The Everything Triathlon Training Book: From scheduling workouts to crossing the finish line -- all you need to meet the challenge
The Everything Triathlon Training Book: From scheduling workouts to crossing the finish line -- all you need to meet the challenge
Ebook430 pages2 hours

The Everything Triathlon Training Book: From scheduling workouts to crossing the finish line -- all you need to meet the challenge

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Triathlons are exploding in popularity across the country. People who have never entered a race are attracted to the triathlon’s mix of running, swimming, and biking. Whether readers are considering their first race or looking for ways to take their training up a notch, this guide is all they need. Triathletes-in-training will learn how to: Find the right shoes, bike, and swimwear; train for sprint and Olympic-distance triathlons; improve running form, cycling efficiency, and freestyle stroke; train alone or in a group; and more. Complete with information on nutrition and motivation, this informational guide also provides training logs so athletes can keep track of their progress every step of the way. The authors take athletes from start to the finish line - and beyond. With their expert help, weekend warriors will find the strength and stamina they need to compete in these accessible, yet challenging, races.
Release dateJan 17, 2009
The Everything Triathlon Training Book: From scheduling workouts to crossing the finish line -- all you need to meet the challenge

Brent Manley

Brent Manley is the editor-in-chief of The Bridge Bulletin, the bridge magazine with the world's largest circulation published by the American Contract Bridge League. He has been on the staff of the magazine since 1989 and has been editor since 1997. A tournament bridge player since 1975, his master point holdings put him in the top five percent of tournament players. He has written extensively about the game for more than a decade and edited most of the world's best-known bridge writers. He lives in Memphis, Tennessee.

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    The Everything Triathlon Training Book - Brent Manley





    Dear Reader,

    There is something extraordinarily compelling about certain athletic endeavor s. It is inspiring beyond words to see a competitor summon some indescribable something from inside to overcome seemingly impossible odds. We look on in awe and wonder, and dream of our own moments in the sun.

    Dear Reader, Most of us will never reach the heights that create legends, but in our own way we can experience something similar to the greatest champions as we draw just as deeply within ourselves to scale our own, albeit smaller, mountains.

    The triathlon is an imposing test for someone who has never tried it, but if you believe in yourself and have the courage to tr y, you will never be the same after you cross that finish line.

    You don’t have to be first to experience an achievement that will last forever. You are about to become a triathlete. Congratulations and good luck.


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    Brent Manley and Lucia Colbert


    Avon, Massachusetts

    Copyright © 2009 Simon and Schuster All rights reserved.

    This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

    An Everything® Series Book.

    Everything® and everything.com® are registered trademarks of F+W Media, Inc.

    Published by Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A.


    ISBN 10: 1-59869-807-9

    ISBN 13: 978-1-59869-807-7

    eISBN: 978-1-60550-756-9

    Printed in the United States of America.

    J I H G F E D C B A

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

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    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

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    Interior illustration credits: Triathlon icons © iStockphoto / Paul Pantazescu, Illustrations © Eric Andrews.

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    I dedicate this book to Donna, my wife and biggest supporter,

    and to Steve Parker and Ray Dear, who run me

    ragged on a regular basis.—Brent Manley

    This book is dedicated to my Dad,

    who has inspired me in everything I have done,

    and to my husband and soul mate, Bert.—Lucia Colbert


    Top Ten Reasons for Doing a Triathlon


    1 Getting Started

    Why Compete in a Triathlon?

    How Triathlons Work

    What You Can Learn from the Pros

    You Will Be Glad You Did It

    Understanding the Challenge

    Take Your Goals Seriously

    Committing the Time

    2 Picking Your Race

    Mini Triathlon or Olympic Distance?

    Close to Home or Long Distance?

    Examining Course Details

    Other Options: Relay or Duathlon

    Planning for Proper Training

    3 Building a Base

    Assessing Your Fitness Level

    Starting Out with Little or No Experience

    Be Safe: Don’t Do Too Much Too Soon

    Improving Your Weak Areas

    Proper Training Venues

    Developing a Training Schedule You Can Stick to

    The Advantages of Group Training

    When Group Training Isn’t an Option

    4 Competing in Your Twenties and Thirties

    When You’re Just Coming Off the Couch

    What to Focus on First

    Training Smart: Different Plans for Different Goals

    Learning to Read Your Body

    Balancing Training with School, Family, and Career

    5 Competing in Your Forties and Beyond

    Key Issues for Aging Athletes

    Realistic Goals

    A Different Training Schedule

    How to Deal with Longer Recovery Times

    The Effective Use of Massage Therapy

    Nutritional Supplements for Older Triathletes

    6 Strength Training

    Why Strength Training Is Important

    Functional Strength Training

    The Importance of a Strong Core

    What Muscles to Strengthen

    Strength Training at Home

    How Often to Strength Train

    Using a Personal Trainer

    7 Stretching

    Why Stretching Is Key to Success

    How Often to Stretch

    What Muscles to Stretch

    How to Stretch

    Tips for Good Stretches

    When to Back Off

    8 In the Swim of Things

    Swimming Essentials

    Swimming Equipment

    Swim Training

    Why You Need a Coach

    Establishing a Base

    Different Drills

    Keeping a Swim Log

    Tips for Success

    9 Biking Toward Success


    Biking Equipment

    The Importance of Bike Shoes

    Do You Need a Bike Computer?

    Finding the Right Bicycle

    Keeping a Biking Log

    Training on Your Bike

    Indoor Training

    Different Drills


    Tips for More Effective Training

    10 Running for the Finish Line

    Running Basics

    Running Equipment

    Monitoring Shoe Wear

    Monitoring Your Heart Rate

    Tracking Mileage

    Useful Drills

    Outdoor Training

    Treadmill Workouts

    11 Putting It All Together

    Why You Need a Training Schedule

    The Training Schedule and How to Read It

    When Your Job Is Physical

    Mental or Psychological Preparation

    Dealing with the Unexpected

    12 Nutrition Issues

    How to Eat for a Better Race

    What Vegetarian Athletes Should Know

    Nutrition Just for Training

    Foods to Avoid

    Alcohol and Training

    Eating Before, During, and After Training

    Ergogenic Aids and Legal Supplements

    13 Injury Prevention and Treatment

    Play It Safe

    First-Aid Needs

    Plantar Fasciitis and IT Band Syndrome

    Avoiding Knee Problems

    Muscle Pulls

    Shin Splints

    Swimming Injuries

    Training When Injured

    14 Countdown to the Race

    Entries, Hotel, Logistics

    Six Weeks to Go

    Two Weeks to Go: Starting the Taper

    One Week to Go: Cutting Back Further

    Getting to the Race

    Two Days to Go

    The Day and Night Before

    15 Race-Day Preparations

    Equipment Checklist

    Eating and Drinking the Morning of the Race

    Arriving at the Venue

    Weather Issues

    Dealing with First-Race Anxiety

    Should You Shave Your Body?

    16 Important Race-Day Tips

    Managing Your Transition Area

    Warming Up

    Surviving Your First Triathlon Swim

    Dealing with Muscle Cramps

    Strategies and Protocols for Bikers

    Off the Bike and On the Road

    Keeping Your Head in the Race

    17 After the Race

    Immediately After

    What You Should Eat and Drink

    Later That Day

    Taking Stock: What Went Well, What Went Wrong

    The Next Week

    When to Resume Serious Training

    18 Planning for Your Next Race

    Do You Have the Triathlon Bug?

    Other Multisport Events

    Upgrading Your Equipment

    Higher Aspirations

    Going Beyond Just Finishing

    Joining a Triathlon Club

    19 Mud, Sweat, and Gears: The XTERRA

    The Adventure of Off-Road Racing


    Swim Training

    Bike Training

    Run Training


    All Done

    20 Moving to the Next Level


    What It Takes to Be Competitive

    Working with a Coach

    Super Bikes: Worth the Price?

    Are You Ready for the Ironman?

    Appendix A: Training Log

    Appendix B: Resources

    Appendix C: Running/Biking/Swimming Clubs


    The authors are indebted to certain individuals and groups who contributed to this book, even if they didn’t know it at the time.

    We wish to thank Ashley Hofeditz—runner, triathlete, and, most important, nutrition expert—for her help in setting us straight on several matters relating to eating and drinking for athletic success.

    Thanks also to a former triathlon squad, dubbed Team We Shoulda Trained and captained by Scott Landreth, who helped open the exciting world of triathlons for Brent.

    Thanks also to physical therapist Nanette Farris, whose invaluable advice about injury prevention and treatment made up key parts of this book.

    Also, thanks to the Los Locos Triathlon Team for their input. Lucia’s Wednesday running group also offered many helpful ideas.

    Top Ten Reasons for Doing a Triathlon

    1. The training is a great way to relieve stress in your life. Had a bad day at work? Blow off some steam with a tempo run.

    2. There are lots of travel opportunities. Triathlons are organized in a lot of fun places to visit.

    3. You will make new friends who share your interest in outdoor sports.

    Your tri buddies will be there for you in other areas of your life as well.

    4. The triathlon is a great excuse to buy a lot of high-tech gear, fancy bikes, and state-of-the-art running shoes that you really do need.

    5. The T-shirts are great, not to mention the medals and trophies for the den.

    6. You often get to compete in the same field as—and learn from—some of the best triathletes in the world.

    7. You get to eat bad stuff after the triathlon without guilt—at least for the afternoon. And don’t forget the beer!

    8. The cross-training is best for your overall fitness and will help you stay active while minimizing the risk of injury.

    9. You will become really fit and more attuned to a healthy lifestyle. And you will probably lose weight, too.

    10. In the competition, you will find out things about yourself you never knew, and you will be amazed. You’ll say, Wow! Why didn’t I try this sooner?


    a WARNING ! THE FACT that you have picked up this book means you are interested in the sport called triathlon. There is a serious danger that you could become a triathlete. You could lose weight and become exceptionally fit while gaining muscle and the respect of your peers. Cross that triathlon finish line just once and you could become addicted.

    Don’t say you weren’t warned.

    The triathlon in North America can trace its roots to Southern California, where the first three-sport race—swimming, cycling, and running— took place in the fall of 1974. From that start, the sport has grown by leaps and bounds.

    USA Triathlon (USAT), the governing body of the sport, estimates there are more than 2,000 multisport races in the United States each year. Membership in USAT is approaching 100,000. Worldwide, the number of triathlon participants is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands annually.

    A major impetus for the recent growth of the sport was the debut of the triathlon in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. Today, one of the most popular formats for a triathlon is the Olympic-distance triathlon of a 1,500-meter swim, 40-kilometer bike ride, and 10-kilometer run.

    Like the marathon in running, triathlons are now more accessible to amateur athletes, who make up a larger part of the triathlon scene each year. There are many races with shorter distances, known as sprint triathlons, for those new to the sport.

    You may be asking why you need a book to get started in this sport, or to make improvements from your first triathlon. Preparation, of course, is the key to execution, and few people instinctively know proper techniques and the best plans for integrating the training for the three sports in such a way that they complement each other. You need guidance, and having plans laid out for you and explained can only improve your chances on race day.

    Most triathletes have lives apart from the competition, and the training programs in this book allow for you to still be a spouse, parent, and dependable employee while preparing for race day. When the big day comes, you will be ready physically and mentally if you follow the advice in this book.

    The triathlon is known as an endurance sport, and the designation could not be more appropriate. To get ready for your big day, you will have to endure early mornings at the pool and tough rides and runs, sometimes in adverse conditions. You may have setbacks in your training with injuries or illness. It’s an odyssey that, by comparison, might make the actual race look easy.

    The training is not all misery, however. It will be exciting to experience the inevitable gains in fitness, and who wouldn’t be happy to see the pounds melting away? If you find some fellow trainees to join for workouts, the camaraderie you share will more than make up for the rigors of the training. Making friends as you prepare for your triathlon will be the gift that keeps on giving.

    Neither the race nor the training is supposed to be easy. Where’s the feeling of accomplishment if you don’t have to push yourself?

    The triathlon, especially if it’s your first, may be the hardest thing you ever do. Chances are you will also look upon the moment that you cross the finish line as one of your finest hours.


    Getting Started

    Well, here you are—about to start a journey unlike any other you have experienced. For all but a few, it will seem overwhelming just to consider what lies ahead. You might be a runner anticipating your first-ever competitive swim. Perhaps you are a biker with little experience in the other two sports. So step back, take a deep breath, and tell yourself: no more stalling. It’s time to get going.

    Why Compete in a Triathlon?

    Only you know why you decided to give this exciting sport a try. Perhaps you have friends who compete and heard them talking about a race. Maybe you saw a triathlon on television and thought it looked like fun. Most runners at some time will be advised to do more cross-training, and what could be better for that objective than a competition that requires you to vary your training.

    Athletic competition in many ways is its own reward. It is very satisfying, for example, to complete a 10-kilometer run in difficult conditions. You don’t even have to win to feel good about crossing the finish line. At some point in a tough race, you probably had to call on something within you to finish, or you had to fight off a message your body was sending you to slow down or stop.


    Do not think of a triathlon as three individual sports—swimming, cycling, and running. A triathlon is one sport with three separate phases. You don’t get credit for any of them unless you complete all three.

    Confidence Builder

    There is no question that it is difficult to complete a triathlon, especially the first time, even one of relatively short distance. The difficulty factor is multiplied if you started without much experience at any of the sports. Then again, if it was easy, who would want to do it?

    Yes, it’s hard to prepare yourself for the challenge, and you will be testing yourself as never before when you hit the water in your first triathlon, but with the right training and the will to stick to a schedule, you can do it. You won’t be asking your body to do the impossible.

    Because completing a triathlon is challenging, you will feel a sense of confidence when you finish that you might not have known before. What seemed light years away when you started is now part of your personal history. How cool is that?

    Expanding Horizons

    Most people come to the triathlon with experience in just one of the sports, principally either running or cycling. As you work on the other sports, it will be exciting to know you are growing and moving into a new class as an athlete. You will be opening a whole new chapter, perhaps more than one, in your athletic history.

    When you start your training, it may seem that getting to the finish line of the actual event is just a dream. As you improve as a swimmer, biker, and runner, you will realize that you have what it takes. That’s a great feeling.


    Many triathletes have been inspired by the enduring legend of Julie Moss, who led the 1982 Hawaii Ironman Triathlon nearly all the way before cramps and dehydration in the severe heat nearly shut her down close to the finish. She fell several times but became a folk heroine by crawling several yards to the finish line. A video of her heroic feat is still widely circulated today.

    Easier on the Body

    One reason that coaches urge athletes, especially runners, to cross-train is that it saves wear and tear on the body. Swimming, in fact, is an ideal cross-training activity because you don’t experience the pounding that you do when you run, but you still get a very useful cardiovascular workout as you make your way back and forth in the pool. You will probably find when you jump into the pool for the first time that there is nothing easy about negotiating the 50 meters down and back in the pool, but it won’t give you shin splints or runner’s knee. Similarly, biking also provides a good workout for your heart and lungs without beating up your legs.

    In Focus

    As you move from one sport to the other in your training, you will learn the art of focusing on what you are doing—and only what you are doing. Learning this skill will be of immense value to you on race day. When you enter the water on the swim portion of the triathlon, you want to have your mind on getting around those buoys and out of the water. You do not want to be thinking about anything but the strokes that will get you from point A to point B.

    As you train, you will concentrate on, among other things, perfecting your stride as you run, keeping low on the bicycle to decrease wind resistance, and learning long, slow strokes as you swim. Whatever you are doing that particular session is the only thing you will be thinking about.


    Why is running so much harder on the body?

    It is estimated that every step you take as you run makes an impact on your body equal to up to six times your body weight. This puts stress on the bones and joints, especially when just starting out. Swimming and cycling are low-impact activities; running is a high-impact sport.

    How Triathlons Work

    Triathlons may feature different distances and venues, but each is organized the same way: swim first, then cycle, then run. The swim will have the most variety as it can occur in a lake, ocean, or even an indoor pool. In a typical triathlon, you will be riding your bicycle on a paved road. Most rides will be out and back, but a loop course is possible. The run will be basically the same—out and back or loop, also on a paved road. Some of the run course might be on a trail or off-road surface, but the cycling part will not be unless your triathlon is specifically an off-road event.

    Waves of Swimmers

    There are two different ways to start the triathlon swim. The most common is the wave start. In a wave start, groups of triathletes assemble on the edge of the lake or ocean and all enter the water together when a siren sounds or a starter gun goes off. The size of the group depends in part on the size of the entrance to the body of water. Groups can be thirty swimmers or up to fifty or sixty if there is plenty of room.


    Many road races allow runners taking part to register the day of the race, some even minutes before the start. Don’t expect to do that with a triathlon. Almost all triathlons require preregistration, some with deadlines days before the event. This is because many have only a limited number of slots available, and it’s much more complicated to organize a triathlon than a road race.

    In a wave start, the first group is usually made up of the fastest swimmers, typically the male pro triathletes. This is not unlike the way some large marathons are organized with the elite runners starting out a few minutes ahead of the rest of the pack. If you are participating in a smaller triathlon, you probably will not see this configuration.

    In any event, the wave start will have several groups, determined by the race organizers, each entering the water together in turn with a wait of a minute or so before the next group gets started. The last groups to enter the water in a wave start are usually the relay participants and younger swimmers.

    Right on Time

    The other way of starting the triathlon is by a time trial. In this format, swimmers stand in single file at the edge of the water, starting their swim on cue, with a delay of three to five seconds before the next swimmer starts. The swimmers stand in line in the order of their race numbers, which are displayed on their swim caps and written on their arms and legs with waterproof marker.

    Number one, usually the favorite to win the triathlon, goes first, followed by number two, and so on. Time trials can include age groups, with each participant in a particular group standing in line according to his number, starting with the lowest.

    In a time trial, the swimmer’s race number and time of the start are noted so that person’s total time can be calculated from the point of entering the water to crossing the finish line in the run.

    It is not unusual for a triathlon to use both formats for starting the swim, with the elite athletes beginning in a time trial and others, especially relay participants, in wave starts by groups.


    What if I’m in a time trial start and I miss my turn?

    You won’t be disqualified, but when your number comes up once the time trial has begun, your time will start then. If you were in the port-a-john when your number came up, you would have to go to the back of the line, however long it is, and wait. As you can imagine, such a lapse could be very costly, not to mention embarrassing.

    A Matter of Timing

    There are two ways to time the participants in a triathlon: with regular time-calculating machinery augmented by human observation or by computer chip. Larger races use the chips. The chip is a small plastic device with a transponder inside. On the transponder is

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