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The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book: What To Eat To Ensure A Healthy Pregnancy
The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book: What To Eat To Ensure A Healthy Pregnancy
The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book: What To Eat To Ensure A Healthy Pregnancy
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The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book: What To Eat To Ensure A Healthy Pregnancy

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The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book helps you break down all that confusing information about prenatal vitamins, calorie counting, and smart food shopping. From getting healthy before conceiving to staying fit through each stage of pregnancy, you can shape your eating and exercise habits to contribute positively to your well-being-and ultimately, your baby's. The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book helps you design a well-balanced diet that's right for you and your baby, whether you're a teenage mother-to-be, an older expecting mom, or somewhere in between.
With this engaging and enlightening book at your side, you can:
  • Get the real deal on controversial foods such as fish, tea, wine, and cheese
  • Avoid harmful food additives and over-the-counter medications
  • Make informed decisions in the supermarket and kitchen
  • Indulge some cravings - and beat others
  • Learn the best ways to cope with the discomforts of pregnancy
  • Assess which vitamins and minerals are most important during each trimester
  • and more

Complete with tips on prenatal care for your baby and methods for regaining your pre-baby figure, The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book is your complete resource for planning a healthy pregnancy from beginning to end!
Release dateNov 30, 2004
The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book: What To Eat To Ensure A Healthy Pregnancy

Kimberly A Tessmer

An Adams Media author.

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    The Everything Pregnancy Nutrition Book - Kimberly A Tessmer



    Pregnancy Nutrition Book

    Dear Reader:

    Congratulations! You have a new bundle of joy on the way! As an expectant mother, you are now undertaking one of the most important roles of your life. Leading a healthy lifestyle now has a whole new meaning. Now more than ever, you need to discover and understand good nutrition and what it will take to properly nourish both you and the baby inside you. Now, more than any other point in your life, is the time to take control of your lifestyle!

    Nutrition for yourself can be confusing enough, but now you have another life to consider. At this time in your life there is so much to learn and take in. It can all be so overwhelming. The Everything® Pregnancy Nutrition Book will help make one aspect of pregnancy, good nutrition, a bit less confusing and a bit more comprehensible. This book is packed with essential information that you will need both before you become pregnant and during your pregnancy. While this book is a wonderful guide, it is in no way a substitute for the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. Keep in mind that every pregnancy is a unique situation, and this book is only a general guide to your months ahead.


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    What to eat to ensure a

    healthy pregnancy

    Kimberly A. Tessmer, R.D., L.D.


    Adams Media

    Avon, Massachusetts

    Copyright ©2005, F+W Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

    This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced

    in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions

    are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

    An Everything® Series Book. Everything

    and everything.com® are registered trademarks of F+W Media, Inc.

    Published by Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

    57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322 U.S.A.


    ISBN 10: 1-59337-151-9

    ISBN 13: 978-1-59337-151-7

    eISBN 13: 978-1-44052-307-6

    Printed in the United States of America.

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Tessmer, Kimberly A.

    The everything pregnancy nutrition book / Kimberly A. Tessmer.

    p.        cm.

    An everything series book

    ISBN 1-59337-151-9

    1. Pregnancy—Nutritional aspects—Popular works. 2. Pregnant women—

    Health and hygiene—Popular works. I. Title. II. Series: Everything series.

    RG559.T476 2004



    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

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    This book is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchases.

    For information, call 1-800-289-0963.

    A heartfelt thank you to my incredible husband, Greg Tessmer, who always lends me his unconditional love and support in everything I pursue. To my family and my extraordinary parents, Don and Nancy Bradford, who have always taught me and continuously show me that anything and everything is possible! Thank you to my friends, and a special thank you to a wonderful friend, Megan Jones, for always being there for me and for spurring me on when I needed it the most. I love you all!



    Top Ten Ways to Have a Healthier Pregnancy


    1 Planning for a Healthy Baby

    Healthy Eating for Your Baby

    Principles of Healthy Eating

    Before You Become Pregnant

    Focus on Folic Acid

    Charge Up the Calcium

    Pump Up the Iron

    The Scoop on Prenatal Vitamins

    2 Did You Think Of . . .

    Your Prenatal Care

    Fertility and Nutrition

    Kicking Your Habits

    Your Pre-Pregnancy Weight

    Existing Health Problems

    Your Family History

    3 Eating for Two

    Am I Really Eating for Two?

    Determining Your Calorie Needs

    The Pregnancy Food Guide Pyramid

    Count on Carbohydrates

    Powerful Protein

    Face the Fat

    Apply the Brakes on Sugar

    4 Nutritional Necessities

    Priceless Vitamins

    Fat-Soluble Vitamins

    Water-Soluble Vitamins

    Don’t Miss Your Minerals

    Don’t Rule Out Sodium

    Fill Up on Fluids

    Fabulous Fiber

    5 Roaming the Grocery Aisles

    Before You Shop

    Single Out Fruits and Veggies

    Go with the Grain

    Delectable Dairy

    Protein Power Foods

    Figuring Fats

    Convenience Items

    Reading the Food Label

    6 Healthy Meals: No Longer a Mystery

    Planning the Family Menu

    Mastering Low-Fat Cooking

    Healthy-Up Your Recipes

    Sensible Snacking

    Portion Power

    Dining Out

    Fumbling for Fast Food

    7 Is This Safe?

    Exploring Food Additives

    Artificial Sweeteners

    Something Fishy

    Sure About Soy?

    Drugs to Take and to Avoid

    Over-the-Counter Medications

    Herbal and All-Natural Supplements

    8 Important Issues

    Dealing with Lactose Intolerance

    What’s up with Pica?

    Cold and Flu Season

    Food Safety Awareness

    Tips to Travel By

    9 The Vegetarian Mom-to-Be

    What Type Are You?

    Is a Vegetarian Diet Safe During Pregnancy?

    A Balanced Pregnancy Diet

    Special Vitamin and Mineral Considerations

    The Power of Protein

    Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids

    10 Weighing the Risks

    Pregnancy Weight Gain

    Weight Woes

    Gaining Too Much Weight

    Gaining Too Little Weight

    Dieting—A Dangerous Game

    Eating Disorders

    11 Dealing with Discomforts

    Managing Morning Sickness

    Gastrointestinal Complaints

    My Pounding Head

    Mouth and Gum Discomfort

    Battling Leg Cramps

    Can’t Sleep?

    12 First Trimester Expectations

    Your Baby’s Development

    Changes in Mom

    Food Aversions

    Fighting the Fatigue

    Nutritional Concerns

    13 Second Trimester Expectations

    Your Baby’s Development

    Changes in Mom

    Coping with Food Cravings

    Losing Your Girlish Figure

    Nutritional Concerns

    14 Third Trimester Expectations

    Your Baby’s Development

    Changes in Mom

    Keep the Swelling Down

    Coping with an Achy Back and Legs

    Nutritional Concerns

    15 Possible Concerns During Pregnancy

    Hyperemesis Gravidarum

    Iron Deficiency Anemia

    Gestational Diabetes

    Hypertension and Preeclampsia

    HELLP Syndrome

    16 Special Pre-Pregnancy Conditions

    The Teenage Mom

    The Older Mom

    The Diabetic Mom

    Thyroid Disease



    17 Fitting in Fitness

    Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

    Playing It Safe

    Developing an Effective Exercise Plan

    Walking for Health

    Know Your Limits

    Yeah for Yoga

    Kegel Exercises

    18 Feeding Your Infant

    Why Breastfeed?

    The ABCs of Breastfeeding

    Nutritional Requirements for the Breastfeeding Mom

    Nutrient Needs of the Breastfeeding Mom

    Harmful Substances

    Formula Feeding

    19 A Lifetime of Healthy Eating for Your Baby

    Starting Baby on Solid Foods

    Foods to Avoid

    Your Growing Kid: The Early Years

    Fighting Food Jags

    Introducing New Foods

    The Overweight Child

    Finding Out About Food Allergies

    20 Regaining Your Pre-Baby Figure

    When Is It Safe to Start Losing the Weight?

    Smart Weight Loss

    Keeping a Food Diary

    Setting Goals and Getting Motivated

    Choosing a Commercial Weight-Loss Program

    Is Your Weight Stuck?

    Appendix A Dietary Guidelines for Americans

    Appendix B Figuring Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

    Appendix C Additional Resources


    I am so grateful and indebted to Dr. Alton for all his unique expertise, wonderful ideas, and the time he took out of his very busy schedule to help me create this valuable book. Dr. Alton is an incredible physician with an unbelievable compassion for his patients. I cannot think of a better person or doctor whom I could have asked to assist me. I can’t thank you enough! You are the best!!

    Top Ten Ways

    to Have a Healthier Pregnancy

    1. Learn how to eat healthy for two.

    2. Know how much of the essential vitamins and minerals you should be getting and why.

    3. Learn what foods are safe for you and your baby—and which ones aren’t.

    4. Understand how total weight gain affects a healthy baby.

    5. Learn how to manage the discomforts of pregnancy.

    6. Know what to expect though each trimester.

    7. Be aware of the special nutritional concerns that can arise during pregnancy.

    8. Keep up—or begin—an active lifestyle.

    9. Know what drugs and herbal supplements it’s okay to take, as well as which ones you should avoid.

    10. Understand how particular health conditions may affect your pregnancy.


    — John A. Alton, M.D.

    25n5 ONE OF THE MOST difficult aspects of pregnancy is the same one that arises from being a parent: recognizing what is and is not in our control. Life would be so much easier if events in our lives were clearly labeled in our control or not in our control. The most important point to realize is that your nutritional intake during pregnancy plays a vital role in the process. The greatest facet is that nutrition is Win your control. Fortunately for you, in your hands is a book that explains, clarifies, and updates you on the latest in nutrition and pregnancy. Regardless of whether you just found out you are expecting, are due next week, or are still thinking about starting a family, The Everything ® Pregnancy Nutrition Book is for you.

    Misinformation causes confusion, which can result in wasted energy, worry, and possibly harmful habits. Some of the greatest advances in science over the last few decades are in the area of nutrition. The education of the individual regarding these changes is very exciting. To understand how greatly our diet impacts not only our health but also that of our unborn child makes us thirst for even more knowledge. Many of my patients are very aware of small changes in their bodies, and they take cues from their bodies to change their lifestyles. In pregnancy, those cues can be misleading. Therefore, a guide such as this book will help you through the one area in your control—your diet and lifestyle.

    Unfortunately, our society holds that attitude that good parenting is something that comes naturally, and unfortunately that falsehood starts with pregnancy. This misinformation usually is not from books that are written by experienced professionals but from friends, acquaintances, family, or past experiences. Every pregnancy is as unique as the child that is born. Listen to others’ opinions, find out their sources, and then verify the information. This book is a great resource for verification. When we purchase our new cars, televisions, or cell phones, we look at the owner’s manual to learn about features, maintenance, or troubleshooting. Think of this book as your owner’s manual to pregnancy.

    Make this book a companion to your prenatal visits and read it in the waiting room. By reading this book and taking notes in the margins or listing questions for your doctor or midwife, you will be better prepared to make the most of those visits. When patients bring a list of questions, it shows they are taking the time be active participants in their pregnancies. The supporting partner, whether it is a spouse, relative, or friend of the expectant mother, will also find this book an informative reference for the forty weeks of pregnancy. Almost as important, they will find this information handy during the time before pregnancy occurs. So often we want to help those we care for but are unsure how to be effective. By reading this book, and gaining knowledge, the partner can be more supporting and play a more intimate and special role in the pregnancy.

    Be aware that no matter how well you listen to your doctor or midwife or follow the guidelines in the book, unfortunate events can happen that are beyond anyone’s control. To assign blame and look for an answer as to why it happened is normal human nature. But if you take the time to read this book, you will have done everything in your control to give your unborn child the best start he or she could have. After all, that is what everyone wants.

    Consider this book and your pregnancy as a springboard to a healthier lifestyle for you and your family. This book is the first step in impacting the one area of your pregnancy that is within your control. The information and confidence you will gain will change the rest of your life.


    Chapter 1

    Planning for a

    Healthy Baby

    If you are planning to have a baby, consuming an ideal diet and living a healthy lifestyle are extremely important. What you do before pregnancy can have a large impact on the outcome of your pregnancy. A well-planned, nutritious diet that includes the right balance of essential nutrients is the first step you should take in planning for a healthy baby.

    Healthy Eating for Your Baby

    Eating healthily will ensure that both you and your fetus receive the nutrients that are essential for you both from the very start of pregnancy. But don’t wait until you are pregnant. Researchers believe that eating a healthy diet once you become pregnant may not make up for earlier nutritional deficiencies.

    Supplying Nutrients for Your Baby

    In the very first weeks of pregnancy, often before you even realize you are pregnant, your baby will rely on your stores of vitamins and minerals for normal development. During pregnancy, optimal nutrition will be in high demand. Your body needs enough nutrients to support itself, as well as the baby, through all stages of development. All the nourishment your baby needs will come from the foods you eat, the reserves in your body, and the supplements that you take. The key to a healthy birth is to start eating a healthy diet and boosting your intake of certain essential nutrients before you become pregnant. It’s all about planning ahead! You plan for the baby’s room and for the supplies and clothes you need, and so on. Don’t forget the most important plan—a healthy you!

    To begin, you need to ask yourself whether your eating habits measure up and whether you are getting the nutrients you need to support a healthy pregnancy. If the answer is no, you have some work to do. Start by assessing your present eating habits. A good assessment tool is the USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid. Keep in mind that it is important to get your partner started on a healthier lifestyle, too.

    Assessing Your Diet with the Food Guide Pyramid

    The Food Guide Pyramid can be used as a tool to assess your current food intake. The pyramid contains all the food groups essential to a healthy diet. It is meant as a guideline to aid people in recognizing what and how much to eat of each of the five major food groups daily. Following the Food Guide Pyramid will help keep your fat intake at healthy levels and ensure that you are consuming all the essential nutrients that make up a healthy diet for the average person. It will help you increase your intake of nutrient-dense foods or foods that contain more nutrients than calories. By following the Food Guide Pyramid, you can rest assured that you are getting all of the nourishment that your body needs to plan for a healthy pregnancy.

    FIGURE 1-1 The USDA Food Guide Pyramid


    Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    On average, women who are not pregnant should consume the following servings daily from the Food Guide Pyramid (depending on activity level):

    • 6 to 9 servings from the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group—Include whole-grain and whole-wheat foods as much as possible.

    • 3 to 4 servings from the vegetable group—Choose from a variety of vegetables, and stick to fresh or frozen for higher nutritional content.

    • 2 to 3 servings from the fruit group—Choose from a variety of fruits.

    • 2 to 3 servings from the milk group—Choose from low-fat or fat-free dairy products.

    • 5 to 6 ounces (or 2 servings) from the meat group—Choose from lean meats and include nonmeat protein foods such as beans, lentils, and fish regularly.

    • Fats, oils, and sweets—Use sparingly.

    Keep in mind that the stated number of servings is for women who are not yet pregnant. These serving sizes increase with pregnancy and are discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.

    Food in one group should not replace foods from another group. Because each group supplies different essential nutrients, no food group is any more important than any other. It is important to eat from all of the food groups each day and to eat a variety for optimal nutritional intake. In addition to your food intake, don’t forget your fluids, too!


    Water is an important nutrient and one that is often overlooked when planning a healthy diet. For optimal intake, you should shoot for at least eight 8-ounce glasses per day. Water is present in just about every part of the body and has a vital role in almost every major function in the body, including pregnancy. The body has no provision to store water, so make sure you drink water every day.

    Principles of Healthy Eating

    The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are made up of ten basic principles for healthy eating. The guidelines are meant to provide sound advice to help people make food choices for a healthy, active life. Following the guidelines will ensure that your eating habits measure up. Therefore, understanding the dietary guidelines should be your first step to making sure you are consuming a diet that is optimal to a healthy pregnancy.

    The Dietary Guidelines for Americans

    The dietary guidelines follow an easy-to-remember ABC organization. Each of the three main topics (Aim for Fitness, Build a Healthy Base, and Choose Sensibly) includes several important points. (To read the full guidelines, see Appendix A.)

    The first topic, Aim for Fitness, points out the important of good physical health:

    • Aim for a healthy weight.

    • Be physically active each day.

    The second topic, Build a Healthy Base, gives basic pointers on healthy eating:

    • Let the pyramid guide your food choices.

    • Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains.

    • Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.

    • Keep food safe to eat.

    The third topic, Choose Sensibly, provides advice on eating for general health:

    • Choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat.

    • Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugars.

    • Choose and prepare foods with less salt.

    • If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.


    The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The guidelines are updated every five years. To be on the cutting edge of good health, look for updated versions as they become available.

    Changing Your Eating Habits

    Let’s say that after a review of the Food Guide Pyramid and the USDA’s dietary guidelines, you have determined that your nutritional intake in not up to par. Don’t worry—there is time to make some changes. The key is to make only a few changes at a time. Trying to change your entire diet at one time can be frustrating and discouraging. Start with simple goals—such as eating at least three meals a day, eating two servings of fruit per day, drinking eight glasses of water each day, or walking thirty minutes three times per week—and work your way up from there. Once you have mastered one set of habits, move on to the next. Be sure your goals are realistic, specific, and attainable. Eat more fruit is a noble goal, but it might help to make one that’s more specific, like goal is Eat two servings of fruit each day.

    To aid in your endeavors, find a way to monitor yourself, such as a food journal. Self-monitoring has been shown to help change a behavior in the desired direction. Keep in mind that it takes at least twenty-one days to actually change a habit—be patient. Use your food journal to write down everything you eat and drink throughout the day; this can help you stay committed to your goals of eating a healthier diet. Write each item down as soon as you have eaten it. That way you won’t conveniently forget to take note of certain foods at the end of the day. Keep track of your exercise habits and how much water you drink, too.

    Before You Become Pregnant

    There are several dietary guidelines that everyone should follow, but there are also specific guidelines for women who are planning to become pregnant. In the months before a woman becomes pregnant, her nutritional intake can be a key factor in the outcome of the pregnancy. The foods she eats and the vitamins and minerals she takes will help ensure that both she and the fetus have the nutrients required right from the very start of the pregnancy.

    General Pre-Pregnancy Tips

    The key to a healthy pregnancy diet is to plan ahead. First, work to improve your diet. You, as well as your partner, need to follow a well-balanced healthy diet with at least three meals per day. Meals should be spaced evenly throughout the day and should provide foods from all of the food groups. If you are not sure how to go about eating healthier, now is the perfect time to make an appointment with a registered dietitian who can point you in the right direction.


    Most of a baby’s major organs form very early in pregnancy. Birth defects and other problems can occur before a woman has missed her first period or knows she is pregnant. You can lower the risk of birth defects and problems with pregnancy by making healthy nutritional choices before you even get pregnant.

    Make a prenatal doctor’s visit, and get a checkup before you become pregnant. This will ensure you are in good health. If you have medical problems, an early visit to your doctor can help get your problem under control and can give you a heads-up for what you might need to do or expect during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about your family history, including genetics and birth defects. While at your doctor, ask about beginning a prenatal supplement to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients you need. These supplements can help build up the nutritional stores that can be depleted quickly during pregnancy. They can also ensure you are getting essential nutrients, such as folic acid, that help prevent birth defects.

    Reaching a healthy weight may mean losing or gaining weight before trying to conceive. Make sure that you are at a healthy weight or working toward it. The body mass index (BMI) is one tool that can be used to determine a healthy weight. You should use the BMI only as a general guide. Many factors need to be considered when estimating how much a person should weigh. See Appendix B for information on figuring your BMI.

    Get yourself on a regular exercise plan. Being in good physical shape at least three months or more before you conceive can make it easier to maintain an active lifestyle while you are pregnant. It can also be a benefit during labor. Physical fitness can help maintain good moods and energy levels as well as get you back in shape quicker after you deliver. Part of fitness is the ability to cope well with daily challenges. Do what you can to reduce your stress levels, and learn to cope with your stress through meditation, exercise or other coping methods.

    Take a look at your lifestyle habits, and begin to make changes to bad habits. Research shows that smoking, drinking, and taking drugs are most definitely connected to low birth-weight babies, miscarriages, sudden infant-death syndrome (SIDS), and possible behavioral problems later in life. It is best to stop these habits before trying to have a baby.

    Avoid using hazardous substances and chemicals, including many household cleaning products. Be careful about what products you use and how.

    Do what you can to take care of yourself and avoid infections. Some infections can be harmful to the fetus, so keep up your resistance. You can do this by washing your hands, keeping your distance from people around you who are sick, and staying away from unsafe foods.

    Nutritional Needs for All Women

    Your first plan of action should be to ensure that you are receiving all of the nutrients needed for optimal health in your age range. Some nutrient

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