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The Hardy Tree
The Hardy Tree
The Hardy Tree
Ebook97 pages40 minutes

The Hardy Tree

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About this ebook

Focusing on figures such as Thomas Hardy, Alan Turing, Virginia Woolf, and the World War One poets, The Hardy Tree examines power, oppression and individual rights in ways that reverberate through our lives today. Uniting these themes is the issue of communication—the various methods and codes we use to reach one another. The book is arranged in four sections. The first visits Vladimir Nabokov as a child with alphabet blocks, Alan Turing at eleven writing home from boarding school with a “pen of his own making,” Virginia Woolf as a teenager practicing her penmanship, and Wilfred Owen trying to draw a musical note from a blade of grass on a battlefield on the Somme. The second section focuses more deeply on various types of encoding; the third erases the Magna Carta; the fourth offers a provisional peace. These sections lean against one another the way that history leans upon itself. Backed by Bierds’ intensive research and woven with scientific evidence, she pushes us to consider our futures in direct conversation with the past.
Release dateJan 15, 2020
The Hardy Tree

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    Book preview

    The Hardy Tree - Linda Bierds

    Self-Portrait: A Cento

    I can’t be alone in this,

    the wars are everywhere, o even within.

    Alone, I am nothing

    and there’s the shape of nothing caught in air:

    an O without a figure,

    grain of the night sky’s empty hour.

    I forget and remember and forget

    the who I am and who are you, the who

    too thin to cipher and with no start and end,

    sewn together & torn again,

    stretched out like variable stars,

    like anyone’s portrait as a path of ill-formed light.


    Nabokov’s Colored Hearing

    I present a fine case of colored hearing.…

    the color sensation seems to be produced

    by the very act of my orally forming a given

    letter while I imagine its outline.

    Had my mother turned away from me

    as I sat on the nursery floor, my alphabet blocks

    leaning together in their unsteady towers,

    had she laughed when I said their colors were wrong,

    each raised wooden letter carved from some spectrum

    I could not see, had my mother,

    my fellow synesthete, not followed my eyes

    as an m swelled in the air between us,

    not listened as I said of its shape and sound,

    a fold of pink flannel, had my mother not seen,

    as I did, h as a brown shoelace,

    or the z’s thundercloud blue,

    I would never have closed my eyes at night

    to watch anything more on my inner lids

    than a brush of retinal dust,

    never have followed my curious alphabet

    as its letters released their mysteries:

    now walnuts rustling in a canvas sack,

    now mirrors, harps, clouds of small parrots,

    now box after box of humming hives,

    and, just before sleep, pale keepers in veils

    lifting the frames through the smoke.


    italicized text by Alan Turing

    (b. June 23, 1912–d. June 7, 1954)




    Dear Mother and Daddy

    Guess what I am am writing with It is an invention of my own it is a fountain pen like this:—

    A nib

    B cork to stop ink and hold nib

    C ink

    D tube for ink

    E squishy end of fountain pen/filler

    F air

    § §

    This was his path:

    up Horsecastles Road

    and Long Street,

    left on St. Swithin’s,

    right on Newland,

    left on the dogleg Avenue,

    and into the garden

    to count the bees,

    to watch the shape

    of their rise and dip,

    their lateral flight

    blossom to blossom to blossom.

    § §



    Dear Mother and Daddy

    I was 2nd this week again…. There is a lecture tonmorow Wainwright was next to bottom this week

    § §

    What is the pattern, insect to flower?

    Where is the path, flower to hive?

    How do vibration and message meet?

    When does the body turn?

    § §



    Dear Mother and Daddy,

    GB said that as I wrote so thick I was to get some new nibs from T. Wells and I am writing with them now. this is my patent ink

    § §

    Wilmslow Magistrates’ Court


    The charge: Gross Indecency contrary to Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885

    § §

    If the cells exist but

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