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The Natural Way
The Natural Way
The Natural Way
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The Natural Way

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The Natural Way
How to Stop Committing Suicide with a Fork!


Discover The Natural Way to Health, Vitality and Longer Life!

Did You Know That Three Out of Four Ailments Are Preventable?



• If less pain, fewer trips to the doctor, lower medical bills, decreased medications and fewer surgeries sounds appealing, then this program of alternative medicine is definitely for you!


• Learn the natural health secrets that can trim your waistline, help you look and feel better, increase energy, and live longer the natural way!


• Prevent or reverse common ills such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, stroke, constipation, insomnia, osteoporosis, migraines, chronic fatigue, and more.


• A complete health program with valuable tips on prevention, life extension, fitness, health foods, nutrients, supplements, fiber, herbs, vegetarianism, food combining, juice fasting, etc!


• You will discover natural health secrets that evolved from the famed saying, "You are what you eat! Includes vegetarian-friendly food tips, plus Bible health quotes for spiritual enrichment.


What makes this book unique:
This program was developed by someone who changed their diet and lifestyle then found tremendous relief from many of the common ailments which plague mankind.


That experience, which occurred twenty-some years ago, granted the author pain-free living and prompted his lifelong search for natural remedies and the pursuit of an ND degree in Natural Healing.


Learn the secrets of preventing and overcoming ailments the Natural Way.


A Must For Every Health Library!


Available as an E-book or in Paperback.




Release dateSep 9, 2020
The Natural Way

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    The Natural Way - A.J. Fleming, N.D.


    Is it possible to regain health by correcting certain faulty lifestyle habits? This individual is living proof!

    Permit me to share a story of a young man with the hopes of encouraging others who may be in the same predicament that he once was. His saga began more than twenty years ago just after his military service while he was enrolled in college. With health on the decline he suffered daily from a number of common complaints that included chronic fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, nervousness, insomnia, indigestion and stomach aches that were downright crippling at times. Just getting out of bed in the morning was often a chore, and his medicine cabinet was loaded with many popular remedies for aches and pains. Though he was in his early twenties, he often felt like an old man.

    A doctor he visited gave him a physical exam, declared him in good health, and said his health woes were likely stress-related from either past military events or else current college studies. In other words, the doctor didn’t really know why he hurt, nor could he help him much outside of suggesting he head to a pharmacy for more over-the-counter pill-popping solutions of which he had already tried.

    Puzzled, he thought if he was in such good health as the physician proclaimed, then why did he feel so darn awful much of the time? Was there no relief? If his fate were to continue on in life in this way of suffering, then why bother?

    At the time he had no idea that his faulty lifestyle was the cause behind his health woes; and diet in particular. He enjoyed greasy drive-thru fast foods such as burgers and fries, and snacks like potato chips and ice cream. The only vegetables he ate was the lettuce and tomato that garnished his cold cut sandwiches. He seldom ate fruit except that found in pies, and overall, he seemed to treat his body more like an amusement park rather than a temple of God. Technically speaking, he paid little attention to the fact that his diet was overloaded with fat, sugar and salt, and lacking in vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

    In regards to fitness his exercise program was sporadic at best, like shooting basketball hoops on various weekends. Additionally, his sleep habits were not sound. When you add all this up, little wonder he was a walking disaster who felt like he had one foot in the grave!

    He even tried reading several popular books on positive thinking which granted him few results as he realized that his problems were not simply a state of mind nor all in his head. So, what's left for him to try? So far nothing worked. Yet, there had to be an answer somewhere in this vast universe.

    Say, how about religion? Well, why not? Perhaps it was a last-ditch effort on his part. But anyway, he started reading the Bible and praying after listening to several Christian radio programs. One in particular which he favored was called Thru the Bible with Doctor J. Vernon McGee. This religious experience did something positive to him internally as he felt that both his spirit, and his luck, were about to change.

    Then it happened, and no one will ever convince him that it wasn't by the grace of God or divine intervention. Nor was it an accident or mere coincidence because it turned out to be a moment that changed his life for the better. He stumbled upon a book on nutrition, and immediately he became hooked on this fascinating subject. To make a long story short, soon he found himself working his way thru college as a part-time clerk at a health store which turned out to be the best education he could have hoped for, and no college classroom ever proved more valuable.

    Like a kid in a candy store, he eagerly devoured every available health book and magazine that lined the shelves. He was learning from early pioneering masters of nutrition and natural healing such as Adelle Davis, J.I. Rodale, Linda Clark, Carlson Wade, Jethro Kloss, and Paavo Airola. Through diligent study, over time he became rather knowledgeable on this intriguing subject.

    During this remarkable educational and transitional period his health improved dramatically. Overhauling his diet, not overnight mind you, rather over a period of time, it held all the promises that he hoped and prayed for. First, he gave up high fat red meats in favor of lean fish and skinless poultry. Later he gave up meats altogether in favor of dairy products like yogurt along with eggs, thus he became a lacto-ovo vegetarian. (lacto means milk, ovo means eggs). Lastly, in the final stage, he relinquished all animal items in favor of becoming a strict vegan, which he is to this day. Along the way, and most importantly, he discarded such dietary evils as saturated fats, sugar and white flour while incorporating more of the wholesome staples such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes (beans and nuts), and soy foods.

    During this transition it seemed the more he changed his diet the more his health improved. All those medical complaints mentioned earlier in this account had completely vanished, and without the use of any pharmacy pills! It was not just dietary improvements that did the trick for him but other healing factors as well such as regular exercise, multiple vitamin-mineral supplements, herbal teas, and periodic juice fasting (for body cleansing).

    Today he claims to be totally free of his former pains, takes no pharmaceutical medications, and can’t recall the last time he saw a doctor because he rarely gets ill. He became so involved in the topic of natural health that eventually he went on to earn an N.D. degree and added nutrition consultant and magazine author to his resume. People have told him he looks years younger than his actual age. He feels it too! To boast even further, he ended up running more than a dozen 26-mile marathons, including the renowned one in Boston.

    Over a period of time he learned the hard way, thru much trial and error, and that experience is the best teacher. What began as tragic life without hope ended on a high note, and he believes in the saying, It’s not how you start out in life, it’s how you finish!. He gives all the credit to God for the incredible opportunity the Almighty granted him to be able to share his story and knowledge with others; hopefully sparing them from all the painful struggles he once had to endure.

    Perhaps you have guessed who this individual is. He is the author of this book. Good luck and God bless!



    The information presented throughout this book is not intended to prescribe or diagnose illness. Consult your physician for all medical problems. Never take high doses of vitamins, minerals or herbs unless professionally supervised. Do not begin an exercise program or halt your prescribed medications without doctor guidance. Testing for food allergies is suggested if suspicions arise, and fasting should be monitored for safety. For any questions about topics explored in this text contact your physician.


    "P revention is better than cure". Joseph Conrad

    DID YOU KNOW THAT THREE out of four illnesses are caused by lifestyle choices? That’s a whopping seventy-five percent! When you think of the billions of dollars that are spent annually on health care in America, it is nice to know that natural healing alternatives do exist. There are options that we all have, at our very finger tips, which can help us live a healthier, happier and longer life.

    THERE IS NOTHING MORE priceless than good health. Having it in your favor grants you the opportunity to accomplish your objectives in life, while poor health offers a stumbling block tarnished with pain and besieged by limitations.

    PREVENTION IS THE KEY. Lifestyle choices reflect on our health. Such factors include what we eat, whether or not we are overweight, what we think (positive or negative thoughts), if we smoke or abuse alcohol/drugs, how much sleep we get, and whether or not we exercise regularly. In other words, we make choices daily that either enhance or injure our health. Those choices of today will influence our tomorrow.

    IN YOUR LIFETIME, ONE physical body is all you get. Because you cannot exchange it, taking proper care of the priceless one you have is simply good common sense. If your house is destroyed by fire, flood or a tornado, you can always rebuild or find another place to live. While living quarters are replaceable, this is not so with the human body. The one you occupy now must last a lifetime.

    DON’T WAIT FOR TRAGEDY to occur! Many people already know that leading a healthy lifestyle can extend our lives. However, too few people bother to adopt such practical wisdom until the calamity of illness occurs. Sadly, receiving a shocking medical report from a doctor is what is typically required before we start taking proper care of ourselves —and often at the cost of being too late!

    QUALITY OF LIFE. I want to enjoy my life while I’m alive, so I eat whatever I wish, is a very common attitude. Wait a minute–stop the music! Is not quality of life more important? Can you really enjoy life while drowning in medical bills and expensive medications, bedridden at a hospital room, confined to a wheelchair, or faced with painful operations?

    Some people assume that by eating a restrictive diet they are missing out on the joys of living. The opposite is actually true! Individuals who eat right and exercise are the ones getting the most out of life. They look better, feel better, are more energetic, have fewer sick days, spend less money on medical bills and are more active in retirement.

    What should be the golden years to a senior becomes a nightmare instead, with excessive amounts of time and money being depleted marching from doctor to hospitals seeking solutions to deteriorating health problems. Diseases of degeneration keep hospital beds filled and reduce the quality of life dramatically for millions.

    SUICIDE WITH A KNIFE & fork.  One in four individuals in the U.S. will develop cancer. Let's do a comparison. If you open a revolver, insert one bullet, spin the cylinder then point it at your skull, your chance is one in six you will blow your brains out. In other words, your chances of survival are better at playing Russian Roulette than eating the typical American diet (fast food and junk food) and not getting cancer.

    YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. Americans are the best fed nation on planet earth, yet suffer the highest rates of cancer, heart disease and obesity in the world. The typical American meat & potatoes diet—one that is high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories—is seriously lacking in protective nutrients which are required for optimum health. This is prompted by a low consumption of nutritious and wholesome foodstuffs such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes (beans).

    PROPER DIET IS IMPORTANT at all stages of life. Foods contain components that affect our health. The body cannot manufacture them and must obtain them from food. Essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that are extremely important to our health. If all of that sounds complicated keep in mind the human body is a complex piece of machinery, one that is just as complicated as any car or computer.

    DECREASE BIRTH DEFECTS. Diets of expectant mothers can play a significant role in the early mental and physical development of an unborn child. According to the March of Dimes women of childbearing age can dramatically reduce the risk of having a child with birth defects by consuming plenty of citrus fruits and dark green leafy vegetables (to meet adequate levels of folate; a protective B vitamin). Additionally, whole grains supply B-vitamins, ocean fish supplies trace minerals like iodine, and low-fat dairy items like yogurt supply other essential nutrients like calcium for healthy motherhood.

    DIET AFFECTS BEHAVIOR. Researchers have repeatedly discussed the effects of sub-par (nutrient defunct) diets on blood sugar levels which trigger hypoglycemia mood swings and its sociological consequences. Such reactions encourage temperamental, violent, and antisocial behavior—a contributing factor behind the high divorce rate and overcrowded prisons in America. Children who eat healthier diets have a better opportunity at achieving higher scores at learning institutions as well.

    SOME MAY ARGUE THAT eating right is expensive, but this author disagrees. What you spend on prevention now will save you tons of money later in medical costs. Therefore, you win in the long run. Pay now or pay later ... it’s your choice! Also, dining out at restaurants, convenience stores and fast-food drive-thru can be more expensive than basic home cooked meals or brown bagging lunches to work.

    YOUR WAISTLINE IS YOUR Lifeline. The more overweight you are, the more likely you are to be burdened with ailments and live a shorter life span. Excess weight places a burden on organs which the body cannot tolerate. Obesity increases risk of numerous health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, various cancers, gallstones, varicose veins, arthritis, high blood pressure, gout, and gallbladder disease. Being overweight can also cause chronic fatigue, backaches, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis.

    People who achieve stable weight and manage to keep it off, tend to eat more of the nutritious foods that produce health and energy. Correcting nutritional deficiencies can counteract abnormal cravings for food, and help keep your eating regimens under control. A proper diet will also keep your metabolism running up to par for more energy, and make it easier to burn calories.

    THE FITNESS FACTOR. If you are sedentary, strive to become more active with time. Fitness does not mean you have to become a bodybuilder or marathon runner. It means moving more and sitting less. Dancing, gardening, labor chores, strolling, and other forms of movement that thwart a couch potato lifestyle can be beneficial and help burn calories. More physical activity is better than less, and any is better than none. It all depends on what you wish to accomplish.

    LIVING LONGER. Long-term restriction of food intake, specifically the restriction of the total number of calories consumed each day can offer numerous advantages. Calorie reduction inhibits progression of the aging process, proven to reduce age-related physiological deterioration of animals. Diet restriction contributes to life extension, and years of animal research has proven that under-nutrition is an effective means of extending life span in animals. Experiments with laboratory worms proved that the life extension value of dietary restriction was the equivalent to keeping a human alive for the equivalent of 600 years. Could this provide an answer of the long-lived Biblical patriarchs? Consider too, their meals were composed of simpler foods such as grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish, etc.

    ADAPTING TO HEALTHIER Foods. In order to get our eating habits under control we must change our perceptions about food. Advertisements attempt to propagandize the masses into thinking that food is intended for social fun and entertainment. We often forget that food is designed by God our Creator to be nourishment for the human body.

    Americans are not born craving burgers & fries any more than Italians were born craving pasta or Asians were born craving rice. We crave these foods because we were raised on them from an early age. Thus, they become a habit.

    Our taste buds have become spoiled rotten to the point where we seldom care for anything that is not loaded with fat, sugar or salt. It’s crucial that we overcome our pampered taste barriers in order to be successful in rebuilding health.

    The more fat you eat, the more you will want. The same is true of sugar and salt. By making healthier substitutions our taste buds and digestive system will eventually adapt. Soon you will find yourself with cravings for healthy choices instead. Taste buds can be re-programmed just like a computer. It is entirely possible to change habits and taste buds. Over a period of time, you can discover that many simple and natural foods— such as vegetables— have marvelous flavors all their own. Such staples do not require being buried in tons of fattening butter or rich dressing in order to offer appealing taste. These discoveries will come with the passage of time.

    FOOD CRAVINGS. Unusual cravings for a particular food can actually be a disguise for what your body really needs. Usually it is not necessarily the food we need, but the nutrients they contain. For example, dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.) are rich in calcium. Cravings result in the unhealthy act of an individual consuming extremely large portions of a particular food just to get the nutrients contained therein, such as eating too much ice cream for its calcium content. Such actions can result in becoming overweight with inferior health. By ensuring an adequate intake of nutrients from a variety of wholesome foods and multivitamin supplements such intense cravings will often decrease or disappear.

    ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Versus Conventional. Why isn’t preventive medicine stressed more by the medical establishment? We cannot expect doctors to inform patients about the benefits of proper diet and regular exercise because the majority of physicians, especially the older generation, are taught very little about these topics in medical school. Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry is engaged in fierce competition with the health supplement industry. In fact, they have made several attempts in the past thru Washington lobbying to inhibit the sale of nutritional supplements.

    GET A SECOND OPINION if faced with surgery, and do your homework on alternative medical procedures that are currently available. While the well-trained and highly dedicated professionals in the medical field deserve much credit for their hard work, sacrifices and long hours in serving humanity and saving lives, bear in mind that members of the medical profession are quite human after all, capable of errors in judgment just like the rest of us, and should not be placed on the same pedestal as God.

    THE BOTTOM LINE. In order to lower the cost of health care and decrease the number of trips made to a physician, our public health strategy must increasingly focus on wellness thru prevention. We go to a doctor when we feel sick and leave either with a prescription or a recommendation for a procedure or surgery. With so many illnesses arising from lifestyle and environmental factors (such as cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease) the truth is that until we begin to emphasize the prevention factor then all the increased health care coverage in the world will not truly solve the problems of the soaring cost of health care, the obesity epidemic, and the deteriorating health of our fellow Americans and the subsequent loss of employee productivity.

    TOP TEN PREVENTIVE Health Care Tips:

    Six of the ten leading causes of death in the United States have been connected to diet: heart disease, cancer, stroke and hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cirrhosis. One third of the population is overweight to a degree shown to diminish life expectancy; and obesity is a risk factor in many diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and arthritis. Senator George McGovern, former chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs. 

    That quote, even though it was said nearly fifty years ago, stills holds true today. America has not learned its lesson!

    1. PREVENTION IS THE KEY. Three out of four illnesses are caused by faulty lifestyle choices. Does the good you do your body outweigh the bad? Try to make a serious attempt to seek daily improvements like those listed below.

    2. READ NUTRITION FOOD LABELS. Avoid health robbers which come in the form of excess amounts of fat, saturated fats, sugar, calories, preservatives, and salt (sodium).

    3. EMPHASIZE FIBER-RICH FOODS. Such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes (beans). Fiber can improve the health of our digestive tract and help prevent common diseases like diabetes, hemorrhoids and possibly even colon cancer.

    4. VALUE YOUR HEART. Foil America's Number One killer with a better diet, watching your cholesterol, not smoking, avoiding excess alcohol, maintaining normal weight, and daily forms of physical fitness.

    5. EXERCISE REGULARLY. No health program is complete without some type of physical activity. That means moving more and sitting less. Something as simple as daily walking can help. Ask your doctor about a fitness plan that is right for you.

    6. DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS. Adults need at least eight (8-oz) glasses of water daily for optimum health. It aids digestion, prevents constipation, and drinking plenty between meals fills you up to curb hunger and help you eat less.

    7. CONSIDER A MULTIVITAMIN SUPPLEMENT. Are you getting enough vitamins & minerals in your diet? A standard multivitamin can become an insurance policy to help avoid deficiencies of valuable nutrients that impact our overall health.

    8. INCORPORATE STRESS MANAGEMENT. Everyone encounters stress, but too much that runs out of control can become deadly. Pursue healthy methods that help you cope, relax, unwind, and get adequate rest.

    9. OBESITY CAN SHORTEN A LIFESPAN. Your waistline is your lifeline! Win the battle of the bulge with the common-sense weight loss approach of cutting back on the total number of daily calories and becoming more active physically.

    10. NUTRITION FOR YOUR BONES. Help to discourage osteoporosis, a bone-thinning ailment that affects people in later years with calcium-rich foods (like yogurt and dark leafy greens), calcium supplements, vitamin D, and also regular exercise.


    1. Air 

    2. Water 

    3. Sunlight   

    4. Food

    5. Exercise

    6. Mind

    7. Fasting   

    MOST OF THE HEALTH problems underlying the leading causes of death in the United States could be modified by improvements in the diet.  The Agricultural Research Policy Advisory Committee, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).




    Ponce De Leon’s fabled ‘Fountain of Youth’, The so-called secret of longer life, may be closer, less complicated, and more realistic than we think!

    CONVENTIONAL SCIENCE typically searches for answers to longer life and health dilemmas under a microscope and inside a test tube. Alternate wisdom, however, suggests that in order to uncover reliable answers to mankind’s quest for a longer life we should examine cultures around the globe, and throughout history, that feature people who are healthier than the general masses and are known for having higher than average life spans. What are their secrets of life extension, and could it be much simpler than we think?

    Medical experts concur that the easiest way to lower the risk for chronic ailments that curtail our life span and cripple our lifestyle is by correcting our faulty lifestyle habits. Factors such as poor diet, obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, failure to manage stress, and lack of proper rest generally top the list of things we need to be on guard against. Billions of dollars which are spent annually on sky-rocketing health care costs could be dramatically reduced if more citizens were to opt for healthier lifestyle habits.

    THE PLANT-BASED OPTION. Many common ailments can often be avoided if people would emphasize nutrient-rich, high-fiber, wholesome plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes (beans). Sadly, most Americans get less than half the amount fiber they need while taking in excessively high amounts of fat, sugar, refined white flour and salt. Reversing such faulty eating habits can thwart many a lifestyle which would otherwise be complicated by illness along with the expense or discomforts of medications, surgeries, hospital and wheelchair confinements, and premature death.

    Nutrition experts suggest that a plant-based menu may prevent and possibly even reverse the effects of premature aging, various cancers, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, migraines, Alzheimer’s disease, and much more. The dependence on radical disease treatment (drugs, radiation and surgery) would become less inclined as well.

    HUNTERS VERSUS GATHERERS. Let us consider God’s creations in his masterful design. Humans have teeth similar to herbivorous (plant-eating) creatures like primates, which are more squared for chewing grains and vegetables. We do not have teeth akin to the carnivorous (flesh-eating) creatures like canines which are sharp and pointed for tearing meat. Therefore, does it not make sense that humans should be eating more plant foods than animal products? You may not convince a primitive caveman of that concept, but in civilization today where food storage, transport, and refrigeration are less of a problem, we have the opportunity to take fuller advantage of these luxuries and improve our health from our sophistication.

    Plant foods have a shorter digestion period than animal products. Most vegetation can be digested by humans in about half the time span that is required by animal products (meat and dairy). Therefore, when the body is less burdened by the chore of digestion it will conceivably have more energy for other tasks and potentially help us live longer as well.

    Plant-based menus and natural whole foods regimes are not new. In existence since the early writings of man, today they are widespread around the globe; having passed the test of time by producing some of the oldest individuals in recorded history. Researchers have studied societies around the globe known for their octogenarians (eighty years plus) that emphasize natural plant foods in their diet. They are distinguished by their slender frames and low rates of degenerative disease. These groups do not suffer from common ills that Americans are noted for like heart disease and cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute eating substantial amounts of red meat (beef and pork) may increase the risk of cancers such as colorectal, pancreatic, breast, prostate and renal.

    BIBLICAL PATRIARCHS. The Good Book enjoys the grand privilege of boasting the oldest humans whoever walked planet Earth. It was not uncommon for persons of that era (noted in the book of Genesis) to reach several hundred years of age. From Moses who was considered only a babe at 120 when he died, to many others who lived far into triple-digit life spans (see below).

    While science continues to brag about its nutritional discoveries and scientific advancements concerning foods and health, it’s not so amazing to the Biblical Scholar. Much of what we are told to eat, that which is considered beneficial and will help prevent disease, was outlined in the Scriptures for us several thousand years ago.

    GOD GAVE MAN THE SIMPLE sustenance of plant foods in the garden of Eden. Remember that Eden was a garden- not a livestock ranch or slaughterhouse.

    From the book of GENESIS 1:29; Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    AFTER THE GREAT FLOOD of Noah, man began to eat meat. The first eight generations before the flood ... living on God's original plant-based regimen ...people lived an incredibly long time. Adam lived 930 years, Seth lived 912 years, Enoch lived 905 years, Canaan lived 910 years, Mahaleel lived 895 years, Jared lived 962 years. And then of course there was Methuselah who outlived everyone at an amazing 969 years!

    Now let's look at generations after the flood, which was after they began eating meat. Shem lived only 600 years; Peleg lived 239 years, and eight generations later Nahor lived only 148 years. Such a decline in years is obvious.

    Equate such extraordinary ages to the average of 80 today, and you may wonder how that was possible. The book of Genesis suggests that people of earlier times were primarily vegetarian and humans did not become the grand patrons of meat like we are today until after the great flood, when God instructed man on which types of flesh were clean for nourishment (book of Leviticus).

    Researchers believe a simple plant-based diet played a key role which contributed to the incredible life spans of Biblical legends. Archeologists report they ate modestly; a typical meal consisted of whole grain bread served with a bowl of vegetable or legume soup. Lentil soup, famous as Jacobs pottage in the Scriptures, was a common staple of the ancient Middle East and is still popular to this day. The Good Book also mentions foods such as dried fish, grapes, pomegranates, figs, beans, cumin, garlic, onions, cucumbers and fruits. Freshly grown crops, grains (corn, millet, barley and wheat), nuts and various seeds were common at local markets. Goat’s milk cheese, yogurt, honey, olive oil, and a variety of spices and herbs were popular.

    The Bible gives mankind dominion over the animals of the earth, and does not forbid its followers from eating meat. Dried fish appeared at certain meals, a food that medical science now recognizes as capable of fending off both the ravages of aging and heart disease due to its omega-3 fat content. In the New Testament, Jesus fed the multitudes with fish and loaves of bread.

    However, keep in mind that in those ancient times meats were used in moderation and usually reserved for celebrations, but were rarely consumed as everyday fare like in America.

    Only the rich upper-class Romans could afford to slaughter animals for their flesh, but certainly not the common peasant. Farm animals and beasts of burden were prized for their work potential and used to plow fields, pull carts, or turned stone wheels that ground grain into flour. Chickens laid eggs, goats gave milk, and sheep provided wool. Why slaughter a treasured animal that could do those tasks?

    Additionally, Biblical living was simple and natural, and the environment was free of pollutants and preservatives. It was life lived as our Creator intended it- eating to live, not living to eat. There were no junk foods loaded with preservatives. Fast food burgers, delivery pizza, and doughnut shops were not on

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