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Toddler Discipline Tips: The Complete Parenting Guide With Proven Strategies To Understand And Managing Toddler's Behavior, Dealing With Tantrums, And ... With Kids: Positive Parenting, #2
Toddler Discipline Tips: The Complete Parenting Guide With Proven Strategies To Understand And Managing Toddler's Behavior, Dealing With Tantrums, And ... With Kids: Positive Parenting, #2
Toddler Discipline Tips: The Complete Parenting Guide With Proven Strategies To Understand And Managing Toddler's Behavior, Dealing With Tantrums, And ... With Kids: Positive Parenting, #2
Ebook140 pages2 hours

Toddler Discipline Tips: The Complete Parenting Guide With Proven Strategies To Understand And Managing Toddler's Behavior, Dealing With Tantrums, And ... With Kids: Positive Parenting, #2

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The first three years of life are when your child's most dramatic brain development occurs.


During these early years, parents have the profound opportunity to nurture their child's cognitive, social, and emotional development through connected, responsive parenting.


This guide seeks to support parents of toddlers by offering YOU a proven set of strategies so you will be able to manage and ultimately develop the behavioral habits of children in your care - putting them on the path to developing important life skills and developing a positive and fulfilling future for themselves.


We will practice evidence-based positive discipline strategies to navigate challenging toddler behaviors and set appropriate limits while maintaining a strong connection with your child through the toddler years.


In Toddler Discipline Tips, you'll discover:

  • The simple but critical "trick" to getting your kids to listen to you. If you don't do this you're missing out on an easy way to improve your success rate when dealing with your child.
  • The crucial emotional bridge you MUST establish with your child before you try to change their behavior.
  • Discover a common language mistake that you're probably making now. I'll show you what the mistake is and how to fix it. This mistake is actually increasing the chance that your child does the opposite of what you want!
  • The only real reason some children are not already well behaved.
  • Find out what technique most parents use far too often, making it almost completely useless. When you fix this mistake you're going to get much better results!
  • The one word you are probably abusing, which triggers those awful temper tantrums.



*As a bonus, you will receive the Toddler Behavior Cheat Sheet to deal with the 5 most critical behaviors that challenge even the best parents.

Thousands of parents, teachers, and therapists have successfully used these tips. They work with all types of kids on almost any unwanted behavior.

You'll be able to apply the tips you learn from this book immediately.

PublisherLisa Marshall
Release dateJul 6, 2021
Toddler Discipline Tips: The Complete Parenting Guide With Proven Strategies To Understand And Managing Toddler's Behavior, Dealing With Tantrums, And ... With Kids: Positive Parenting, #2

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    Toddler Discipline Tips - Lisa Marshall


    What’s the best way to discipline my child?

    If you are reading this book now, you’ve probably asked yourself this question very often.

    As a parent, one of your jobs is to teach your child to behave. It's a job that takes time and patience. But, it helps to learn the effective and healthy discipline strategies.

    It’s important that we introduce an understanding of positive discipline before approaching behavior as a whole. This book will teach you what positive discipline is, from when to apply it to how to do it properly.

    Positive discipline is a new method that is used to look after babies and children in a different way by using a different point of view. While in the traditional discipline we speak of punishing wrong behavior, in the positive discipline, we keep in mind the type of adult we want to create and what would be the reaction of society to that mistake.

    Thus, positive discipline is a form of non-punitive discipline that favors self-esteem, the independence of the child, and the bond between parents and children.

    How To Act When The Baby Or Child Does Something Wrong

    You must be thinking, if this discipline is not punitive, how will I act when my child does something wrong? Well, it would be just like when adults do something wrong. If you make mistakes in your work, you have to bear the consequences of your mistake, sometimes financial, sometimes moral, and whenever possible, you have to correct the mistake. So the child learns to correct something that he or she has done wrong.

    So if your child hits another child, for example, applying positive discipline will teach the child to understand the problems that this has caused to the other child.

    The child has to learn to think of other people, to have empathy. Based on that empathy, you need to teach the child to see their mistakes and correct them whenever possible. It has no punishment, and it has no scolding, but everything depends on the patience of the parents.

    Of course, this question of understanding the consequences of their mistakes applies to older children as well. In the case of babies, it is different. At that age, there is not much language.

    However, parents can start saying short sentences, like 'no, that hurts.' If the baby wants something that he or she cannot have, you need to take the object away from the line of sight so that it stops being the focus. If the baby cries because of this, parents should comfort the child but under no circumstances should they deliver the object to the child and let them have what was forbidden.

    When the baby is one year and a few months old, they already understand what the adults say. So parents can better explain why something cannot be done. Thus, positive discipline from this age is made up of many conversations and explanations about why certain things cannot be done.

    When the child does something that the parents did not like, they should never say things like: you are a pest. Parents should make it clear that they did not like the child's attitude by saying something like: It is not cool to beat your friend because it hurts him. This method has very firm limits and at the same time, offers freedom to the child. It is similar to society, where there are general laws, but people are free.

    How To Act When The Baby Or Child Does Something Right

    In traditional discipline, when the child does something right, the parents usually show appreciation. However, when he or she does something wrong, the parents express displeasure. In positive discipline, it is different. It's important that parents try to show that they have noticed good behavior and praise it. It is also important to praise the effort of the child.

    When To Begin With Positive Discipline

    During the baby's early months, there is little point in applying positive discipline. From around 8 or 9 months, the baby has a developmental leap and learns to communicate by crying. It's a complicated phase because until this point there was no action of disciplining the child and now they insist on what they want. So from this point on, we can apply positive discipline.

    Tips For Applying Positive Discipline

    One of the most important tips for applying positive discipline is to never lie to the child. For example: if your child wants a cookie, but you do not want to give him or her that cookie, do not say that there is no cookie in order to avoid explanations. You also have to avoid bribery and blackmail because if you do that, the child always screams and cries. If the rule exists, it has to be valid.

    Another great tip is to think well before saying no. After all, in this method, it is not acceptable that parents change their mind after the child's insistence. Parents have to take the blame for their own behavior. You must lead by example.

    Benefits Of Positive Discipline

    Positive discipline helps children to become creative adults. In this method, we do not punish the error, but rather correct it. As opposed to punishment, that creates in children the fear of making mistakes.

    The child's self-esteem is stimulated with positive discipline. In this method, we encourage learning to reward achievements. For example, if your child wants a bike and you give it to him or her the same day, the child has nothing to wait for. So it's interesting that parents set a date for him or her to get the bike, for example, her birthday.

    Positive discipline has a number of positive effects on the confidence of the child. This book will help you understand how to discipline your child without using fear as a weapon.

    Please enjoy!


    Understanding Toddler Behavior

    Toddlers are difficult to understand for even the most patient and nurturing adult. Keeping a positive outlook and going easy on yourself on the difficult days is imperative.

    What if your child bites his little friend, or throws food on the floor and starts yelling?

    How do we prepare ourselves to deal with this moment?

    The idea, of course, is to always opt for the path of a good education. To do this, we talked to some experts, who suggested ways to deal with children for bad behaviors.

    Deciphering child behavior is not an easy task for parents. The quest for answers often runs counter to the way they raise their children, the amount of no they can say to them, within the limits they can impose. Often, adults sense how they should act, but the fear of frustrating children ultimately results in resignation. Indeed, children have standard attitudes in every stage of life, but that does not mean that adults have to follow orders and accept all attacks as something natural in the development process. To help parents act during difficult times, we sought out child education and behavioral experts who suggested ways to understand toddler behavior.

    Up To 2 Years Old

    1. My child has the habit of biting people. How do we teach him that this is wrong? It's expected by professionals who deal with children that they will bite until they are 3 or 4 years old, but adults cannot allow them to bite, because it hurts and it's wrong. By the time your child bites a classmate or anyone else, the professional counsels the good old eye-to-eye conversation. Stay at the same height as the child and speak firmly that this cannot and should not happen because it hurts. Parents have to make it clear that they do not approve of this behavior because even though they do not have clear notions of right and wrong, they cannot do everything they want. This does not mean that behavior does not repeat itself, but every time it occurs, it is necessary to make your position

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