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My Memories
My Memories
My Memories
Ebook56 pages8 minutes

My Memories

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About this ebook

The initiative for this book started with simple words that changed into poems and developed into a poetry book. My aim with this book is to reach each person on a personal level. May each reader be inspired, experience their own emotions, and write down their own thoughts, changing this book into their own personal dairy. Life has taught me a few valuable lessons such as Believe in Yourself, Remember Who You Are, and Share. Just a little positivity and inspiration can take you a long way.
Release dateNov 16, 2016
My Memories

Stephnè van Wyk

Stephnè van Wyk is an amazing poet. This is one gutsy woman who is always up for a challenge and lives life to the fullest with such enthusiasm that it’s contagious. Crafty and very talented in many ways, she still manages to balance her life perfectly between family, work, and fun. This is a virtue bestowed on a select few. These poems come from her heart and say a lot about her. She has a heart for others and yet can stand in awe at the small and beautiful things in life. I’m sure the reader will enjoy these as much as I have proofreading it.

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    My Memories - Stephnè van Wyk

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    Published by AuthorHouse  11/16/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6568-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6567-8 (e)

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