Shattered Silence
About this ebook
Paul Zeppelin
Paul Zeppelin is an artist and poet who address the wide variety of subjects from his life. Paul ‘Zeppelin incorporates the fragments of his lifelong experiences into an undeniably vivid and masterfully de ned imagery which leads a reader into an exciting journey across the wide-ranged work of Paul’s poetic vision. His distinctive poetry must be heard from the rst row
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Shattered Silence - Paul Zeppelin
Copyright © 2019 Paul Zeppelin.
Cover Credits: Mary Anne Capeci
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ISBN: 978-1-5320-8620-5 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019916754
iUniverse rev. date: 10/30/2019
Dawn Poured Its Rays into My Room
I Need a Pair of Wings
The Night Has Opened Its Umbrella
Empty Pages
I Carved My Rosy Dreams
I Cast My Nets upon the World
Cherchez La Femme
I Brought Her a Bouquet
Another Trojan Horse
Artful Uncertainty
A Dungeon for Imperfect Lives
I Often Pray in Empty Chapels
Her Life’s Dried Out Riverbeds
I Breathe the Air of Glee
Homage to Eugene Ionesco
Homage to D. M. Thomas
Homage to Beethoven
Homage to Perlman
Homage to Japan
Homage to Thieves and Whores
I’m Leaving Earth
I Cannot Play a Second Violin
I Hold the End of a Rope
I Need a Shrink
Ode to Love
Ode to Nice
I Missed the Fork
I Miss the French Riviera and Provence
I Miss the Heat
I Miss You, Abigail
I Love My Solitude
I Love the Movies of Tomorrow
I Built a House from a Dream
I Loved My Nanny
I Left the Tower of Despair.
I Left a Bitter Message
I Live in My Tomorrow
I Hope to Be Around for A While
He Slowly Drags his Cart
Forgive me, Mom and Dad
My Life Abruptly Changed
I Leave this Bedlam
Forgive Me, Love
I Left My Parachute Behind
I Listened to the Rain
The Night Fell Quickly on the Pond
I Morphed into an Owl
The Guillotine of History
A Silver-Washed Moonlight
Eternity for Writers
Our Platoon Marched
I Learned to Dream
I am Breaking the Ice
Opium of Fame
Homo Homini Lupus Est
I Lent my Soul to Badness
Graveyards of Hopes
I Cast Away My Anger
I Lost My Diamond
I Lost a Password
We Longed for Glee
I Look in Silence at the Gold of Foliage
A Crescent Bashfully Hides
I Loaned my Loneliness to Others
I Lecture to Myself
I Lost My Last Illusion
C’est la Vie
I Breathe
I Built a Cabin in the Woods
A Bud Unfurls in just a Day
A Crystal Shrine
A Sketch
I Asked my Death to Dance
I Closed My Eyes
I Locked the Door into My Heart
A Blissful Ploy
A Farewell Swig
A Departing Train
A Bad Dream
I Love My Neighbor
A Cruel Hurricane
Along the River of Despair
A Bird of Hope
Enlightened Failure
Don’t Rush to Bury Me
Eludes those Cracking Whips
Eternal Adolescence
Don’t Try to Fly
A Day Before
As Punishment for Debts
A Drifter
A Cube of Sugar
From Truth to Lies
History isn’t a Teacher
An Empty Terminal of Love
And Wilted Red Roses’ Petals
Eternal Tango
At Times
Farewell, Dear Sun
Don’t Torture Me
Good Wars
Ascended Spirit
Lively Equilibrium
Don’t Spin the Globe
Don’t Lose Your Head
Don’t Try to Fly
The Infantile Desire
As a Pinch of Salt
Don’t Strew Your Salt
War Is Hell
Farewell, my Gallant Matador
I Am a Verses-Weaver
Don’t Open Yet The Gate
Far Back, As I Can Remember
French Crepe
Another Requiem
Almost Iambic Sonnet
Above My Melancholic Eyes
The Olden Drawbridge is Set Apart
Waterfalls of Vanity
A Bitter Teardrop
A Blindfolded Goddess
A Boring Carnival
Arbeit Macht Frei
An Etude
I Left Behind My Cheating Church
A Gift
A Guided Ride
A Burning Red-Hot Grille
I Looked for Dad
Hell Lived in Me
A Celebration of Suspense
I Can’t Embrace
I Found My Old Album in the Attic
I Entered Twice
I Chose a Gluttony Canteen
A Breezy Shade
We Tried to Love Somebody Else
Amnesia of Fate
A Cross to Bear
The Countdown
A Choice of Salt or Honey
A Gypsy Lady Holds My Hand
All-Forgiving Death
A Beast Four-Footed
A Life Devoured
I Am In You
No One Can Circle Squares
Between the Moonlit Walls
Along with Aesthetic Deafness
A Fallen Angel Waited
Have Faith in Science
A Casual Bloodbath
A Child That Never Had Enough
A Confession
Eternity Won’t Ever Say Goodbye
Eccentric Comfort of my Days
Art Is an Unknown Land
Archival Files
I Grab the Falling Knives
Downhill to Dwell
At Night
At Eighty-three
As if We Never Parted
A Bugle Playing
I Left Naiveté Behind
I Clothed You with a Rain
Emotional Intelligence
I Am a Wolf
A Cup of English Tea
I Took a Redeye Flight
Angry Man
Enigma of the Future’s Past
Eternal Tango
Ethereal Wisdom
Hey, Cabby
Faustian Pact
Farewell, my Gallant Matador
A Day is Just An Exhibition
The Crisp Boneyards
And Visions Passed Away
An Exit Sentence
Down the River
George Heard my Prayer
Good and Evil
Give Us a Happy Hour
Give me Your Heart
Gertrude’s Roses
Futile Errands
Friday Night
First Dance
Along the Salty Breeze
Obsession with Mortality
Farewell to Happiness
Farewell, Accordion
Adorned with a Fruitless Glitz
Farewell, My Strife
As Uninvited Guests
He Finally May Touch his Stars
Eternity for Writers
Enlightened Failure
He Slowly Drags his Cart
Four Silhouettes of Horses
A Mirror
Ode to Love
Four Apocalyptic Horses
No One Hears the Cries
I Hate this Rain
I Borrowed Glee
I Ceased the Rain
I had to Bite the Bullet
House of Cards
I Begged the Hurricane
Life isn’t Idle with the Bitters
Orgasms of History Were Faked
My Epitaph
I Hover in My Dreams
I have here dealt with the wall of Taboos which
silenced our thoughts, emotions, and aspirations.
I hope my poetry is deeply "interior and personal-
which the reader recognizes as his own" as
Salvatore Quasimodo once said.
I’ve known Paul Zeppelin for almost sixty years since 1961. At first, I met him as a painter. The remarkable thing at the time was that Paul, like no other, developed a special relationship between the hue and the semantics of his paintings. The most ordinary objects, such as a tin can or a burned match, turned on his canvas straight into a dramatic and often tragic story. At least that’s how the viewer perceived his pictures and rewarded the painter with fascination and deservedly popularity.
Over the years, Paul Zeppelin developed his art into ever broader genres. Thus, his relationship found in painting between the elemental (hue) and complex (meaning, subject, meaning) was transformed into the relationship between the tone and the statement in his poems, which Paul wrote in recent years in English.
So now the musical, the tone has taken on the role of the former hue, and the sound lately made sense. The power of this poetic collection is a seamlessly interwoven fabric of sound and meaning that leads us into the world of faith and doubt, of peace and war, of death and life, despair and hope…
Zeppelin’s poems must be heard from the first row and then read by the eyes.
Boris Schapiro
Boris Schapiro is the author of Соло на флейте
, Metamorphosenkorn
, Ein Tropfen Wort
, Aufgezeichnete Transzendenz
, and 21 other literary works in German and Russian.
Dawn Poured Its Rays into My Room
I watched my nightly dreams in gray;
Dawn poured its rays into my room,
I grabbed my always ready broom
And quickly swept them right away.
I wished to find in the darkness,
Not in the blinding light,
The truth which rarely sparkles
Under the starless night.
However, in the morning of a day,
When coffee is the eloquence of life,
When daring winds are on the way,
I seek a pearl of wisdom in my strife.
My soul is coldly soaked.
I raised my trembling voice
In the hostile, piercing rain.
The trees are still uncloaked,
I really had no other choice,
But funnel life into the drain.
I try to find a panacea for this rust,
While life acts like a stubborn horse
Without a saddle, spurs and reins;
I live in mediocrity, inhale the dust;
I hardly breathe, my anger soars,
And clogs my dog-tired veins.
Like bees in search of fitting hives,
I’m discovering the arteries of lives.
I Need a Pair of Wings
I need a pair of wings
Burned with the sun,
I play the strings,
My fingers run,
I spur my horse,
Along my verse.
Nobody sings
The songs I wrote;
I need a pair of wings
To keep my poetry afloat.
I’d like to know:
Am I a chicken or a hen?
What if I am a nasty crow?
Who cares, we’re old friends,
I didn’t notice who went first
Into the dreadful lions’ den
To shake few friendly hands,
To see whose bubbles burst.
I want to dance with you,
I would prefer in heaven,
The bird of hope is blue,
I am an old black raven.
The Night Has Opened Its Umbrella
The night has opened its umbrella.
Bright stars swam in my wine,
And Elgar’s Opus 85 for cello
Embraced this weary soul of mine.
The bed was awfully cold without you;
The wind was softly singing lullabies,
The rain drummed something blue,
I tried, but couldn’t close my eyes.
I tried to live with hope and love;
I used to hide my pains and fears,
Even my angel-savior far above
Missed warnings of those years.
Old willows wept with silver leaves,
The days were clouded by griefs.
The starry nights were long and dark
Reflected in the river of my tears.
You walked away and took my heart,
Despair descended on my cheers.
The blade