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Asounding Music
Asounding Music
Asounding Music
Ebook119 pages58 minutes

Asounding Music

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About this ebook

ASOUNDING MUSIC is written in artistic Poetry that is easily read. Because music is so winsome to hear and play on instruments, readers will be quickly engaged in appreciating the value of music in their lives.
Listeners value their own cultural music. They may readily learn to welcome the music of global populations. Music lubicates not only what is heard, but also expands the range of artistic expressions.
Humanity produces the melodies and lyrics that are prized their locations, and also learns to value the creativity from different cultures. You are invited to read for enjoyment plus also open up your own musical talents that you possess. This is also a book that you can procure to give to persons in your realm of relationships.
Release dateAug 16, 2021
Asounding Music

Gerald Middents

Gerald “Jerry” Middents’ has wide experiences in teaching at Universities and Colleges. He is interdisciplinary as a Presbyterian Minister who earned a Ph.D. He served as a Professor of Psychology at Austin College for 33 years. Invitations came to teach at Universities in India, China, Poland and Slovenia. He taught at Mahatma Gandhi U. Then he filled the Endowed UNESCO Peace Chair at Manipal University. Lecture invitations came from University of Texas at Dallas, Ljubljana U., Mangalore U., St. Paul’s College, five medical schools, six seminaries and several community colleges. He published over a dozen other books, journal articles, sermons and lectures. Creativity, Policy-Making, Writing Poetry, Peace and Justice are his specialties.

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    Asounding Music - Gerald Middents

    Copyright © 2021 Gerald Middents.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-2705-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-2706-5 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date:  08/12/2021



    I. Introduction

    A. Music, Lyrics, Magic and You!

    B. Special Music

    II. My Personal Connections

    A. Music for Better Health

    B. Cross Cultural Music

    C. Relating Science and Religion

    D. Children Have Questions!

    III. Who Begets Peace?

    A. Need for Harmony

    B. Global Humanity

    C. Peace and Justice Marry!

    D. Poetic Musical Dancing!

    IV. Favorites

    A. Additional Lyrics

    B. Global Music

    C. Coronavirus Impact on Music

    D. Music: Beating Rhythms!

    V. Famous Inspirational Music:

    A. Symphonic Music4

    B. Loving-kindness as a Prescription!9



    Rather than composing a preface

    This book will have a prelude!

    This is appropriate for music

    With chords doing magic!

    Music and poetry are combined!

    This combination now can proceed.

    This book can be read in excerpts;

    For both amateurs and for experts.

    This book has been fun to compose;

    Poetry is fitting rather than prose.

    Your eyes will read these pages

    Your ears may hear the notes!

    Reading is for your pleasure;

    You decide what to treasure!

    Enjoyment will be the measure;

    As you proceed at your leisure!



    What is your favorite music?

    Popular? Jazz? Modern? Classic?

    Does it appeal to your inner core?

    Do you enjoy to hear and want more?

    This poetry book will try to engage you;

    Verses attempt to discover your view.

    The Index identifies the range of topics,

    This introduction hopefully broadens music.

    Yes, winsome music is heard world-wide!

    Musical notes surround us on every side!

    Let us expand global music appreciation;

    Melodies are universal communication!

    People resonate to appealing music;

    Musical vibrations have become historic!

    We are brought together with our singing;

    This world-wide appeal continues ringing!

    The Globe includes a vast number of cultures;

    Each society does have its very own practices;

    Global music does have unique distinctions.

    This music merits our own considerations.


    Our human brains process wide ranges of auditory sounds,

    We have human limits surpassed by both fish and animals!

    Within our heads are a pair of cochlear so very delicately,

    These provide us with the sense of hearing very delightfully!

    Two ears, provide capacities to locate sounds directionally,

    We have capacities to detect the source almost automatically!

    Permits organisms with two ears to sense reverberation locally,

    Horses and dogs cock their heard to locate sounds very precisely!

    These dual cochlear are crucial for sensing our environment,

    Not only to hear our human species plus also many more!

    Each species produces unique sounds for danger and mating!

    The beautiful Sound of Music we humans find appealing!

    Music is inspirational as vibrations stimulate our brains,

    Magical perceptions known throughout all human history!

    Music has profound influences upon neurons for harmony,

    Likewise other species communicate with vibes intimately.

    Music connects us with as a common language humanly,

    Music can speak to wide ranges of people almost universally.

    Are you acquainted with anyone not having affinity for music?

    Even those who are deaf may sense these sensations pleasurably!

    The universal appeal of songs in almost all human languages,

    Can have unequalled influence upon the overall human race!

    This phenomenon is understood by most people inter-culturally,

    Even without understanding unique words of humans verbally.

    Scientists study the unique musical calls of diverse species,

    Members in a special species discriminate their waves musically!

    Sound waves intersect with our sense capacities artistically,

    Renewing our human quest for vitality and uplifting spirituality!

    While we in the Western World appreciate Amazing Grace,

    We hope that all cultures have equivalent voice of every race.

    While violent strife may be occurring in different localities,

    There are many surprises how peace is stimulated musically.

    Music has the sound waves we are given from Heaven!

    We may value these beautiful waves we are given!

    Now we enjoy melodies and symphonies that we hear;

    Music lifts us upward so that we value the atmosphere.

    Music bridges humanity to engage in

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