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Anti-Inflammatory Diet Solution: Heal Your Immune System, Boost Your Brain, Strengthen Your Heart
Anti-Inflammatory Diet Solution: Heal Your Immune System, Boost Your Brain, Strengthen Your Heart
Anti-Inflammatory Diet Solution: Heal Your Immune System, Boost Your Brain, Strengthen Your Heart
Ebook391 pages3 hours

Anti-Inflammatory Diet Solution: Heal Your Immune System, Boost Your Brain, Strengthen Your Heart

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The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plan gives you the whole story about anti-inflammatory eating, good intestinal flora, and how to change your lifestyle.

Professor and legendary surgeon Stig Bengmark reveals his secrets in this beautifully illustrated, scientifically rigorous guide to living a longer, healthier life.

Stig Bengmark is one of the foremost innovators and visionaries in Swedish medicine. After a long and celebrated career in medicine, as he found himself approaching old age, he realized there was no single source out there that could tell him how to simply live healthily. When a discovery is made in the field of nutritional research, fad diets arise, gain momentum, and ultimately get discarded by the public when the next discovery is made – but what does it all mean? Which dietary advice is sound, and which is based on conjecture?
In The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plan, you will find the answer to questions such as:

-           How do I make sense of anti-inflammatory eating?
-           What is chronic inflammation, and how can I tell if I have it?
-           Do I have to stop eating everything that’s tasty in order to live a healthy life?
-           Should my plate be colour-coded?
-           What are synbiotics?
-           What is durra and how can it help me?
-           How can I set myself up for success when grocery shopping?
-           Should I want to diet?
-           Is it possible to lose weight without falling into dangerous restrictions or gaining it all back later?
-           What good, if any, does exercise even do?
-           Keto, gluten-free or intermittent fasting – which way of eating is the best, and do I have to choose?

For over 30 years professor Stig Bengmark has researched the impact of gut bacteria on general health. He knew of – and applied to his own life! – the benefits of anti-inflammatory eating well before news of it broke to mass audiences. At 90 years old he still lectures, writes and works. Now, his revolution has finally come. In The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plan—the culmination of his life's work, beautifully illustrated by Sebastian Wadsted—Stig Bengmark shares the results of his research along with all his best advice, easy-to-follow strategy guides and practical recipes to help you make the right choices for you, your body and your lifestyle. In the end, it comes down to nothing less than longevity.

Everyone can choose health. Your body, mind and immune system will thank you – as will your grandchildren!
Release dateAug 23, 2022
Anti-Inflammatory Diet Solution: Heal Your Immune System, Boost Your Brain, Strengthen Your Heart

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    Anti-Inflammatory Diet Solution - Stig Bengmark





    The Mistake That Changed Everything

    Bad News . . . and Good

    Emeritus—A Sense of Freedom!

    Health Is Situated in a Healthy Colon and the Immune System

    Rush to Reevaluate Antibiotics

    Disease Patterns Through the Ages

    The Price We Pay for Our Industrialized Household

    Our Microbiome Is in Crisis—Our Healthcare Is Powerless

    Vast Ignorance Concerning the Potential of Bacteria

    Too Few Vegetables, Too Much Heating

    Obesity—a Sure Sign of Excess Consumption

    Postprandial Inflammation and Toxic Distribution

    Affect Your Health Resources!


    Avoid the Chronic Illness Trap!

    Inflammatio Means Fire

    What Is Chronic Inflammation?

    Medication Is Not the Answer

    It Starts in the Colon—Self-Evident Through the Ages

    Refined Foods Sneak Past

    Are the Greens Going Down the Drain?

    Feed the Protective Bacteria!

    Researcher Hans Christian Gram’s Insight into Bacteria

    Gram+ Should Be Allowed to Take Charge Again!


    Lifestyle and Diet Are Up to You

    The Force of Habit

    Reduce Overindulgence

    Outsmart Sugar

    Early Wisdom—and Today’s Decay

    Raw Food Is Best

    Don’t Smoke with Your Stomach!

    Collect Antioxidants

    Omega-3? Well, of Course!

    The Big Fat Chaos

    Practical Dietary Supplements

    Krill, a Highly Interesting Oil

    Treat Yourself to Vitamin D

    Controls Hundreds of Processes

    Vitamin D Deficiency Is a Highway to Disease

    The Correct Level of Vitamin D?

    How Principled Do You Have to Be?


    Three Basic Pillars: Exercise, Proper Diet, Stress Reduction

    Start Daily Exercise!

    Training Results Can’t Be Stored

    Maximum Heart Rate Is Not Static—It Changes with Needs

    Disadvantage with Overambitious Athletics

    Exercise: Run from Illness

    Exercise Is Not Enough to Fight Obesity

    The Highway to Fitness

    Calorie-Dense Food Is the Main Reason for Obesity

    Adipose Tissue—the Body’s Garbage Can

    The Deadly Quartet

    Reward Yourself with Stress Control

    The Direct Connection Between Brain and Intestines

    Mental Stress Ruins the Digestion

    The Dangerous Potbelly

    Better Reward than Chips and Candy?


    Carnivore, Vegetarian, or Vegan?

    Vegetarians Who Disappeared . . .

    . . . and Today’s Winning Raw Fooders

    Unhealthy Feed, Sick Animals

    Rain Forest Deforestation, Greenhouse Effect

    Processed Meat Is the Villain

    Personal Answer about Meat Consumption


    Exchange the Farmer’s Products for the Gardener’s

    Milk Does Not Make Bones Grow Stronger!

    In the Milk: Sugar, Casein, Bad Fats . . .

    Hormonal Confusion

    High Estrogen Levels

    Dairy Products and Cancer

    Stop Putting Milk on a Pedestal!

    What Harm Has Bread Ever Done?

    Gluten—Formerly Wallpaper Glue

    Athletes Cut Out Gluten

    Will Corn-Free Follow Gluten-Free?

    Divest Ourselves of Traditional Farming


    The Body’s Heart-Healthy Friends

    The Discovery of Turmeric

    A Queen Among Plant Antioxidants

    The Research Delves Deeper

    So How Do You Eat Turmeric?

    The Avocado—One of the Miracle Fruits

    Counteracts Formation of Blood Clots

    Inflammation and Cancer Inhibiting

    Replaces Butter and Cream

    An Anti-Inflammatory Cocktail . . .

    . . . and All the Secrets in My Blockbuster Supermix!

    Smoothies and Green Beverages—Festive Everyday Mixes

    Pleasure—a Road to Health

    Chocolate—This Is Why It Makes You Happy

    Tea Makes You Healthy

    Moderate Amounts of Red Wine—a Health Booster


    Knowledge-Based Food Enjoyment

    A Guide to the Vegetable Jungle

    The Nutritionists’ Recommendation

    Choose Only the Best!

    Flash Freezing Is a Success

    Shop Fresh, Raw, and Frozen

    Diversity, Lukewarm and Raw

    New Grain Varieties, Thank You!

    Durrah—an Old-World Superstar Among Grains

    The Worst of the Worst Among Flours: Corn and Millet

    Corn—the Worst of the Worst

    Who Wants to Harm Their Great-Grandchild?


    Fasting and Structured Eating

    Fasting Cultures in Our Days

    New Ideas about Structured Eating

    Fasting, a Recuperation

    Not Everything Is about Obesity—but a Lot Is

    Nutrition Storage—the Fat Switch—and a Challenged Breakfast

    To Structure Eating—a Lifestyle


    From Four Magical Fibers—to Synbiotics

    The Gut—Our Afterburning Chamber

    The Missionary Physician Who Discovered the Importance of Plant Fibers

    The Bacteria Cheer, the Intestine Grumbles

    A Fiber Quartet with Magic Effects




    Resistant Starch

    IBS—the Most Common Disease Globally?

    This Weighs Heavily on the Community and the Individual

    The Solution Is Synbiotics

    A New Idea: Fibers Are Travel Food for the Bacillus

    Throw the FODMAP List in the Wastepaper Basket!


    With Warm Greetings to Swedish Healthcare

    The Pharmaceutical Industry Is a Huge Brake Shoe

    Brilliant Success for Synbiotics—EU (European Union) Wants to Forbid the Concept

    Chronic Kidney Sufferers Are Left Out in the Cold

    The Limits of Dialysis

    Limited Studies—Positive Results

    Meta-Analysis Shows Unique Possibilities

    Synbiotics’ Potential in End-Stage Disease

    A Drastic Increase in ADHD Is Trying the Healthcare System

    Convenience Foods Are Suspected

    A Hunt in the Dark for Toxins

    Overconfidence in Safe Limits

    It’s Murky Around Organic Foods

    Allergies Are Strongly Associated with Intestinal Health

    A Diet of Plant Matter Is the Enemy of Allergies

    Probiotics Can Prevent

    A Positive Synbiotics Study

    Can Synbiotics Replace Fecal Transplants?

    Feces Transplanting Is Established

    Strong Reasons for Synthetic Fecal Matter


    Dear Reader, Be Part of the Changing Trend!

    The Times Are Faring Better than the Gut

    If You Are Expecting

    Strike Against Overindulgence—for the Child’s Sake

    Your Body Weight and Health Have Big Repercussions for Your Child

    Strong Associations Between Uterine Environment and Chronic Illness

    Lactobacillus Showed Positive Results

    Decide. And Dare!





    THE PICTURE OF a long-ago breakfast meeting pops up in my memory when Stig’s name is mentioned. We are meeting in a hotel in Stockholm to plan research projects, and it is 8 o’clock on a Saturday morning.

    Stig chose the hour for the meeting. I wondered quietly what would make the (then) eighty-five-year-old professor want to meet at such an odd hour. The answer was soon obvious. It is all about passion. Passion to make us healthier, a passion for curbing our lifestyle-inflicted illnesses, and a passion to prevent us from ending up as patients under Stig’s or his successors’ knife. It is urgent! It is so pressing that Stig believed an 8 a.m. meeting on a Saturday morning was completely reasonable.

    So who is this Stig? He is a professor who practiced surgery at the University of Lund in Sweden. He headed the surgery department at the university hospital for thirty years and led so many important surgical assignments both in Sweden and abroad that his CV would need all the space meant for this foreword and more. The medical database Pubmed contains more than five hundred scientific papers by Stig Bengmark, and he has tutored hundreds of doctoral candidates and other students. This shows tremendous productivity. Stig’s name still has a somewhat legendary ring to it in the world of surgery; he is known for his exactitude and for his breakthrough ideas, methods, and forward thinking that have had great impact.

    But who is he really? For the answer we need to look at his passion and inquisitiveness. After specializing for many years on the liver—the body’s detoxifier—Stig started to question if there wasn’t a way to prevent some of the serious illnesses he saw in his everyday workload. But how? Were there areas of our lifestyles that we needed to change?

    When retirement gave Stig time on his hands, he decided to follow what has now been his lodestar for the last twenty-five years. He searched for the answer to why so many people develop diabetes, obesity, hypertension, heart, and circulatory problems—not to mention why there are so many digestive problems. At last he had the time to study all the medical literature and make a compilation of all that we currently know on the subject. Having decided his path, Stig accepted a position as visiting professor in London and got to work.

    Soon Stig arrived at a number of conclusions that are now summarized in his twelve commandments (which you will find in this book). A new system of knowledge grew in which microbiome, dietary fiber, sugar, and how often we eat are taken very seriously. The right, good kind of fat has been shown not to be dangerous. Sugar ended up in the crosshairs. Stig explains how to reduce a kind of inflammation that is so low-grade we don’t even know it is there; but because it is chronic, it helps to hasten aging of body tissues.

    Stig tested hundreds of bacterial strains to find the ones that could best control this low-grade inflammation. This led to the introduction of several new products on the market. Suddenly he wasn’t just a physician, researcher, and professor, but also an entrepreneur with a social conscience. His goal was to help us all live healthier.

    Today we talk about social entrepreneurship. Perhaps this took hold in Stig long before it became a buzzword? Perhaps Stig truly is Sweden’s first social entrepreneur? He is, in my opinion, one of the best social entrepreneurs; because to work to radically improve people’s health is a journey toward the finest goal we can set—a healthier life.

    I have to admit Stig has infected me with his passion. What started out as a collection of research collaborations has grown into something that affects my daily life. I’d rather go out to the vegetable patch than to the granary and Stig’s cocktail is a daily beverage. My sugar and meat consumption is moderate. Has this improved my health? I'm not sure, but I do believe my body likes it. As I’m a scientist by profession; I can’t help using myself as a guinea pig. My blood vessels show—using two different methods of measurement—forty-two years old, while my passport says sixty years old. I must admit to a bit of excess weight, but my blood fats and blood pressure are like a teenager’s. This was not the case with my father at my age. He had just been hospitalized with a massively enlarged heart and very aged blood vessels.

    Do I owe my results to Stig’s recommendations? It is difficult to be certain when the health of one person looks anecdotal. Nevertheless, what Stig has done in several wide-ranging scientific overviews is to summarize the known literature, and use this together with his own research to draw his conclusions. Stig has translated science to the benefit of us all.

    There is, of course, much more to discover and Stig doesn’t hold the answers to all questions. He might, perhaps, even be wrong sometimes in his eagerness to understand. Perhaps Stig’s conclusions drawn from current knowledge about how to change lifestyle for a healthier life won’t stand the test of time. Personally, though, I doubt that we can get a better and more accessible summary than Stig’s of today’s knowledge about lifestyle and health issues. This gives Stig probably his finest title—people educator!

    You who read this are lucky. You are allowed to partake of a life’s work of passion. Hopefully you will be infected, just like I am, by Stig’s passion!

    Stockholm, October 2018

    Martin Schalling, Professor of Medical Genetics,

    Karolinska Institutet

    MY NAME IS Stig Bengmark.

    I was born in Östervåla, outside Uppsala, Sweden, in 1929. My parents practiced a very healthy lifestyle. My father, a landscape gardener who was also a Free Church pastor, taught us the benefits and wholesomeness of the plant world.

    My mother fed me lots of mashed vegetables and fruit when I was very young. In those days there weren’t a lot of packaged baby cereals or canned baby foods around to stuff children with. I increasingly realize what a great gift my mother’s food must have been for my intestinal flora.

    My childhood experience may partially explain why I today hold forth on the subject that people ought to eat themselves healthy instead of sick. In addition, they ought to be more physically active and less stressed.

    As a possible profession, I first considered psychology; perhaps psychiatry. But my impatience got the better of me, and I decided on surgery instead. I wanted to see results fast.

    My thirty years as a surgeon (1958–1988) and head of surgery at the University of Lund, Sweden (1970–1994), have certainly increased my insight into human nature as well as the fragility of the human body. Despite all precautions taken, far too many patients suffered grave infections after having surgery. They fell ill even though everybody was treated with antibiotics, the miracle drug of the era.

    I came to another important insight in 1986; the fact that antibiotics could do more harm than good when used in connection with surgery. You’ll soon find out how I came to that realization, but from that day on, my research has concentrated on the role of the colon’s good bacteria in people’s health.

    With time I became increasingly convinced that our bad dietary habits were at the base of our lifestyle illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. It was evident the ghostlike connections between chronic inflammation and chronic illness tended to trigger others to follow.

    Retirement, together with my position as Professor Emeritus, let me go fully into my research of intestinal flora. As of 1999 I held an unpaid honorary professorship at the University of London.

    Bit by bit, my health program started to take form—an opposition to the sugar- and fat-fixated Western eating habit that is now also taking over the rest of the world.

    A few years before retiring, I initiated a research effort into the production of probiotics (i.e., nutritional supplements in the form of live bacteria). The reason for this was that many people have an intestinal flora that needs to be reestablished after long and often unconscious maltreatment—before the colon could cope with a healthier diet. The result of this research was the popular beverage Proviva, which is still available in stores. Probiotics have become a recognized supplement—except where they are stopped by a healthcare system that favors pharmaceutical treatments.

    Today, I can proudly say my synbiotic product has brought interest in probiotics to a wider audience. We are no longer searching for the good bacteria in the colon. In the worst-case scenario, they fled several generations ago. Instead we searched and found them in nature.

    With this book I want to summarize my research to date and my method.

    The young authors Lina Nerby Aurell and Mia Clase have already paved the way for the popularity of my ideas through their book Food Pharmacy. They have given immense attention to my extensive research and to the principal foundation of colon-friendly dietary habits.

    More and more people are beginning to pay attention to the importance of the microbiota (i.e., the intestinal flora). The readership of my media outlets, which counts in the hundreds of thousands of people, provides daily proof of this, especially those who have sorted out their health problems thanks to synbiotics.

    There is a stream of new books about more mindful caring for colon health. I recently saw someone summing it up as the microbiotic revolution. In the United States they have made it more accessible to everybody by starting to talk about colon makeup. It pleases me to no end!

    One thing does bother me, however. Far too many within Western healthcare systems still don’t want to embrace what the new insights demand: more preventive care and more focus on lifestyle change in the fight against the skyrocketing national diseases.

    As long as we don’t have a supporting preventive healthcare system worth its name, I sincerely hope that you, my reader, grab the initiative yourself and choose health!

    If you are pregnant, you can, through conscious lifestyle and dietary habits, immensely improve the future conditions of your child.

    Whoever you are, you have the ability, through a microbiome-friendly diet, to affect your own, your family’s, and your friends’ dietary habits in a positive way. Can you imagine a better gift to someone you love?

    Dear reader, except for a substantial reorganization of your daily diet, what will my advice cost you? A super powerful mixer! It will, however, pay for itself in no time. You can make sure of a healthier and longer life through this change of lifestyle.

    Take a look and get inspiration from my dear wife Marianne’s recipe collection.

    The path is laid out. Welcome!

    Höganäs and London, November 2018

    Stig Bengmark


    A mistake made in my surgery clinic in the 1990s gave me new and amazing insights into how intestinal bacteria affect our health.

    I decided to look deeper into questions about intestinal bacteria and digestion. Our Western dietary habits proved to be even more destructive than I had imagined. My life’s project increasingly turned into a wide-ranging education issue. I wanted to give as many people as possible the chance to eat themselves healthy.

    The first two chapters must unfortunately be somber and focused on the biggest threats to intestinal health in our opulent society. However, the rest of the book is all about how easily you can change your dietary habits and improve your health immensely!

    I WORKED AS a surgeon until I retired. As one of the pioneers in extensive abdominal surgery, my specialty was the major organs such as the liver and the pancreas. When cancer was present, we usually removed the entire pancreas

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