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Without a Trace: Ariana Jones, #3
Without a Trace: Ariana Jones, #3
Without a Trace: Ariana Jones, #3
Ebook197 pages1 hour

Without a Trace: Ariana Jones, #3

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How many secrets can one gated community hide?


Ariana and Damon have just started to rebuild their lives when more bones are found in their tight-knit neighborhood. These have nothing to do with the remains found earlier. 


That means one thing — another killer is roaming free. 


The police are investigating, but Ariana's friend Maya has discovered startling clues that she can't tell them. But when Ariana's own family is in crisis, she can't worry about what might be unraveling all around them… until the mystery proves too much to ignore and the only way to peace is to find answers.


A neighbor is lying about something. Ariana must hurry to get to the bottom of it before another life ends up on the line. And it could be hers.

PublisherStacy Claflin
Release dateMay 13, 2023
Without a Trace: Ariana Jones, #3

Stacy Claflin

Stacy Claflin is a two-time USA Today bestselling author who writes about flawed characters that overcome unsurmountable odds. No matter how dark situations seem, there is always a sliver of hope--even if you have to search far and wide to find it. That message is weaved throughout all of her stories. Decades after she wrote her first tales on construction paper and years after typing on an inherited green screen computer, Stacy realized her dream of becoming a full-time bestselling author.  When she's not busy writing or educating her kids from home, Stacy enjoys time in nature, reading, and watching a wide variety of shows in many genres. Her favorite pastime activity is spending time with her family. Join Stacy's newsletter to get three free novels: https://stacyclaflin.com/newsletter/

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    Book preview

    Without a Trace - Stacy Claflin

    Chapter One


    Angela laughed as she and Jeffrey stumbled out of the movie theater, spilling popcorn. He stepped in it, spreading the mess.

    Some parents with little kids glared at them.

    That only made Angela laugh all the more. Did you see the look on his face?

    I couldn’t miss it. Come on. He wrapped an arm around her, and they hurried toward the exit.

    She stopped at a movie poster. Oh, look. John Candy has a new movie coming out soon. I can’t wait!

    Jeff kissed her cheek. We’ll see it as soon as it comes out. Let’s get going. I don’t like the way that guy is glaring at me.

    Angela glanced in the direction he was looking. That same dad of the kids was definitely shooting daggers with his eyes in their direction. What’s his problem?

    I’ll give you three guesses.

    Her giddiness from the comedy melted into anger. It’s nobody else’s business that we’re together. We love each other, and that’s all that matters.

    Not everyone sees it that way, he grumbled.

    She threaded her fingers through his, her annoyingly pale skin a stark contrast from his gorgeous dark tone. What she wouldn’t give for the beautiful brown, but she was stuck with pasty white.

    Angela held her head high as she marched out of the building with the love of her life. Nobody else had a say in who she went out with. Especially not some grown man she didn’t even know. It was bad enough that some of the jocks at school bothered Jeff about being with her, but random guys in town who didn’t even know them? It was infuriating. How could people actually think like that anymore? It was the nineties now, not the sixties.

    Let’s go. He pulled her along to the parking lot and headed for his car. It was a peaceful night with stars filling the sky.

    Are you okay, ma’am?

    Angela turned toward the voice. A security guard about her dad’s age stared at her with concern in his eyes.

    Are you talking to me? she snapped, her annoyance with the dad in the theater still running high.

    The guard nodded, fixing his cap.

    Why wouldn’t I be? Angela flipped her hair over her shoulder. I’m calmly walking here with my boyfriend. What could possibly be wrong?

    I’m just checking.

    Maybe worry about people who are actually in danger. My boyfriend and I being together is none of your business. She pulled Jeffrey toward his car before the old jerk could say another word.

    Once sitting in the passenger seat, she let out a frustrated yell.

    Don’t let it get to you. Jeff started the car.

    How am I supposed to do that? They’re being so unfair!

    It’s just the way it is.

    They’re wrong! Someone needs to set these people straight. Angela reached for the handle so she could find the guard and give him a piece of her mind.

    Jeff rested a hand on her arm. Don’t. You can’t convince the world.

    What do you mean?

    These people already have their minds made up, but even if you do get through to them, there are a hundred more with the same ideals. It’s best just to ignore them.

    Her mouth fell open. You can’t be serious.

    I am. It’s something I deal with every day.

    His words felt like a slap to the face. "Every day?"

    Pretty much. People like to point out that I don’t have the right to be with you.

    Those jerks make it sound like they own me. The guys at school who make comments never even gave me a second glance, but now that we’re together they think they have a say in who I go out with? I’m going to tell them off tomorrow!

    They aren’t worth the effort.

    I can’t let them tell you who you can date, or let them think that they own me. That’s what they’re acting like.

    Jeff held her hand in between his. You aren’t going to change anyone’s mind. Let’s just enjoy being together until I have to take you back home. It’s almost your curfew.

    But it’s wrong! They can’t act like that.

    They can, and they do. We can’t fight an entire system, but there’s one thing we can do to stick it to them.


    He held her gaze. Don’t let them get to us. The happier we are together, the more we win.

    But someone needs to say something, or they’ll just keep thinking that it’s okay.

    Good luck with that. Jeff pulled out of the parking spot and drove to their favorite fast-food restaurant. After ordering at the drive-thru, he parked and they laughed about the funniest scenes from the movie.

    But Angela couldn’t stop thinking about how many people had a problem with them being together. Not that any of them had a say in it. What made them think they did? If anyone should have an issue with it, she’d have thought it would be either her parents or his, but none of them did. His parents loved her and hers loved him.

    When he pulled up to the front of her house, she turned to him. Want to sneak some extra time together?

    You don’t have to ask me twice. He pulled his car forward a little so that a bush hid it from anyone looking out from her house.

    Angela pointed for him to go around back, and she headed for the front door, making a big show of saying goodnight to her parents and sister. She walked loudly up the stairs, and waited before sneaking down them and tiptoeing to the back door.

    As soon as she poked her head out, Jeff pulled her outside and kissed her deeply. She laughed, closed the door quietly, and wrapped her arms around him.

    See? he said. We don’t have to worry about what anyone else thinks.

    Those losers don’t matter. She took his hand, and they ran to the old barn that hadn’t been used since before she was born. It was the perfect place to hide and spend hours together. Nobody had ever found them when they spent time there.

    The loft was covered in bales of hay, which actually made for a great place to lounge around. Sometimes they played music and talked for hours in each other’s arms. She couldn’t wait to put the troubles of the evening behind them and forget the rest of the world even existed.

    When they reached their favorite spot, she skidded to a stop and gasped. Jeff pulled her close.

    A man in an expensive suit stood in front of them.

    Who are you? Jeff demanded.

    His only response was to whip out a gun.

    Angela cried out.

    Shut up!

    Don’t talk to her like that, Jeff said.

    The man pointed the gun right at Jeff. Both of you need to shut up.

    She turned around.

    Another guy blocked them. His clothes were just as fancy.

    What do you want? she asked, trying to distract him so she could figure out how they were going to escape the barn.

    What part of ‘shut up’ don’t you understand?

    Angela bit her tongue. If he didn’t have a gun, she’d have plenty more to say to him.

    On your knees. The man pointed the weapon back and forth between her and Jeff. Hands on your heads.

    They both dropped down and did as they were told.

    Silent tears ran down her face. The man was going to execute them. But why? What had they done?

    He aimed the gun at Jeffrey. It clicked.

    No! Angela yelled.


    Her ears rang something fierce as the love of her life fell over. Blood pooled around his head.

    She dropped to his side and begged him to wake up.

    Someone grabbed her by the arm and yanked her to standing. The man towered over her, his eyes full of hatred. He snatched her purse from her grasp. Listen to me good. I’m only going to say this once.

    Angela nodded, whimpering and unable to stop the flow of tears.

    You’re going to run away and never return. Do you understand me?

    She didn’t, but she nodded anyway.

    If you ever come back here, this — He gestured toward Jeffrey — will be what I do to your parents and sister. Got it?

    Wh-where am I supposed to go?

    You’ll figure something out. Now leave! He gestured wildly, and the other guy stepped aside giving her room to flee.

    Angela turned to Jeff’s lifeless body. I’m so sorry.

    The man shoved her.

    She hurried, stumbling her way down to the main level. Once outside, she ran.

    Footsteps thundered from behind, growing closer.

    Chapter Two


    Ariana Jones peeked out the window and craned her neck to see down the street, squinting from the brightness of the intense early-August sun.

    Damon looped an arm around her waist. Anxious much?

    I’m not anxious.

    This is the fifth time in as many minutes that you’ve looked for their car.

    She glanced at the clock. They were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago.

    It’s a three-hour drive. They could’ve gotten stuck in traffic or stopped for something to eat. I’m sure everything’s fine.

    Nobody texted me about a delay.

    He kissed his wife. It’s only fifteen minutes.

    I’m excited for everyone to see our new place. Can you blame me?

    I can’t wait either, Damon said, but they’ll be here soon enough.

    Ari stepped back and looked around their newly furnished living room. They’d only just moved into the newly built home the previous weekend. The last few months had been a whirlwind of design decisions, furniture shopping, and waiting while the house was under construction.

    Her parents and her twin thirteen-year-old siblings were going to be their first overnight guests. Ariana and Damon’s old home had been totally destroyed by a fire, and they were forced to start over from scratch. They had literally only had the clothes on their backs and the few items in their cars.

    Everything else turned to ash. Then the builders found human bones in the ground.

    To say the first part of the year had been a nightmare would be a huge understatement. Now they had a fresh beginning, and best of all they’d been able to design the home of their dreams — not that anything had been wrong with the first one. They had a soundproof room, made specifically for recording their podcast, and they each had their own offices for writing and researching the books they were always writing.

    Ariana was taking an online course to become a private investigator, and now she could close herself off in her office when she needed the quiet for her live calls and to hear pre-recorded lectures. Although Damon enjoyed listening in, it wasn’t enough to make him curious about the profession himself. She had offered to enroll him in the course, but he wouldn’t have anything to do with it.

    He said nobody would want the son of a notorious serial killer as their investigator. Not that they advertised his relationship to Cal Jones, but people tended to connect the dots. And if he had a profession like that, word would spread. He already worried that the association would work against Ariana, but she didn’t think it would make a difference. Probably because she wasn’t related to Cal by blood. She didn’t carry his DNA. That made all the difference in his mind, no matter how much she tried to convince him otherwise.

    Damon nudged her. What did I tell you?

    She snapped her attention out the window. Her mom’s silver SUV rounded the corner.

    Finally! Ariana raced outside onto the freshly laid lawn, waving like a lunatic. She didn’t care what any of the neighbors thought of her.

    Her family was here.

    The SUV pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. Doors flung open, and she was engulfed in a flurry of embraces and thrilled hellos. Her heart soared as she clung to her parents and siblings. The one thing she didn’t like about where they lived was that it was so far from family.

    She stepped back and took in her loved ones. The first thing she noticed was how big Laney and Zander were. Look at you two! It won’t be long before you both shoot up past me.

    Laney stood taller as she moved closer to

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