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Love the Universe in You
Love the Universe in You
Love the Universe in You
Ebook290 pages42 minutes

Love the Universe in You

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The pure truth of why I created this vulnerable soul
seeking poetry book was to inspire a compassion
of appreciation for ourselves, each other and our
sacred sensetive earth. Though I am shy, I love
to share, so in this composition I give You the
reader my personal journey of rare dreams, feelings
and insights to benefit in love, empathy and the
positivity in everyone.
Thank you, much love to Your light.

—Dean Pusell

Release dateFeb 21, 2012
Love the Universe in You

Dean Pusell

Dean Pusell born and grew in Queensland Australia, till present amongst nature, since 1994 has created unique poetry syncronised with 65 worldwide surreal painting, drawing, collage and photography exhibitions. Also Dean has scripted music lyric’s aired on public radio and appeared as an artist on a commercial and a television program.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    New Book Of Poetry Is Positive, Inspiring, And SpiritualDean Pusell has written a vulnerable yet inspiring book of poetry. Pusell tells readers his personal journey of dreams, feelings and insights in order for readers to feel the emotions of love, empathy, and feel more positive about themselves. Wonderful book of poetry that will touch your heart and soul.Highly Recommended!!

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Love the Universe in You - Dean Pusell


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ISBN: 978-1-4697-3575-7 (Softcover)

ISBN: 978-1-4697-3576-4 (e-Book)

ISBN: 978-1-4759-1399-6 (Audio)

iUniverse rev. date: 09/20/2013


My first open-eyed, conscious peek at the mystical beauty as an absorbing infant was the cool, quenching, vast freedom of a fresh and crisp blue sky. This little heart’s rhythm of openness was never vulnerability; it became pure awe instantly. This baby step started the growing journey of intrigue and appreciation for our life’s abundant treasures.

Two weeks after my sixteenth birthday, I broke my neck after hitting a submerged rock while diving into the ocean. My two best friends saved my life.

A new awakening confined to a wheelchair, to never walk again, brought me a totally enigmatic depth of understanding of human reality. My world had now slowed down, from what I liked to what I loved. Words, colours, music, nature—all had a distinctively acute, powerful, and unique interpretation.

This book is an accumulation of scribbles from the heart and is projected through mind to hand; the truth of myself writing this book was to heal others by being a being of honesty. I hope you enjoy my little piece of our world.

Smiles of peace,

Dean Pusell, 2012




1. Our Fire and Moon

2. The Diamond Web

3. Sipping Gravity

4. Her Celestial Drift

5. The Soul behind Words

6. In Hail

7. I Still Mind

8. Being Nourishment

9. An Imperfect Harmony Sifts a Buoyant Love

10. The Shimmering Sacredness of Us

11. The Sanctuary in You

12. Natives Have the Cure

13. The Treasure of Appreciation

14. Silently Adore

15. Love the Lunar Rain Shine

16. Leave It Better

17. Weather Change

18. She’s an Opal’s Dream

19. A Vibe Came Smile

20. Her Lantern’s Flame of Trust Breathes

21. Miss

22. The Velvet Blue Tear

23. See Now

24. Love You

25. Interconnected Treasures

26. A Tangent Slant of Humility

27. The Spirit Promised

28. A Tingle Reminds

29. Sun Flows

30. A Prey’s One Second of Empathy

31. Tuning a Twin Soul Zen

32. With

33. Left Wisdom

34. Felt

35. Dangle Floating

36. Flowing Meek

37. Faith Full

38. Love Sharing Our Stars

39. Love’s Elixir

40. The Translucent Chrysalis

41. I Lay Awake, Alone

42. Autumn’s Emotion

43. A Little Herbal Epiphany

44. Don’t Mind

45. Are You Ours?

46. Blunt the Shadows

47. The Twilight Melt

48. A Dawn’s Sparkle

49. Rising Smiles

50. Dry Wings

51. Smiling Conscious

52. Inquiring Curiosity

53. Sky Rocks

54. Pretty Human

55. Gliding Time

56. Pick Me Out of Me

57. The Inner Rainbow

58. A Thought of Lightning

59. A Soul

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