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The Road To Redemption
The Road To Redemption
The Road To Redemption
Ebook137 pages2 hours

The Road To Redemption

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A fine combination of romance, drama and adventure novel with an interesting plot that will capture your mind till you are fully acquainted with the rest of the story...

The plot follows the stories of four main characters whose stories begin on separate paths but later intertwine through tragedy, love and the unique struggles they faced in their respective lives. Jayden's love life crumbles and the same time his father's empire is threatened by his nemesis, during the course of his emotional turmoil, he discovers a new chapter in life  when he reunites with his high school sweetheart, should he sacrifice his tender heart again?

PublisherLyndon Ngwena
Release dateMay 27, 2024
The Road To Redemption

Lyndon Ngwena

Lyndon Ngwena is a courageous and ambitious young man aged 20 at the time of writing, studying Human Resources Management at the Great Zimbabwe university in Zimbabwe where he was born and lives. This is his first production and you can look forward to more creative products in the near future .

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A fine work of art, you won't regret sacrificing your time, a very interesting plot

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The Road To Redemption - Lyndon Ngwena


Jayden woke up late on beautiful Sunday morning, birds tweeting relaxing melodies filling the serene environment of Avondale with a positive mood and hope for the day ahead. He yawned several times before he could even lift either of his eyelids, when he finally managed to open those heavy eyes all vision was blurry but sight gradually returned to his eyes till they fully adjusted to the bright light in the room. He was blinded by dizziness and a strong headache kept blowing his mind till he almost shed a few tears.

Still feeling so sleepy, he reluctantly stretched his arm and grabbed his phone that was lying idle on the other empty pillow and immediately it started ringing, that was his girlfriend Tasha calling. That’s when the memories of the previous night came back into his mind, should I answer the call ?, no maybe I should just pretend to be still asleep and deal with this when I’m ready, but what if she comes over how will I face her ? It’s better if I just deal with this over the phone for now. These were the questions that battled his mind till he finally gathered enough courage to press the answer button.

Good morning, babe, she said with a calm sweet voice which got him confused because he really expected an outburst.

I’m good sweetheart, how was your night

It was good daddy, am coming over for breakfast

Ok dear I will be waiting, she hung up as soon as he finished that statement and he was left wondering if she really was not pissed off or all this was just acting. Not wasting much time, he took a quick shower, arranged his bed and cleaned the house since the maid was off duty, by the time he finished everything was up to perfection.

Within a few minutes, she entered wearing an average length blue dress looking very modest and attractive at the same time. Tasha was a very beautiful young lady, always wearing a smile on her face, a little bit short with a curvaceous body that no man could resist. Everything about her was just so perfect. Nevertheless, Jayden’s brain just could not allow him a chance to appreciate the beauty that was in his presence. He felt so uneasy each time she smiled and acted as if everything was fine when actually nothing was. How was he to explain his innocence in all of yesterday’s drama?

He welcomed her warmly, they hugged and he gave her a small peck on the cheek before escorting her straight to the dining room which was already filled with the irresistible aroma of fried eggs and warmed baked beans which were served along with bread and a warm milky cup of cappuccino. She sat there innocently staring at him still with a smile on her face as he ran around the kitchen till everything was now ready. He also had a smile on his face but obviously his was fake, inspired by anxiety. He knew that she noticed how worried he was because she was that kind of person who understood him in every way possible, but she choose to keep her words to herself.

So how have you been my lady, Jayden decided to break the silence as he settled himself on his chair.

Quite good honey it has been quite a fruitful week, yesterday my boss gave me a two weeks leave so how can I complain, she sealed that statement with a smile before asking her own question, How have you been?

That seemed to be just a simple question but to him it was quite a nightmare, a debate ran on his mind as he wondered if should pretend to be fine or explain the matter and play victim.

Babe, is everything ok? You haven’t answered me yet.

He stammered a bit.

Yeah, yeah I’m fine honey don’t worry

"Are you sure?’’, now she looked really concerned.

Yes babe I’m fine it’s just work stress nothing else.


It all started the previous Friday; Jayden was coming back from work on an early Friday evening with his best friend Tapiwa who was nicknamed Taps as a shortcut to his name. Driving in the streets of Harare was never easy especially as the rain season had just begun; waves of strong humid wind swept across the windscreen leaving scattered tiny drops of rain that were quickly wiped off the glass to restore visibility which was now quickly fading away as the sun deserted the sunshine city. Grey and dark blue clouds invaded the skies accompanied with flashes of lightning followed by echoes of thunder which could be heard from afar. As if that was not enough, they were continuously bored with the consistent beeping of car horns by the confused drivers of Harare who are surprisingly the majority. Long lines of congested traffic were formed leaving them with no hope of getting home in time. Anyways they were both not married so perhaps there was actually no need to hurry home after all. After a couple of minutes they managed to proceed despite the busy traffic from the CBD into Churchill Avenue and drove smoothly from then on.

Those small showers of rain had now transformed into huge rain drops that made a strong sound as they fell onto Jayden’s newly bought Mercedes Benz C300 sedan, however the noise from the rain was barely noticed since they maintained a soft conversation spiced up with a bit of laughter as the car sailed through the slippery tarred road. As they approached the Avondale shopping centre, the time was already 7pm; therefore they decided to have their supper right there at their usual spot, which is the Ocean Basket Restaurant at the first floor of the Avondale shopping centre at the corner of Borrowdale road and Third Street next to Steers. Parking spots were not hard to find, Jayden parked nicely, then they walked in like the gentlemen that they were, wearing nice slim fit suits that surely showed the evidence of gym attendance.

A waiter was quick to show them a free table which was in a nice corner that was convenient enough for them to stare at gorgeous ladies without being noticed. The waiter took their orders and came back later with the food, Jayden was having spaghetti bolognaise with lamb chops which is one of his favorites.  Without wasting much time they started feasting whilst discussing the opportunities that could arise from  a contract that was about to be signed at work.

As soft music was being played in the background relaxing the customers’ minds, another waiter approached the table followed by a cute young lady looking a bit worried, he said gently, excuse me gentlemen, all of our tables are full except this one do you mind sharing with this young lady over here.

Its ok, please feel free miss, Tapiwa replied as the lady took her seat and placed her order.

She greeted them warmly as she dug in her food, Tapiwa and Jayden continued with their previous conversation but now on a lower note for the sake of privacy. After a few minutes, Jayden lifted his head from the plate and to his surprise she was staring at him and their eyes locked, then she quickly looked away but he didn’t. That is when he recognized her resemblance to someone he used to know in the past that he was not so proud of. Confusion struck his mind as he tried to make sense of what was happening at that very moment, was this reality or was he just imagining things ?, was this a coincidence or he was actually being stalked? Countless questions flocked his mind but he couldn’t answer even one.

Excuse me miss, may I know your name, he asked

Of course, but can I knows yours first, she replied with a smile on her face that defined the contours and dimples on her beautiful face and lightened her facial expressions. He smiled back and hesitantly said,

I’m Jayden.

All of sudden those facial expressions faded and all he could see was anger and hatred in her face,  I, I uugh, I’m Ruvimbo she said as she wiped her teary eyes, grabbed her purse, was about to leave in a hurry but he was quick to hold her hand in mid air and asked her politely to stay on the table and finish her food. She was now crying but trying very hard to hold herself but to no avail.

I don’t think I can, she continued sobbing as she tried to release herself from the grasp of his hand.

Ruvimbo, please!

Ok fine

She finally settled into her chair but just couldn’t stop sobbing.

Jayden stretched out his arm and held her right shoulder in a bid to comfort her. Ruvimbo I’m really sorry about everything that happened I didn’t mean to leave you just like that you know how my mom is I didn’t even have a choice, back then.

But you had a phone right, why could you at least keep in touch, you just wanted to use me Jayden, you never really loved, more tears streamed down her cheeks and she continued wiping with her handkerchief.

No, my phone was taken away from me that’s when I lost your tags and there was no any other way I could connect, and when I came back from the UK I honestly tried to look for you but it was not  that easy, Rue, you know I loved you how could you ever doubt that Ruvimbo. 

Ruvimbo was Jayden’s high school sweetheart and they had started dating only a week after they enrolled for lower six at Lyndonville High school, since then everything was perfect until two years later just after they had written their Advance level exams, false rumor spread that Ruvimbo was pregnant with his child, that’s when his parents panicked and sent him to the London Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom where he studied business administration for four years. Since then he couldn’t keep in touch with her till this current day.

It was now getting late, they had finished their meals and things were quite sorted out now with Ruvimbo although she was still a bit shaken. They  stood up, paid for their meals and left, everywhere was now very dark except for the areas where there street lights and other lights from the surrounding area brightened. They  walked to the parking lot and entered Jayden’s car.

So where are you staying Rue


They drove along King George Road where they dropped Taps at his home, Taps and Jayden stayed in the neighborhood. From then he proceeded towards Melboureign and Ruvimbo directed him towards her homestead which was very close to the Civic centre. They said their goodnights and he drove back home although she wanted him to stay.

The following day was a Saturday; Jayden had already planned to stay home the whole day and doing absolutely nothing. He woke up late at around ten in the morning. He did a few things then went back to bed watching his favorite series called The Family Business before he dozed off again. At around two o’clock in the afternoon he received a call from Ruvimbo who was trying to check up on him and she asked if they could meet up. He reluctantly agreed and sent her the location which was a very nice classic bar in Avonlea in which he would usually hangout a couple of times with friends. Within half an hour they were both at the place sipping vodka and reflecting on the good old memories,

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