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The Chair
The Chair
The Chair
Ebook109 pages59 minutes

The Chair

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About this ebook

  • Widely regarded as an American master of the prose poem, Garcia's sixth collection is rich with humor, surrealism, and insights into the life of a Latino poet with an unbound and fascinating imagination.

  • According to Peter Johnson, Garcia is compared to "Cortazar, Borges, or Kafka." He has, however, "mapped out his own strange territory.”

  • Garcia has strong ties to San Francisco, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Aspen, Colorado; and Charleston, SC. He has also traveled extensively in Mexico, Israel, Venezuela, London, Paris, and Scotland.
  • LanguageEnglish
    Release dateSep 22, 2014
    The Chair

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      Book preview

      The Chair - Richard Garcia

      [image: cover]


      Copyright © 2014 by Richard Garcia

      All rights reserved

      Manufactured in the United States of America

      First Edition

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      For information about permission to reuse any material from this book please contact The Permissions Company at www.permissionscompany.com or e-mail permdude@eclipse.net.

      Publications by BOA Editions, Ltd.—a not-for-profit corporation under section 501 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code—are made possible with funds from a variety of sources, including public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency; the Literature Program of the National Endowment for the Arts; the County of Monroe, NY; the Lannan Foundation for support of the Lannan Translations Selection Series; the Mary S. Mulligan Charitable Trust; the Rochester Area Community Foundation; the Arts & Cultural Council for Greater Rochester; the Steeple-Jack Fund; the Ames-Amzalak Memorial Trust in memory of Henry Ames, Semon Amzalak and Dan Amzalak; and contributions from many individuals nationwide. See Colophon on page 94 for special individual acknowledgments.

      Cover Design: Sandy Knight

      Interior Design and Composition: Richard Foerster

      Manufacturing: McNaughton & Gunn

      BOA Logo: Mirko

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Garcia, Richard, 1941–

        [Poems. Selections]

        The chair : prose poems / by Richard Garcia. — First edition.

             pages cm

        ISBN 978-1-938160-44-8 (paperback) — ISBN 978-1-938160-45-5 (ebook)

        I. Title.

        PS3557.A71122A6 2014



      BOA Editions, Ltd.

      250 North Goodman Street, Suite 306

      Rochester, NY 14607


      A. Poulin, Jr., Founder (1938–1996)


      Title Page



      A Portrait of My Childhood Painted by Goya

      Day at the Beach, 1958

      The Unstucks at the Gates of the Desert Folly Garden

      The History of Umbrellas

      The History of White Anklets

      The History of the Minstrel Show

      Little Known Fact Number One

      Little Known Fact Number Two

      Little Known Fact Number Three

      The Religious Brain

      His Last Night

      My Angry Mob

      My Fog

      Helen’s Birthday



      Miss C.C.


      November First

      Former Lovers


      The Masked One


      The Poker-Playing Dog Poetry Workshop

      The Poetry Lesson

      The Expert

      Useful Phrases for Business Letters: Example One

      The Typewriter of Transcendence

      The Pencil of Transubstantiation

      The iPod of Pithy



      Gotta Have


      Little Sister

      The Drummers

      The Mysterious

      The Mysterious Brassiere

      Postcard from Pink

      Postcard from Lake Manzanita

      Postcard from a Nude Beach

      Postcard from the Library Fire

      Postcard from a Civil War Reenactment


      The Chair


      The Alibi Room

      The Felsenfeld Movement


      No One


      Missing One

      Hemlock 1-7563

      The Three


      It’s Like

      Like Two People

      Just Like Two People

      Tristes Tropiques


      Subservient Chicken

      The Case of the Disappearing Blondes

      The Rory Calhoun Film Festival

      Dollar Theater

      Hackers and 70s Hit Songs


      A Man Leaned Back


      Upraised Arms

      The Abandoning

      The Duration

      The Waiting

      The Aftermath

      The Pants Dance


      About the Author



      My footsteps are loud, as if I were in a large room. I find a book of matches in my pocket and light one. I almost burn my fingers as the light goes out, leaving a trace of sulfur in the air. I try another and hold it high. Ropes. Curtains. I kneel, holding the match low. Wooden floor. I walk ahead slowly, sliding my feet, and almost step off into space. I hear a gasp. Someone chuckles. Apparently I’m being watched. I count the matches. I don’t want to waste any. Maybe I can find a candle. A flashlight. A light switch. I prepare myself to light the next match. I’m getting better at this.


      In the kitchen an infant is standing in a corner as if he were shackled upright. He hears his mother calling softly, Camínate, niñito. Older now, he is trying to count to five. A hooded inquisitor from the Church stands over him. The boy cannot seem to get past five. The Inquisitor slaps his belt against a table: Count! The boy counts, rapidly from one to ten in English, then rapidly from ten to one in Spanish. The shadow of a wolf disappears into the wall. A slow pan of the kitchen: colander, knives, a cleaver. Voiceover: Bombs away! Geronimo! Ai Cisco! Ai Pancho! Hi-ho Silver, away! The boy opens his eyes many years later but he is still in the kitchen. His father is wrestling with a huge bird. Is it a turkey, a chicken? His father is behind the bird holding its wings out, laughing. The boy closes his eyes. Through the smoky sky, an old man clings to the back of an enormous bird.

      DAY AT THE BEACH, 1958

      You are on your knees in the sand, praying to Cupid. Diane is making a castle complete with stairwell. Your secret thoughts are longing for Clementine. And Lucy, remember her? You’re in a circular haze. That’s what you get for staring

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