# import tkinter module
from tkinter import *
# make a window
window = Tk()
# specify it's size
# take a image for background
bg = PhotoImage(file='bg.png')
# label it in the background
label17 = Label(window, image=bg)
# position the image as well
label17.place(x=0, y=0)
# function to calculate the
# price of all the orders
def calculate():
# dic for storing the
# food quantity and price
dic = {'aloo_partha': [e1, 30],
'samosa': [e2, 5],
'pizza': [e3, 150],
'chilli_potato': [e4, 50],
'chowmein': [e5, 70],
'gulab_jamun': [e6, 35]}
total = 0
for key, val in dic.items():
if val[0].get() != "":
total += int(val[0].get())*val[1]
label16 = Label(window,
text="Your Total Bill is - "+str(total),
font="times 18")
# position it
label16.place(x=20, y=490)
label16.after(1000, label16.destroy)
window.after(1000, calculate)
label8 = Label(window,
text="Saransh Restaurant",
font="times 28 bold")
label8.place(x=350, y=20, anchor="center")
label1 = Label(window,
font="times 28 bold")
label1.place(x=520, y=70)
label2 = Label(window, text="Aloo Paratha \
Rs 30", font="times 18")
label2.place(x=450, y=120)
label3 = Label(window, text="Samosa \
Rs 5", font="times 18")
label3.place(x=450, y=150)
label4 = Label(window, text="Pizza \
Rs 150", font="times 18")
label4.place(x=450, y=180)
label5 = Label(window, text="Chilli Potato \
Rs 50", font="times 18")
label5.place(x=450, y=210)
label6 = Label(window, text="Chowmein \
Rs 70", font="times 18")
label6.place(x=450, y=240)
label7 = Label(window, text="Gulab Jamun \
Rs 35", font="times 18")
label7.place(x=450, y=270)
# billing section
label9 = Label(window, text="Select the items",
font="times 18")
label9.place(x=115, y=70)
label10 = Label(window,
text="Aloo Paratha",
font="times 18")
label10.place(x=20, y=120)
e1 = Entry(window)
e1.place(x=20, y=150)
label11 = Label(window, text="Samosa",
font="times 18")
label11.place(x=20, y=200)
e2 = Entry(window)
e2.place(x=20, y=230)
label12 = Label(window, text="Pizza",
font="times 18")
label12.place(x=20, y=280)
e3 = Entry(window)
e3.place(x=20, y=310)
label13 = Label(window,
text="Chilli Potato",
font="times 18")
label13.place(x=20, y=360)
e4 = Entry(window)
e4.place(x=20, y=390)
label14 = Label(window,
font="times 18")
label14.place(x=250, y=120)
e5 = Entry(window)
e5.place(x=250, y=150)
label15 = Label(window,
text="Gulab Jamun",
font="times 18")
label15.place(x=250, y=200)
e6 = Entry(window)
e6.place(x=250, y=230)
# execute calculate function after 1 second
window.after(1000, calculate)
# closing the main loop