Postman Tutorial

Last Updated : 05 Feb, 2024
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This Postman Tutorial is designed for beginners as well as professionals and covers basic and advanced concepts of the Postman Tutorial Application Programming Interface.

In This Postman Tutorial, you’ll learn various important Postman Topics which are Sending API Requests, Collections, Variables, Scripts, Mock Server, Postman API, and more, In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore essential topics such as sending API requests, organizing them into collections, harnessing the power of variables, crafting scripts for automation, simulating server responses with the Mock Server feature, and even diving into the advanced realm of the Postman API itself. No jargon, no confusion—just a step-by-step walkthrough to make your Postman experience seamless and powerful.


Postman Tutorials

What is Postman

Postman is an API (Application Programming Interface) development tool which helps to build, test and modify APIs. Almost any functionality that could be needed by any developer is encapsulated in this tool. It is used by over 5 million developers every month to make their API development easy and simple. It has the ability to make various types of HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), saving environments for later use, converting the API to code for various languages (like JavaScript, Python). 

Postman started in 2014 as a side project of software engineer Abhinav Asthana, a former intern at Yahoo Bangalore who found it difficult to develop and test APIs. He launched Postman as a free app in the Chrome Web Store.


Installation and Updates

Postman Navigation

  • Navigating Postman
  • Navigating API Testing with Postman

Sending Your First Request

Creating First Collection

Sending API Requests

Creating Requests

Authorizing Requests

  • Request authorization in Postman

GET Request in Postman

POST Request

Response in Postman

Request Parameters

Postman Cookies


Postman Collections

Creating Collections

Sharing Collections

  • Postman Sharing Collections


Postman Variables

  • Variables in Postman

Dynamic Variables

  • Postman Dynamic Variables


Introduction to Scripts

Pre-request Scripts

Test Scripts

  • Test Scripts

Test Examples

  • Test script examples

Workflows in Postman

  • Postman – Workflows

Asserts in Postman

Chai Assertion Library

  • Postman – Chai Assertion Library

Mock Servers

Introduction to Mock Servers

Setting Up a Mock Server

Get Response in Mock Server

  • Get Response in Mock Server

Postman API

Introduction to Postman API

Continuous Integration/ Continuous Development

Branching and looping

Reasons to Learn Postman

Postman allows you to create environments, set variables and so on. You can write scripts through which developers can build automated tests. It also has version control and collaboration features which are useful for developers working in teams.


Before you dive into this tutorial, it’s helpful to know a bit about how APIs (those things that let different software applications talk to each other) work. It’s also good to have a basic idea of what API testing is all about before you get started with this tutorial.

Postman Features

  1. Environment and Variables: Postman provides the ability to define environments and variables. Environments allow testers to switch between different configurations for testing various environments, such as development, staging, or production. Variables can be used to store dynamic values and reuse them across multiple requests, simplifying test case maintenance.
  2. Workspaces and Collaboration: Postman offers workspaces, which serve as shared environments where teams can collaborate on API testing projects. Within workspaces, testers can share collections, manage access rights for team members, and work together seamlessly.
  3. Mock Servers: Postman enables the creation of mock servers. A mock server allows testers to simulate API responses without connecting to the actual backend. This functionality is particularly useful when developing and testing frontend applications that depend on APIs that are still under development.
  4. API Documentation: Postman also facilitates the generation of comprehensive API documentation. By documenting API endpoints, request methods, expected parameters, and sample responses, developers can ensure better understanding and utilization of their APIs by other team members or third-party developers.
  1. Introduction to Postman for API Development
  2. Postman – Working, HTTP Request & Responses
  3. Postman Collections
  4. Basics of API Testing Using Postman
  5. Role of Postman in the API development lifecycle.
  6. How to create and write tests for API requests in Postman?
  7. What are Postman tests, and how to write them?
  8. What are the key benefits of using Postman for API
  9. More


1. What is Postman?

Answer: Postman is a popular collaboration platform for API development. It simplifies the process of developing, testing, and documenting APIs by providing a user-friendly interface for sending HTTP requests and managing API endpoints.

2. How do I install Postman?

Answer: Postman can be installed as a desktop application on Windows, macOS, or Linux. You can also use Postman as a Chrome extension. Visit the official Postman website ( to download and install the appropriate version for your operating system.

3. How do I create and send a request in Postman?

Answer: Open Postman, create a new request, enter the request URL, choose the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.), add parameters or request body if needed, and click on the “Send” button to execute the request. The response will be displayed, including status, headers, and body.

4. How do I use variables in Postman?

Answer: Postman supports the use of variables to make requests dynamic. You can define variables at different scopes (global, collection, environment, and local) and use them in request URLs, headers, and request bodies. This helps in parameterizing requests for testing various scenarios.

5. Can Postman be used for API testing?

Answer: Yes, Postman is widely used for API testing. You can create test scripts using JavaScript in Postman to automate the testing process. Test scripts can validate responses, check status codes, and perform other assertions to ensure the API behaves as expected.

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