In Supervised Learning, Why Is It Bad to Have Correlated Features?

Last Updated : 14 Feb, 2024
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Answer: Correlated features in supervised learning can lead to multicollinearity, causing instability in model estimates and reducing interpretability.

In supervised learning, correlated features introduce multicollinearity, where predictor variables are highly correlated, potentially causing issues such as:

  1. Instability in Model Estimates: Multicollinearity can lead to instability in model coefficients, making them sensitive to small changes in the dataset. This instability can result in unreliable predictions and reduced model performance.
  2. Reduced Interpretability: Correlated features make it challenging to interpret the contribution of each predictor variable to the model’s predictions. The coefficients associated with correlated features may become inflated or ambiguous, making it difficult to discern their individual effects on the target variable.
  3. Increased Variance: Multicollinearity can inflate the variance of model estimates, leading to wider confidence intervals and reduced precision in parameter estimation. This increased variance can make it harder to identify significant predictors and can affect the overall reliability of the model.
  4. Loss of Generalization: Models trained on datasets with correlated features may not generalize well to unseen data. The presence of multicollinearity can lead to overfitting, where the model learns noise or spurious relationships in the training data, resulting in poor performance on new samples.


Correlated features in supervised learning can introduce multicollinearity, leading to instability in model estimates, reduced interpretability, increased variance, and loss of generalization. To mitigate these issues, it is essential to identify and address correlated features during the feature selection or preprocessing stage, ensuring that the final model is robust, interpretable, and generalizable.

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