R – Lists

Last Updated : 11 Mar, 2024
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A list in R programming is a generic object consisting of an ordered collection of objects. Lists are one-dimensional, heterogeneous data structures.

The list can be a list of vectors, a list of matrices, a list of characters, a list of functions, and so on. 

A list is a vector but with heterogeneous data elements. A list in R is created with the use of the list() function.

R allows accessing elements of an R list with the use of the index value. In R, the indexing of a list starts with 1 instead of 0.

Creating a List

To create a List in R you need to use the function called “list()“.

In other words, a list is a generic vector containing other objects. To illustrate how a list looks, we take an example here. We want to build a list of employees with the details. So for this, we want attributes such as ID, employee name, and the number of employees. 



# R program to create a List
# The first attributes is a numeric vector
# containing the employee IDs which is created
# using the command here
empId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
# The second attribute is the employee name
# which is created using this line of code here
# which is the character vector
empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")
# The third attribute is the number of employees
# which is a single numeric variable.
numberOfEmp = 4
# We can combine all these three different
# data types into a list
# containing the details of employees
# which can be done using a list command
empList = list(empId, empName, numberOfEmp)


[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  

[1] 4

Naming List Components

Naming list components make it easier to access them.



# Creating a named list
my_named_list <- list(name = "Sudheer", age = 25, city = "Delhi")
# Printing the named list


[1] "Sudheer"

[1] 25

[1] "Delhi"

Accessing R List Components

We can access components of an R list in two ways. 

1. Access components by names:

All the components of a list can be named and we can use those names to access the components of the R list using the dollar command.



# R program to access
# components of a list
# Creating a list by naming all its components
empId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")
numberOfEmp = 4
empList = list(
  "ID" = empId,
  "Names" = empName,
  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp
# Accessing components by names
cat("Accessing name components using $ command\n")


[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  

$`Total Staff`
[1] 4

Accessing name components using $ command
[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  

2. Access components by indices:

We can also access the components of the R list using indices.

To access the top-level components of a R list we have to use a double slicing operator “[[ ]]” which is two square brackets and if we want to access the lower or inner-level components of a R list we have to use another square bracket “[ ]” along with the double slicing operator “[[ ]]“.



# R program to access
# components of a list
# Creating a list by naming all its components
empId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")
numberOfEmp = 4
empList = list(
  "ID" = empId,
  "Names" = empName,
  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp
# Accessing a top level components by indices
cat("Accessing name components using indices\n")
# Accessing a inner level components by indices
cat("Accessing Sandeep from name using indices\n")
# Accessing another inner level components by indices
cat("Accessing 4 from ID using indices\n")


[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  

$`Total Staff`
[1] 4

Accessing name components using indices
[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  
Accessing Sandeep from na...

Modifying Components of a List

A R list can also be modified by accessing the components and replacing them with the ones which you want.



# R program to edit
# components of a list
# Creating a list by naming all its components
empId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")
numberOfEmp = 4
empList = list(
  "ID" = empId,
  "Names" = empName,
  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp
cat("Before modifying the list\n")
# Modifying the top-level component
empList$`Total Staff` = 5
# Modifying inner level component
empList[[1]][5] = 5
empList[[2]][5] = "Kamala"
cat("After modified the list\n")


Before modifying the list
[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  

$`Total Staff`
[1] 4

After modified the list
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham" ...

Concatenation of lists

Two R lists can be concatenated using the concatenation function. So, when we want to concatenate two lists we have to use the concatenation operator.


list = c(list, list1)
list = the original list 
list1 = the new list 



# R program to edit
# components of a list
# Creating a list by naming all its components
empId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")
numberOfEmp = 4
empList = list(
  "ID" = empId,
  "Names" = empName,
  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp
cat("Before concatenation of the new list\n")
# Creating another list
empAge = c(34, 23, 18, 45)
# Concatenation of list using concatenation operator
empList = c(empName, empAge)
cat("After concatenation of the new list\n")


Before concatenation of the new list
[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  

$`Total Staff`
[1] 4

After concatenation of the new list
[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "S...

Adding Item to List

To add an item to the end of list, we can use append() function.


# creating a list
my_numbers = c(1,5,6,3)
#adding number at the end of list
append(my_numbers, 45)
#printing list


[1]  1  5  6  3 45
[1] 1 5 6 3

Deleting Components of a List

To delete components of a R list, first of all, we need to access those components and then insert a negative sign before those components. It indicates that we had to delete that component. 



# R program to access
# components of a list
# Creating a list by naming all its components
empId = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
empName = c("Debi", "Sandeep", "Subham", "Shiba")
numberOfEmp = 4
empList = list(
  "ID" = empId,
  "Names" = empName,
  "Total Staff" = numberOfEmp
cat("Before deletion the list is\n")
# Deleting a top level components
cat("After Deleting Total staff components\n")
# Deleting a inner level components
cat("After Deleting sandeep from name\n")


Before deletion the list is
[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] "Debi"    "Sandeep" "Subham"  "Shiba"  

$`Total Staff`
[1] 4

After Deleting Total staff components
[1] 1 2 3 4

[1] "Debi"    "Sand...

Merging list

We can merge the R list by placing all the lists into a single list.


# Create two lists.
lst1 <- list(1,2,3)
lst2 <- list("Sun","Mon","Tue")
# Merge the two lists.
new_list <- c(lst1,lst2)
# Print the merged list.


[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] "Sun"
[1] "Mon"
[1] "Tue"

Converting List to Vector

Here we are going to convert the R list to vector, for this we will create a list first and then unlist the list into the vector.


# Create lists.
lst <- list(1:5)
# Convert the lists to vectors.
vec <- unlist(lst)


[1] 1 2 3 4 5

[1] 1 2 3 4 5

R List to matrix

We will create matrices using matrix() function in R programming. Another function that will be used is unlist() function to convert the lists into a vector.


# Defining list
lst1 <- list(list(1, 2, 3),
            list(4, 5, 6))
# Print list
cat("The list is:\n")
cat("Class:", class(lst1), "\n")
# Convert list to matrix
mat <- matrix(unlist(lst1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# Print matrix
cat("\nAfter conversion to matrix:\n")
cat("Class:", class(mat), "\n")


The list is:
[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

[1] 5

[1] 6

Class: list 

After conversion to matrix:
     [,1] [,2] [,3]

In this article we have covered Lists in R, we have covered list operations like creating, naming, merging and deleting a list in R language. R list is an important concept and should not be skipped.

Hope you learnt about R lists and it’s operations in this article.

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