Spring Tutorial

Last Updated : 08 Aug, 2024
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Spring Framework is a comprehensive and versatile platform for enterprise Java development. It is known for its Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI) capabilities that simplify creating modular and testable applications. Key features include Spring MVC for web development, Spring Boot for rapid application setup, and Spring Security for robust authentication and authorization. With a rich ecosystem covering Spring Data for database interactions and Spring Cloud for building microservices, Spring supports scalable and resilient enterprise solutions, making it an essential framework for developers of all experience levels.

In this Spring tutorial , you’ll explore Spring’s robust infrastructure to build scalable , high-performing applications . Covering essential topics like dependency injection, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot , as well as advanced areas such as Spring Data, Spring AOP, and Spring Security. Whether you’re building web applications with Spring MVC or using Spring Boot for rapid development, this guide offers practical examples and real-world projects for beginners and experienced professionals.

For those who want to take their Spring skills to the next level and gain real-time experience, a dedicated course on Java backend development with Spring can provide the structured learning path and hands-on practice needed to master this powerful framework.

What is Spring Framework?

Spring is a lightweight and popular open-source Java-based framework developed by Rod Johnson in 2003. It is used to develop enterprise-level applications. It provides support to many other frameworks such as Hibernate, Tapestry, EJB, JSF, Struts, etc. so it is also called a framework of frameworks. It’s an application framework and IOC (Inversion of Control) container for the Java platform. The spring contains several modules like IOC, AOP, DAO, Context, WEB MVC, etc.

Why to use Spring?

Spring framework is a Java platform that is open source. Rod Johnson created it, and it was first released under the Apache 2.0 license in June 2003. When it comes to size and transparency, Spring is a featherweight. Spring framework’s basic version is about 2MB in size. The Spring Framework’s core capabilities can be used to create any Java program, however there are modifications for constructing web applications on top of the Java EE platform. By offering a POJO-based programming model, the Spring framework aims to make J2EE development easier to use and to promote good programming habits.


Applications of Spring

  1. POJO Based: Spring allows developers to use POJOs to create enterprise-class apps. The advantage of using simply POJOs is that you don’t require an EJB container product like an application server; instead, you may use a powerful servlet container like Tomcat or a commercial product.
  2. Modular : Spring is set up in a modular approach. Even if there are a lot of packages and classes, you only need to worry about the ones you need and ignore the rest.
  3. Integration with Existing Frameworks: Spring does not reinvent the wheel; rather, it makes extensive use of existing technologies such as numerous ORM frameworks, logging frameworks, JEE, Quartz, and JDK timers, and other view technologies.
  4. Testability: Because environment-dependent code is put into this framework, testing a Spring-written application is trivial. Furthermore, using JavaBeanstyle POJOs makes it easier to employ dependency injection for injecting test data.
  5. Web MVC: Spring’s web framework is a well-designed web MVC framework that is an excellent alternative to web frameworks like Struts and other over-engineered or less popular web frameworks.
  6. Central Exception Handling: Spring provides a handy API for converting technology-specific exceptions (such as those raised by JDBC, Hibernate, or JDO) into consistent, unchecked exceptions.
  7. Lightweight: IoC containers are typically lightweight, especially when compared to EJB containers, for example. This is useful for creating and distributing programmers on systems with limited memory and CPU resources.

Basics of Spring Framework

The Spring Framework is a comprehensive framework designed for enterprise Java development. It offers a range of tools and libraries to support various aspects of application development, from dependency injection to transaction management. This section covers the core concepts and foundational aspects of Spring, helping you understand the building blocks of the framework.

Software Setup and Configuration (STS/Eclipse/IntelliJ)

Getting started with Spring development requires setting up an integrated development environment (IDE). This section guides you through installing and configuring popular IDEs like Spring Tool Suite (STS), Eclipse, and IntelliJ IDEA, ensuring you have the right tools for building Spring applications.

Core Spring

Core Spring focuses on the fundamental principles of Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI). These concepts are crucial for decoupling components and managing object lifecycles. This section explores how Spring’s IoC container and DI mechanisms work, providing examples and explanations.

Spring Annotations

Annotations in Spring simplify configuration and setup by providing metadata about our components. This section deep dives into the various annotations available in Spring, such as @Component, @Service, @Repository, and more, explaining how they help streamline development.

Spring Boot

Spring Boot is an extension of the Spring Framework that simplifies the development of new applications. It provides a range of out-of-the-box configurations and defaults, embedded servers, and streamlined deployment options, making it easier and faster to build production-ready applications.

To know more about Spring Boot, refer to – Spring Boot Tutorial

Spring MVC

Spring MVC is a framework within Spring that helps you build robust and maintainable web applications using the Model-View-Controller design pattern. This section covers everything from setting up a simple controller to advanced topics like custom validation and integration with databases.

To know more about Spring MVC, refer to – Spring MVC Tutorial

Spring with REST API

Spring’s support for RESTful web services allows developers to create robust APIs that can be consumed by various clients. This section introduces the basics of REST, how to create controllers, and how to handle different types of data formats like JSON and XML.

Spring Data JPA

Spring Data JPA makes it easy to implement JPA-based repositories with minimal boilerplate code. This section explores how to perform CRUD operations , use custom queries, and manage database transactions using Spring Data JPA.

Spring JDBC

Spring JDBC provides a straightforward way to interact with databases, offering a simpler alternative to ORM frameworks like Hibernate. This section covers the basics of using JdbcTemplate, named parameters, and handling SQL exceptions.

Spring ORM or Spring Hibernate

Spring ORM integrates with Hibernate to provide a robust solution for object-relational mapping in Java applications. This section covers the setup, configuration, and use of Hibernate with Spring, including mappings, lifecycle management, and query handling.

To know more about Hibernate, refer to – Hibernate Tutorial

Spring AOP

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) in Spring helps in separating cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, security, and transaction management, from the business logic. This section introduces AOP concepts, usage of aspects, and how to implement them in Spring applications.

Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful and customizable authentication and access control framework for Java applications. This section covers the core features, including setting up basic security, customizing authentication, and managing user sessions.

To know more about Spring Security, refer to – Spring Security Tutorial

Interview Questions on Spring Framework

Advantages of Spring

  • Predefined Templates
  • Loose Coupling
  • Lightweight
  • Fast Development
  • Powerful abstraction
  • Declarative support
  • Security Features
  • Transaction Management

Spring Latest & Upcoming Features

Spring Framework Updates

  • Spring Framework 6.x: This release enhances compatibility with Jakarta EE 10 and Java 17, bringing improved integration with contemporary Java standards and enterprise requirements.
  • Enhanced Kubernetes Support: Updates focus on optimizing Spring’s functionality within cloud-native environments, with better configuration and management capabilities.
  • Native Compilation Enhancements: Expanded support for GraalVM Native Image, allowing Spring applications to be compiled into native executables. This advancement improves application startup times and reduces memory usage.

Upcoming Features (Anticipated in Future Releases)

  • Spring Framework 7.0: Expected to integrate with Jakarta EE 11, offering additional improvements in cloud-native support and reactive programming capabilities.
  • Spring Boot 3.x: Projected enhancements include better integration with cloud platforms, advanced observability features, and further optimization for native compilation.
  • Cloud-Native Focus: Emphasis on enhancing cloud-native features, including support for microservices, service discovery, and distributed tracing.
  • Reactive Programming: Increasing support for reactive paradigms, aiming to improve handling of real-time and large-scale data streams.
  • AI and Machine Learning Integration: Future updates are likely to include improved support for AI/ML frameworks, expanding Spring’s application in data-intensive and intelligent systems.

Spring’s future advancements are focused on optimizing performance, enhancing developer productivity, and integrating seamlessly with emerging technologies.

Java Spring – FAQs

What is spring used for?

Spring provides infrastructure support for developing Java applications.

Why use Spring in Java?

Java applications are complex and heavy-weight components. improves coding efficiency and reduces development time. The components are dependent on the operating system (OS) for their appearance and properties.

How to use Spring in Java?

You need to follow five simple steps:

  1. Create the Bean. java class.
  2. Create a XML/ configuration file.
  3. Create the main class.
  4. Load the required jar files.
  5. Run the application.

What are Spring Beans?

Spring Beans are the objects forming the backbone of the user’s application and are managed by the Spring IoC container. They are created with the configuration metadata that the users supply to the container . These are instantiated, configured, wired, and managed by the IoC container.

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