Data flow analysis in Compiler

Last Updated : 11 May, 2023
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It is the analysis of flow of data in control flow graph, i.e., the analysis that determines the information regarding the definition and use of data in program. With the help of this analysis, optimization can be done. In general, its process in which values are computed using data flow analysis. The data flow property represents information that can be used for optimization. 

Data flow analysis is a technique used in compiler design to analyze how data flows through a program. It involves tracking the values of variables and expressions as they are computed and used throughout the program, with the goal of identifying opportunities for optimization and identifying potential errors.

The basic idea behind data flow analysis is to model the program as a graph, where the nodes represent program statements and the edges represent data flow dependencies between the statements. The data flow information is then propagated through the graph, using a set of rules and equations to compute the values of variables and expressions at each point in the program.

Some of the common types of data flow analysis performed by compilers include:

  1. Reaching Definitions Analysis: This analysis tracks the definition of a variable or expression and determines the points in the program where the definition “reaches” a particular use of the variable or expression. This information can be used to identify variables that can be safely optimized or eliminated.
  2. Live Variable Analysis: This analysis determines the points in the program where a variable or expression is “live”, meaning that its value is still needed for some future computation. This information can be used to identify variables that can be safely removed or optimized.
  3. Available Expressions Analysis: This analysis determines the points in the program where a particular expression is “available”, meaning that its value has already been computed and can be reused. This information can be used to identify opportunities for common subexpression elimination and other optimization techniques.
  4. Constant Propagation Analysis: This analysis tracks the values of constants and determines the points in the program where a particular constant value is used. This information can be used to identify opportunities for constant folding and other optimization techniques.

Data flow analysis can have a number of advantages in compiler design, including:

  1. Improved code quality: By identifying opportunities for optimization and eliminating potential errors, data flow analysis can help improve the quality and efficiency of the compiled code.
  2. Better error detection: By tracking the flow of data through the program, data flow analysis can help identify potential errors and bugs that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  3. Increased understanding of program behavior: By modeling the program as a graph and tracking the flow of data, data flow analysis can help programmers better understand how the program works and how it can be improved.

Basic Terminologies – 

  • Definition Point: a point in a program containing some definition.
  • Reference Point: a point in a program containing a reference to a data item.
  • Evaluation Point: a point in a program containing evaluation of expression.


Data Flow Properties – 

  • Available Expression – A expression is said to be available at a program point x if along paths its reaching to x. A Expression is available at its evaluation point. 
    An expression a+b is said to be available if none of the operands gets modified before their use. 

    Example – 

  • Advantage – 
    It is used to eliminate common sub expressions. 


  • Reaching Definition – A definition D is reaches a point x if there is path from D to x in which D is not killed, i.e., not redefined. 

    Example – 

  • Advantage – 
    It is used in constant and variable propagation. 


  • Live variable – A variable is said to be live at some point p if from p to end the variable is used before it is redefined else it becomes dead. 

    Example – 

  • Advantage – 

    1. It is useful for register allocation.
    2. It is used in dead code elimination.
  • Busy Expression – An expression is busy along a path if its evaluation exists along that path and none of its operand definition exists before its evaluation along the path. 

    Advantage – 
    It is used for performing code movement optimization. 

  Features :

Identifying dependencies: Data flow analysis can identify dependencies between different parts of a program, such as variables that are read or modified by multiple statements.

Detecting dead code: By tracking how variables are used, data flow analysis can detect code that is never executed, such as statements that assign values to variables that are never used.

Optimizing code: Data flow analysis can be used to optimize code by identifying opportunities for common subexpression elimination, constant folding, and other optimization techniques.

Detecting errors: Data flow analysis can detect errors in a program, such as uninitialized variables, by tracking how variables are used throughout the program.

Handling complex control flow: Data flow analysis can handle complex control flow structures, such as loops and conditionals, by tracking how data is used within those structures.

Interprocedural analysis: Data flow analysis can be performed across multiple functions in a program, allowing it to analyze how data flows between different parts of the program.

Scalability: Data flow analysis can be scaled to large programs, allowing it to analyze programs with many thousands or even millions of lines of code.

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