Innovations In 

The biggest questions in science

In recent centuries we have learned so much about the worlds around and within us that it may sometimes seem that no nook is left unexplored. The truth is, though, that every new discovery leads us to ever deeper questions. Innovations In: The Biggest Questions in Science is a special report on the state of inquiry into these questions—the latest research on the nature of spacetime, the identity of dark matter, the origins of life, the source of consciousness, and more.

This special report from Nature and Scientific American is editorially independent. It is produced with third-party financial support. About this content.

Features and comment

  • Physicists believe that at the tiniest scales, space emerges from quanta. What might these building blocks look like?

    • George Musser
    Innovations In Nature
  • An elusive substance that permeates the universe exerts many detectable gravitational influences yet eludes direct detection.

    • Lisa Randall
    Innovations In Nature
  • Scientists are beginning to unravel a mystery that has long vexed philosophers.

    • Christof Koch
    Innovations In Nature
  • Untangling the origins of organisms will require experiments at the tiniest scales and observations at the vastest.

    • Jack Szostak
    Innovations In Nature
  • The reach of the scientific method is constrained by the limitations of our tools and the intrinsic impenetrability of some of nature’s deepest questions.

    • Marcelo Gleiser
    Innovations In Nature

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  • Several brain regions and physiological processes have been proposed to constitute the neural correlates of consciousness. In this Review, Koch and colleagues discuss studies that distinguish the neural correlates of consciousness from other neural processes that precede, accompany or follow it, and suggest that the neural correlates of consciousness are localized to posterior cortical regions.

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    • Marcello Massimini
    • Giulio Tononi
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  • An experiment to estimate when stars began to form in the Universe suggests that gas temperatures just before stars appeared had fallen well below predicted limits, and that dark matter is not as shadowy as was thought.

    • Lincoln Greenhill
    News & Views Nature
  • Topology and collective phenomena give quantum materials emergent functions that provide a platform for developing next-generation quantum technologies, as surveyed in this Review.

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    • Masashi Kawasaki
    • Naoto Nagaosa
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  • This Review surveys the electronic properties of quantum materials through the prism of the electron wavefunction, and examines how its entanglement and topology give rise to a rich variety of quantum states and phases.

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    • J. E. Moore
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  • Interfacing spin quantum memories with photons requires the controlled creation of defect centre—nanocavity systems. Here the authors demonstrate direct, maskless creation of single silicon vacancy centres in diamond nanostructures, and report linewidths comparable to naturally occurring centres

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    • Matthew E. Trusheim
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  • Quantum communications will be used to transmit entanglement and secure keys, but it is important to estimate their optimal transfer rates. Here the authors compute the fundamental limit of repeaterless quantum communications for the most relevant practical scenario.

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